Thursday 5 December 2013

Winter Camping at Marjal. Life is not dull!

Well what a 24 hour since last blogging. The number of equally poked off people with the 'Unfriendly Club' said that I had written what most of them were thinking and asked how much I'd had to drink! The truth is I was stone cold sober and then I got even more blooming annoyed by the muppets! ( no not my friends who really are happy happy,friendly campers!) I went to my mums again to find the kiddies train parked outside the wardens House. Now this is not normally used at this time of the year as it is for CHILDREN! You know what's it went with two of the unfriendly club in it smirking like children! Shame of it is the few children that are on site can't go on it because of them! To me this is all sooooo wrong!

As I'm typing this the very same two people have marched by doing some sort of goose step walk! Its 8 am in the bloody morning! Did they sleep in those matching baseball caps?! They have fleece jackets on and are swinging their arms for Britain! The Police of Silly Walks and fashion definitely need to be put on high alert.
Well the good news is that I sold over 100 tickets yesterday for New Years Eve so that is about full! Wow its going to be a great night.
I have met one lady who now and again escapes from the "not so friendly club' who asked if she could join us. Of course she c
rently their leaders don't drink and may get around to doing something New Years Eve! Too late darlings for the rest of you!
Well I didn't sleep much last night. I went to the bar to say goodbye and good luck to my favourite receptionist who is going back to Beguim and then I got a panic phone call from my daughter in Hull. She had to be evacuated. Its at times like these that you learn how many true friends you have. A girl I used to work with was planning her own rescue of my daughter who she doesn't even know! What a star! As it happened big bro came to the rescue but there are some lovely people out there as well as muppets!
I'm just praying now that the next tidal sure isn't too bad but they are safe-anything else can be replaced! Fingers crossed!

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