Saturday 28 December 2013

Winter camping at Marjal- I feel the urge to kill someone!

Hello world. Thank goodness today is another day and until a few seconds ago it had started well!
The marquee for New Years Eve is hopefully being errected today. I had a good laugh when I saw Vincent's the head maintenance man yesterday that it wasn't a 'manina' and it really was today. It hadn't been errected due to the high winds we have been having. So yesterday I went round the toilet blocks putting signs up 'last few tickets' ( about 16) when I saw in "B Block' toilets that somebody had graffitied our poster and yet again accused us of making money! I wish! Lol I tried to photocopy the graffiti but my printer has done that much work-its knackered! I replaced the cartridges,a visit to Elche and its stiAll isn't working! Grrr I will take it to show the camp director Enrique as he knows the full story. I really like that guy. He has something about him. We explained that we appreciated there was nothing that he could do about it but wanted to make him aware. That was not the attitude that he took! He is extremely annoyed and upset. So Mr Grafitti if you are reading this you do not have to come. Not everyone in this world does things for profit. Our rewards are far greater than money-its seeing my true friends having fun and enjoying themselves! Its obviously s concept that you don't understand! Lol Rant over!
Its amazing though it is really dividing the campsite which I find really sad. So much for the season of goodwill?! Others who I consider friends are "who is this?" I don't want there to be trouble so I don't give names. Please live and let live!
This morning even my PC is playing up. ( not the uniformed sort!) I meant my laptop! I think there is some stupid update or something needed. I hope its nothing to do with me pressing this that and the other when the printer wouldn't work! Ahh well with all the money that I'm making on New Years Eve I will be able to afford a brand new state of the art computer and laptop! Lol
I find it so therapeutic blasting off on a blog but its quite sociable too. Neighbours and friends e mail me or come and say " are you OK? There's no blog today!" On the dashboard you can see who has visited your pages and where they are in the world. I love this bit. Obviously there are lots from the UK,Spain and USA but there are even 11 people from Serbia! I don't know who you are but please keep following! I understand other english speaking countries but even people from Thailand, and far flung countries of the world-how lovely! So my little rants fill a minute or two of someone I don't even knows day- welcome brother or sister! I love IT ( particularly when its working!) Now I don't know whether to stress myself again with my printer or as I have so much profit go to the Apple shop and buy...well just buy the entire shop! Have a good day!

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