Sunday 22 December 2013

Winter Camping at Marjal. Im sure this place is bad for your health!

What a night last night. We all decided to go to Cafe Uno and have a christmas meal and see Cherry K singing. Well Im not sure that Im even going to admit to being with some of them....

Heaven only knows what some of them were drinking?! Anyhow it was a great night again but by god my liver needs a rest today!
Ahh haa Christmas day sand New Years Eve updates. The bus will be at the campsite gates 12.30 christmas day to take us to Robertos whey hey!
I went to seeEnrique yesterday regarding finalising of New Years Eve. As I stood in reception a girl approached me who works in a bar in Catral asking if they could join us?! Obviously theres not a lot going on in Catral either so it should be a bumper night. Obviously the campsite is more than happy as its more business for them and we probably patronise them at times anyway! Enrique is such a lovely man and I actually think that he will get the restaurant/bar running consistently how it should be. I do hope so as this place can really be fun  if not bad on the liver!
As we learnt horribly yesterday morning life is not a dress rehearsal but it really got me thinking "what  is life all about?! No dont worry Im not going all serious *Id put philasophic( if I knew how to spell it. Id also use brackets if I knew where to find them! There I was blogging putting pics up of us having fun and there was Kurt suddenly all alone and his lovely wife GONE. We are so lucky but why do we camp?Most of us have lovely homes back in the UK and chose to live like a gypsy in a caravan.. It became very apparant. One by one fellow campers went across to offer their condolences and hug him to show their support and offer help. Not only that but members of Marjals staff including the Director went too visited. There is a real sense of community and humanity to fellow man something that I think is old fashioned and unique in camping. Maybe its like things used to be once upon a time in the UK but you really feel a sense of belonging. When someone is ill they all rally round, someone has a problem we all try to help. Yes the sunshine is nice but its something about the camping spirit. Thats my theory anyway and long may the spirit continue and I dont always mean alcoholic spirit! Have a great day- San Isidro market here we come....oh yesterday I bought 5 pairs of LEATHER shoes for 50 euros I cant come back with anymore! Lol

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