Saturday 14 December 2013

Winter Camping at Marjal Costa Blanca-I love tablets!

OK so yesterday Roger and I had an arranged meeting to see Enrique and staff regarding New Years Eve. ( Enrique is the new Director) Roger and I sat in the reception on the sofas for about two minutes and couldn't believe the people that we saw in such a short time!
I don't know if you can zoom in this pic but the cyclists legs are a treat. He is wearing ladies tights AND ladies socks! He is walking around in public like that! I know those helmets don't do anyone any favours but PLESE go and buy a full length mirror!
Its great sitting there with a tablet people think I am working..well sort of...people watching. The next person nearly made Rogers eyes fall out of his head...,
In fact I didn't snap it quite correctly as there was a second when all you could be see was the bum! That was in about five minutes or less what would an eight hour shift be like?!
After that meeting that went really well I drove over to Guardamar and inspected that site. It still is lovely but its looking a little tired now. It was good to see a lot of people there that I knew. As I was so closet to Iceland ( the shop you muppets not the Country!) I had to get a fix.....18 euros on chocolate?! Hmmm it wasn't all for me-honest!
After I had been working I suspected that Dave had been drinking whilst playine boules but hey ho. A few minutes later Dave Watson invited us round for drinks with his neighbours. This was BEFORE tea and never a good idea! Dave's friends were all German ( not one of us speaks German) and their english was somewhat limited but somehow with music and alcohol we had a great time! I don't know how but Anne Marie managed to share her tea with us-thank you-it was very much appreciated. I didn't think any of us were in a state to cook ...or was it Chef David?!
My Dave was so bad that I didn't dare let him ride his bike home. He was in bed before EastEnders even started! He's still in bed now. I have checked-hes not dead! Lol
Grrr I've changed my mind about won't let me upload the pic of Anne Marie in full swing-never mind there's always Facebook!
Oh I had another chuckle to myself yesterday. I have the most wonderful neighbour here ( don't tell them though as they are Lancastrians!) I had lent her granddaughter some baby equipment that I have here and she wanted to repay me. I wouldn't take anything but she is the most marvellous cook and offered to cook us a you are talking. She had been back to the UK for a few days and what did she bring back in her hand luggage? .....a leg of lamb! I would love to have seen those miserable Customs Officers faces! Roll on Tuesday for some yummy well travelled food!

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