Monday 23 December 2013

Winter Camping at Marjal. Here today..gone tomorrow!

Wow I can't believe it. Poor old Rosemary was found dead on Saturday morning. She was cremated yesterday morning! They don't mess around do they I guess its mainly because of the high temperatures out here. For health and hygiene reasons but what speed! Somehow I think its almost easier for the people left behind unlike in our Country where you are waiting a week or whatever. Its like having to go through it all again. I miss her already. Some days when she was 'with it' she would just smile and wave at me. She was such a sweet little old lady. I cannot begin to imagine what Kurt must be going through. I only hope that the good people round here don't forget him and we will all try to keep an eye on him.
Well I suppose I ought to try and get more cheey-did you know its nearly Christmas?! Plans are coming together well for Christmas day and New Yeasts Eve. Its always such a good idea at the time when you decide to organise these things but there have been times when I have thought 'why the bloody hell do I bother?!" But to be honest I like to party as I haven't totally lost the will to live yet and a great party is with my friends so we go! All sold out!
Yesterday I had a slob by day. I would rather admit to too much wine than it having anything to do with my age but I was knackered. I thought I had better go and see my mum though. There she was sitting out sunbathing. 'Ahh lovely. That's what its all about'. We tried to have a conversation and couldn't. Yap yap yap! It was like being in a dog kennel! ( no comments please!) The motorhome with five dogs in ...evvery time someone walks past-they were off. In fact it was quite funny after we had said pardon' to each other half a dozen times we yelled out unplanned and in unison 'shut up!'. The owner came out....we are getting somewhere.....oh no he threw the dogs a bloody ball! Talk about rewarding them for bad behaviour?! I'm not renowned for being a dog lover but I could never be cruel to one but I actually think that not only is it unfair to fellow campers but it must be cruel to the dogs. Five living in a motorhome and all having to live in the temporary compound made for them. I know dogs always cause arguments/problems on campsites but the very nature of the places..there are going to be people about so don't bloody yap when you see someone! Lol
Rant over!
Anyhow its a lovely day again. Ive had my hair touches to christmas day organising. Oh Im sorry I have to add this-as those of you that know me well will know its sovtrue

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