Humouros camping/caravanning moments

To be honest there have been so many daft things and laughs that we have had its hard to know where to start! About three years ago we spent 5 winter months at Marjal GuardamarI nearly always tow the caravan. I had been unable to check the caravans tyres on site because it was quite cramped. I slowly pulled the caravan off watched by a crowd waving ( I think they were probably pleased to see the back of us) I pulled into the first garage to put air in the caravan tyres. 'Blooming heck these Spaniards are frightened of a bit of sunshine. They have even put a roof over the airpump!" Dave is shouting "right hand down....left hand down.." I snapped " bugger the right and left what about the roof. I don't want to take the TV Ariel off!' I was aware that I had an audience at this point. "Hmmmm ' thought I 'us women can tow a caravan and we can reverse see! You male chauvinist pigs!" I was feeling veryvsmug with myself until Dave looked at me with a very straight face and said "why have you parked the caravan in the car was?!" How embarrassing! Large rock to crawl under please! Another amusing incident happened about five years ago in the Algarve. We had just spent two hundred pounds on what was then the latest Garmin sat nav. We made some friends who spoke with a strong Dorset accent ( a but rich coming from yorkies I know!) We nicknamed him Dorset Dan ( his real name was John but Dan sounded better!) He came to me one day and said "look at this bloody stupid thing my wife has bought me. I've been a lorry driver all of my life and I've never needed one of these things. It don't go and a blooming waste of money if you ask me!" I looked in his hand and Dorset Dan's wife had bought him the exact same sat nav as ours for christmas . I had to nip out somewhere so I told Dave to set our sat nav for a location about 100 miles away and I told Dorset Dan to do the same. I returned about five minutes later to be met by Dorset Dan saying " Its no good. I told you it was rubbish. Its going to take Dave 50 minutes to get to that location and its going to take me five hours!" I took Dorset Dan's sat nav and said "try taking it off pedestrian mode!"

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