Sunday 1 December 2013

Winter camping-keeping warm and..healthy?!

The weather here has been the coldest that I have known in five winters here. We have had frost for two nights running. No frost last night but strong winds and gales. The sky this morning is very dark. It was lovely yesterday when the sun finally got out,maybe 16 or 17 degrees but on an evening I am grateful for my central heating and my British TV ( even though the programmes are still crap!)
So yesterday we decided to get into winter mode. I am very good in summer at squeezing fresh oranges but why is Dave buying time of Heinz soup? There are tons of tomatoes and vegetables around for pennies. Off to Lidl we must go. We were indeed very sad. We bought as mixer thing ( yes you can tell that the cooking thing and me don't make good bed fellows!)  and all the ingredients but......what is 'basil' in Spanish?! Thank god for my little tablet that went on the internet or heaven only knows what I would have come back with! I cant remember the word even now but it begins with 'a!" Errrr they don't make life easy do they?!
I also fell in love with some little Spanish houses that are Christmas decorations ..super tacky but it had to be done. The biggest problem is that I have made a little display and some of the lights are solar powered but since putting them up there's been no blooming sun! Well we can't have it all!
I was going to San Isidro market for some mushrooms today for mushroom soup but I doubt other Moroccons will have turned up...its far too cold for them.
I'm getting worried I'm turning into a domestic goddess. I could be the next Nigela Lawson! Lol

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