Monday 9 December 2013

Winter Camping at Marjal Costa Blanca. Spanish Healthcare

Well my mum is out here with us. She owns a fifth wheel on this site. Last week she did something to her eye and it didnt seem to be getting any better. You only get one mother and one pair of eyes so as it was not a medical emergency I booked her into the private IMED hospital at Elche to see a specialist.
What service! Even BUPA have something to leaarn here and I cannot even begin to compare the NHS. Wehad an appointment to see a specialist in under a week. We arrived at this most amazing modern building that truly resembled a Hotel. Marble floors even in the lifts!! Mum saw and Optician first of all and the equipment was like space age. Then on to another room where her eyes were examined using a laser and then to see the specialist and more "beam me up Scottie" equipment. My mothers eye was then shown to me on a Tv Screen! She had bad lacerations to her cornea and cataracts. She could be operated on next monday for the catarcts if we chose although it was not urgent. The pain was being caused by the laceration. Al involved spoke very good english. Two hours later, having seen an Optician and a Specialist and all that expensive equipment -the bill?! 90 Euros! That was all! I couldnt believe it! It would cost more than that to walk through the door of a  blooming BUPA hospital and as for the NHS we would still be there! Im sorry but the NHS is a thing of the past or there should be a two tier system like here. Why cant I have those facilities and that service in the UK? I have paid all my life and dont mind paying a bit more if I get that service! The Peace of Mind was worth every penny or rather every cent.
On my way back to the campsite I saw the daftest thing going. You often see nutters on bikes taking their dogs for a walk using a bicycle carrier thing. Its like a kids buggy that fits behind the bike. Well are these people getting confused between a dog and a baby? Taking a dog for a walk when it sits in a carrier and some muppet of a human being pedals a bike?! Have I lost the plot or have they?! Well I could just about cope with this situation, though it is bloody crazy but today I saw one with a cat in it! Yes a cat in it! Mother confirmed that it was a cat and she now has nothing wrong with her eyes as she had just seen the optician!  Hello! Its a cat!! I have a sneaky feeling that they are motorhomers from the not so friendly club! Oh and by the way they had those muppets matching cycling crash helmets on! Im suprised that the cat hadnt got one on-maybe I ought to suggest it! Sometimes I am so ashamed to be a camper! Or Maybe I should suggest that they should also visit IMED but there again they might just get sectioned!

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