Saturday 7 December 2013

Winter Camping at Marjal In the dog house again!

OK so I knew today wasn't going to be my day when the gas central heating wouldn't work and I had to run it on electricity through the night. I got up this morning and there was an envolope with my name on it in Dave's handwriting.....sh1t its our wedding anniversary! OK Dave sleeps in I will slip and buy as card at 9am. When does Dave ever get up before 9am? NEVER except December 7th! OK so I go out and buy a bloody card. Sh1t again...I haven't got a pen! Into the Chinese shop....ahh there's a drive just what Dave needed the other day when he made soup! I bought him it. I bought a present as well as a card! He is now the proud owner of a bright orange drive. More soup please?! Who said the age of romance is dead?!What more could any man want? Two bottles of gas and a seive!
Well I actually bumped my head or maybe it was my concions But I then decided to bake scones! What?!
Even more worrying-they were edible!
Now I often meet numpties camping but there also some amazing inspirational people like a lady I met in an electric wheelchair-wow what an inspiration! She was told that she should have been dead 13 years ago and spends points of her time helping others and raising money for children's cha

rities--what a lady!

Off tonight to celebrate Stages birthday in Elche...oh no..more food!

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