Monday 2 December 2013

Winter Camping in Spain-A Husband barely alive!

Well I am late today blogging thanks to my other half. Certainly not my better half! He likes to go and play poker on a Sunday night and I have no problem with that as I can be a computer geek for the evening without feeling humbug humbug. I had put the christmas decorations up. The rope lights were on outside for all of five minutes then hummmm...bang! I should have known by that point that it was going to be one of those nights. After playing around on the computer for a bit it was time for bed. Nice and warm snuggled up ..heaven until in he comes smelling like Mansfield Brewery not tonight darling......chunter.chunter...-do you mind if I watch Match of the Day for a while?!, Ok but turn the volume down. Thatwas great. It shouldnt be any problem as goals are never scored, particuarly when its Hull City playing.....oh how wrong I was....the Commentator got so excited that he must have been shouting and woke me what seemed like every five minutes. This seemed to go on for hours but I kept telling myself that they couldnt score any goals to save their lives. Eventually the TV went off...phew... then he decided he needed the loo and stomped all over me..I swear Im black and blue. Phew go to I couldnt I d been trying to do that for nearly two bloody  hours!
The morning arrived. I was late up or me/8.30 but hey ho...when HE eventually got up I complained about the bloody football. I said that I couldnt believe that Hull City had scored so many goals against Liverpool.....then the truth came out..Hull had scored three goals but two of them were scored by Liverpool as own goals!! Lol Thats about right and bloody typical!Football is now well untruly banned from this caravan/even or should I say particuarly if its Hull City playing!
Got to go now Off to the chinese shop to buy more bloody lights..humbug...humbug!

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