Thursday 12 December 2013

Winter Camping at Marjal with a crane!

Yes the caravan over the road was finally put into situ today by a crane! Im pleased that it wasnt my caravan as the way it was manouvered was unbelievable. It was very apparant that the crane driver had no idea as to how caravans are built or it wouldnt have been on an angle like it was! If he hasnt bent anything I will be amazed. Caravans are quite clearly designed to be kept on the ground and do not like being flow through the air at an angle! I should know about these things- Im an expert after tornados and can tell you it doesnt take that much to twist a frame! It was at least entertaining but I really cant understand why they just didnt put the thing on the easier way to start off with or get a bigger pitch that were intended for those things is beyond me!

You can see the angle as it comes down......well it would wouldnt it as its heavier one side than the other other as it has a slide out.....derrr!!!
Anyhow my entertainment being over I decided that it was about time that I did some work and went and inspected a site at Fuente. Its only about 40 miles from here but its so different. It is just outside Murcia itself but in the mountains and has its own natural spa baths. The site itself is very strange as it is in the middle of a mountain range and the site itself is divided into two. One side has lovely pitches that have their own bathrooms but the other side reminded me of a Hippies Commune! Maybe Im just being unkind but they were all German geriatrics who probably were Hippies in their day and they still looked and lived the same way just with huge motorhomes,grey hair and walking sticks!! I felt like a spring chicken! lol I would say that German was probably the first language. Anyhow all this said it was a lovely rustic site and it would be fantastic to go for the spas either at a weekend or a really chilling week-the spa looks to die for-just wish Id taken my costume! 

You can tell that I wasnt paying full attention-but there again by German isnt well.....Nine!! but the thermal spas are always kept at 35 degrees by nature. The Arabs and the Romans used them. Judging by the age of some of them today they probably remember them! lol
I then went to Murcia and did a bit of shopping in IKEA and heaven only knows where else..oh yes a new shower head and we had a lovely Tapas in Leroy Merlin of all places-yes it was amazing! No clothes today..David was with me....cant wait to go on a girlie shop without him! lol

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