Tuesday 24 December 2013

Winter Camping at Marjal-How sad are we?!

Actually Ive put how sad are we-it should be am I?! I am  totally addicted to this blooming internet. Creature of habit or what? I get up in the morning well thats a pretty good way to start the day ...a cup of tea..check facebook..check e mails ..check the ily Mail on line and then blog! If Im late at blogging I get visitors asking if Im ok. Really sweet but I may just have overslept..it goes to show that you are as sad as me!!lol So here I am blogging and I havent even writen all my christmas cards yet- so if you havent received one from me dont hold your breath but I wish you a happy Chrstmas!  I guess Ive just about hit the panic button.
Christmas is so different out here. Theres no consumerism if thats how you spell it. The only adverts you really see  are when you watch British TV and everything is "Delivered in time for Christmas" What is it really necessary to buy a new suite? A table and chairs ,a new kitchen, toys etc etc? Does the world end at Christmas?! You would think so! Its so much more low key but yet still important and it still happens. Nativity scenes in market squares, in fact nativity scenes everywhere. Maybe thats how it should be. Remembering what its all supposed to be about. Yes there are parties and boy oh boy they do know how to celebrate but somehow its all more dignified -well until us Brits turn up!
I spent all yesterday afternoon making Daves fancy dress costume. Its amazing how much I enjoyed myself with a bit of crepe paper, some elastic and a needle and cotton. I dont think Dave was amazed at all when he came in and saw what I had made him! If any of you remember him going to a fancy dress as a dalmation dog-that was NOTHING! I just hope that this costume is not grounds for divorce. One thing is for sure it kept me amused all afteroon and I hope we have a few laughs when he displays it to the world on Boxing Day when he is taking part in the petanque competition. Personally I think Petanque, Boules or whatever you call it is like watching paint dry so at least he will liven it up tomorrow or get sectioned Im not sure which! There will certainly be plenty of pics.
I mean Christmas cards...thats what I should be doing...what a waste of time and bloody money! Its not the money..its a waste of bloody time! Next year its definately a humbug humbug to those too. E cards-the way to go if we must! At least you have thought of the person but you dont have to go round and deliver the darned things as well-that involves getting my bike out..more time humbug humbug..maybe get off this computer and I will have plenty of time! Maybe I do admire the Spanish christmas-they dont send stupid cards. Adios amigos and HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!

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