Sunday 8 December 2013

Winter Camping/Marjal Costa Blanca/Dont eat in the shopping centre!

Morning Guys brrr chilly this morning but the sun is out now. What a hard frost last night! It should be 18 degrees or so today so we really mustnt grumble. The only casualties for my family in those horrible gales was my own bloody greenhouse-I can live without that!
Last night we went out with Steve and Linda to the shopping centre in Elche L Aljub where there is apparantly a lovely restaurant where you pay one price and the wine and beer are included and as much food as you can eat. We had to pay before entering 13.95/fair does.....MISTAKE!!!! The food can best be described as luke warm at best. Yards and yards of salad and pasta! Worse was to wine whatsoever and no still soft drinks! We had already paid! We complained and complained as best as we could but we may as well have talked to a brick wall! Company policy is not to give refunds. The wine machine is broken! I had a simple suggestion to go to Eroski and buy a bottle of wine and some orange juice.....we are in Spain arent we?! No!!!! You cant possibly do that its against the shopping centre rules!! They apologised but didnt seem to grasp that there were a lot of Brits here who had spent good money in good faith and werent happy. We also told him that we would tell everyone NOT to go there! Hence my message RIP OFF joint!!
I felt really sorry for Steve and Linda who had organised it. They couldnt possibly have envisaged for one moment how bad it could be! Nobody could have done! Im actually smiling to myself as we had all organised taxis between ourselves as we thought that we might of had a drink or two! I was stone cold sober!! I do hope that it doesnt spoil Steves birthday which is actually Today-Happy Birthday Steve!
One thing is for certain whatever you drink and eat today will be better than yesterday! lol
The planning of theNew Years Eve party is comng along really well. We have sold 50 more than we needed to and I think we are now looking at getting a bigger marquee-what a night its going to be. Im looking forward to it.
Ok so Im rambling. The unfriendly Club are behaving att he moment and are not the source of my Mrs Midrew moment-todays target....that place in the shopping centre!
Hey ho off to to San Isidro market for fruit and veg I must go!

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