Wednesday 11 December 2013

Winter Camping at Marjal. Come camping but please bring your own fork lift!

Well today has really been one of those days and Im convinced that the world has gone mad!
Firstly the day started off with Roger and myself having a meeting with Eva. No big problems as I like both of them (Dont tell Roger though!( We went into the far too early for a drink- though what I was about to encounter definately dererved at least a double g and t!  The two males from the not so friendly club! What jobsworths! They sat there in their matching fleeces and baseball caps! How did I manage to keep a straight face?!! I introduced myself but very quickly they let it be known that they knew I worked for the other club.!"Thats not a problem. Thats not why Im here. Im just an ordinary winter camper. They then went on to tell me how experienced they were and where they had camped. I am not entering into this arena...yawn yawn..yawn! I just think it would be better for all concerned if we could all work together a little bit more. It would be better for everyone!" ohhh dear had I said the wrong thing?!! I said if I organised a coach trip somewhere and there were empty seats why didnt I invite them to fill it up andvice versa? ohhh dear oh dear "thats against the LAW!" What?!!! Whose Law?! They explained to me that it was against their Clubs Law and that they wouldnt have insurance!" What?!! Hello..doesnt the bus have its own insurance?! Anyhow all my worst fears were confirmed their leaders are Mr and Mr Jobsworth who really are on a power trip. Impressed? I was not. Asked what they intended to do New Years Eve as they had exclusive use of the social room,one replied that they would be in bed by 10pm and the other said that they didnt drink! What a riverting time that friendly club is going to have! Im afraid we have the numbers that we need. FULL STOP!! Lol
Anyhow I saw the funny side and just thought "Ive tried!" But then worse was to come not involving them for a change but the people opposite. They decided that they wanted to import an American Caravan themselves. They werent here and left it to..? to pitch it- Well it came on a low loader from Barcelona but it couldnt get it on the pitch. It doesnt come with a jockey wheel or motormover! Marjal then came out with a forklift truck and brought the campsite to a standstill for three hours and its still not in situ! I was going to sell tickets for ring side seats in my awning as there was such a crowd watching. Apparantly the owner wants it to go on the pitch a particualar way -well let her come and do it! She can pitch the bloody thing! The long and short is that it has now been abandoned on the pitch until a crane..yes a CRANE puts it into place! Could you imagine if all 800 units on here did the same thing?!! Im sorry but the world has gone mad!
No Ive not finished gets ACSI book arrived. It cost me twenty pounds to get it delivered here only to find out that is now a rip off! I have had my doubts for sometime but proof that its got too big for its boots and is just another money making instead of money saving scam....some european sites are 18 euros a night in LOW season! In particular Marjal Guardamar. I checked with the Caravan Club and it works out cheaper with them. It includes electricity and doesnt involve me paying twenty pounds for a bloody book that I dont particuarly care for!
If you are camping in Spain in particualar, it is certainly worth watching ACSIs prices. Well if any of you thought that Dave was Mr Victor Meldrew I am certainly his wife.....ohhhh open a bottle of wine!

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