Thursday 5 December 2013

Winter Camping at Marjal-if they are normal I want to be crackers!

I went across to visit my mother today. She has a fifth wheeler here. She has been having problems with her eyes so I thought I had better check on her. Its probably a good job that her eyesight isn't that good but what can I do about her hearing?!
Directly opposite her are some from the shall we say unfriendly club. They are not allowed to be with the rest of their gang presumably because of having five bloody dogs but its OK for the long termers to put up with them?! No!!!!
Look I really don't get it. What is it with the pennants? What is it with the his and her baseball bats? What is it when its compulsory to have a smart car being towed behind a motorhome? Have they all had their brains removed? Are they clones sent from
another planet?! But get this and I am getting a but concerned ( though I would be more concerned if they were camping near anyone I like!) The muppets are pumping GAS into INTO their barbecue points for fires etc! Err stupid? Bloody dangerous or what?! They are designed as gas barbecue points deer! They know it all...why should I worry?!
Since when was having a rat on a piece of string a compulsory piece of camping equipment? Where does it say 'thou must have his and her baseball caps ( that make you look as silly as you probably are?!) Can no one over there be an individual or think for themselves?
The weather here has been great 20 deg today''bloody cold overnight but I can live with that. A good forecast next week -ugh it means they will keep those bloody baseball caps on.
Got to go now I've got to put Pennants up to show what a good camper I am! Lol

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