Friday 20 December 2013

Winter Camping at Marjal-Today is another day!

Oh my goodness Im sorry I deleted my blog yesterday but to be honest I did it for a quiet life. I am really really grateful to those people that contacted me and supported me. Some true friends. I write this blog very tongue in cheek and its certainly not intended to be serious Its a light hearted examination of the mainly fantastic interesting people that we meet and what people do. I do not intend to offend anyone but if you are its simple- please do not read! Its like a book or a newspaper-your choice whether to read it or look at it!
I have been accused of being a fraudster or making money out of a New Years Event at the Tropical Pool. The people or person who made that accusation have not had the gaul to face me so in case there is any doubt here is a breakdown of the figures. This has also been posted around the campsite to avoid any doubt
 New Year’s Eve- An explanation
A brief explanation of the costs and activity this New Year’s Eve at the Tropical Poolside
The original concept was for 100 people to attend an event in a Marquee at the poolside. The figure of attendees, rapidly increased and we anticipate an attendance of 160 to 180 people.
This has resulted in us committing to a larger Marquee, and using some equipment that has to be hired, as opposed to being available on the Campsite
Marquee 10 m X 30m
Includes the erection, lighting and heating                                         1700 Euros
Tables                                                                                                    100 Euros
Marjal’s Round Tables were not an option due to the numbers and size of the Venue
Decorations                                                                                           100 Euros 
Table decorations, balloons, prizes etc                                                                
Entertainment                                                                                       300 Euros
You may be aware of the entertainment in the restaurant
Entertainment cost 1000 Euros. Dinner and Dance in the Restaurant
Cost’s 72 Euros
Security                                                                                                   100 Euros
This is for the entrance to the poolside and in addition, to any security provided, normally, on the Campsite.
Stage Lights                                                                                             400 Euros
This is for the hire and set up of stage lights and dance lights, we are currently looking at an alternative, and hope to reduce this cost
                                                                                           Total Costs    2,700 Euros

Current Sale of tickets
                                            157 tickets sold or requested                           2355 Euros

                                             180 tickets sold equates to                              2700 Euros
The Campsite have agreed to meet the differential on any shortfall in the sale of tickets.
In addition if we achieve 180 ticket sales, the Campsite will provide a Poinsettia as a table decoration for each table and lady present
Other Costs
New Year’s Eve is a busy night with staff costs extremely high
The Bar
Sited next to the pool, will have to be fully equipped with additional glasses and equipment
I understand it normally provides a ‘Plastic Only’ Drinks services. Plus of course extra staff for the evening
The Bar between 7.30 pm and approx. 9 pm will be split into two functions ‘Normal bar with all services’ and a ‘Wine and Beer Bar by the bottle only’ This is to speed up service.
There will be no coffee or waiter service to tables
Marquee Set Up
There is a cost in the setup, including the supply of various points of electrical powers. Plus of course the clearing down and cleaning of the venue
To be celebrated in Spanish style, you will be able to purchase grapes (a tradition, eating one grape at a time when midnight chimes) plus a glass of sparkling wine with all Nationalities gathering on the Plaza for the countdown, which will then be followed by Fireworks. They anticipate the area will have 400 to 500 people in attendance

Please appreciate this is new ground for the Campsite. This is a big night for the Spanish, the site will be noisy and busy. All the Staff will be working to their capacity.
All the funds collected by Jean, will be paid to the Campsite
This is an ‘Everyone Pays’ event including us


Jean and Roger

 Its a sad day when you are doing something for the love of it and start being accused! I do take great exception to that but I guess its all in lifes rich tapestry!
Anyhow lets hope that this is all over and done with and we can all move on. Im here to chill not to fall out with people! I had that all my working life! 
Good news about my favourite little British shop in Catral. She did not get fined by the Guardia Civil. Apparantly they were very nice and understanding.She was telling me that she has yet to have a spanish person visit her shop and she has had to put in hours of extra work! Tough on a small new business. Apparantly Iceland also felt the Guardia Civils Roth. Shes an upbeat sort of person and I wll continue to shop with her.
Tonight Chris and Pete are singing in the restaurant so I will go and support them. Its the first time that I have been in the restaurant all year as Ive heard such bad thing is for sure I will let you know and in any case the music will be good.
Tomorrow night..oh eating out is so tough Cherry K is singing at Cafe Uno. Well it would be rude not to support them too! Whoo hoo-thats two nights no cooking! Onwards and Upwards!

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