Tuesday 31 December 2013

Winter Camping at Marjal-Getting there!

Another stressful day today but we are getting there. We were all morning putting out table and chairs and its coming together but not without further nastiness. I don't know what people feel the need to put slanderous graffiti on the posters. If you don't want to come to our party that's absolutely fine but please make sure that you have your facts right or better still go and see Enrique the Director of the campsite and he will tell you all the details! Grrr! I don't do this to make money and I certainly do not need this hassle! The party will go on. We will have fun!
Rant over. I would really like to thank all my friends who have supported me and those stars that turned up this morning to set everything up. We have a great looking venue, great company, great music and two bars! Let's have a fan night everyone and a happy birthday to Lynne-party on....Happy New Year

Sunday 29 December 2013

I don't normally blog twice a day but what a venue for New Years Eve! Its coming together phew! 10 heaters chandaliiers a view to die for..Roll on New Years Eve-relief!

Winter Camping at Marjal-Getting excited

At last after all the hard work and trouble the marquee is finally going up! It is going to look impressive. I have just re checked the weather forecast and there is now no mention of rain-there is a god up there-thank you! I know we won't get sunshine on New Years Eve but please can I make another request to big G -a mild night would be good! Oh I don't know we will soon warm the place up!
I've just been to check on it...

The venue looks perfect but no one was there so I couldn't get in-fingers crossed! It certainly looks like one hell of a serious marquee, maybe that's why it was so expensive to hire! Plenty of room for dancing and games?!
Over Christmas there seems to have been a lot of misery for lots of my friends. Poor old Kurt whose wife died, couples not coming to events due to family illnesses and as usual at this time of year couples splitting up. I am so lucky. I do sincerely hope though that 2014 is the start of a really happy year for all of you-bring it on!

Saturday 28 December 2013

Winter camping at Marjal- I feel the urge to kill someone!

Hello world. Thank goodness today is another day and until a few seconds ago it had started well!
The marquee for New Years Eve is hopefully being errected today. I had a good laugh when I saw Vincent's the head maintenance man yesterday that it wasn't a 'manina' and it really was today. It hadn't been errected due to the high winds we have been having. So yesterday I went round the toilet blocks putting signs up 'last few tickets' ( about 16) when I saw in "B Block' toilets that somebody had graffitied our poster and yet again accused us of making money! I wish! Lol I tried to photocopy the graffiti but my printer has done that much work-its knackered! I replaced the cartridges,a visit to Elche and its stiAll isn't working! Grrr I will take it to show the camp director Enrique as he knows the full story. I really like that guy. He has something about him. We explained that we appreciated there was nothing that he could do about it but wanted to make him aware. That was not the attitude that he took! He is extremely annoyed and upset. So Mr Grafitti if you are reading this you do not have to come. Not everyone in this world does things for profit. Our rewards are far greater than money-its seeing my true friends having fun and enjoying themselves! Its obviously s concept that you don't understand! Lol Rant over!
Its amazing though it is really dividing the campsite which I find really sad. So much for the season of goodwill?! Others who I consider friends are "who is this?" I don't want there to be trouble so I don't give names. Please live and let live!
This morning even my PC is playing up. ( not the uniformed sort!) I meant my laptop! I think there is some stupid update or something needed. I hope its nothing to do with me pressing this that and the other when the printer wouldn't work! Ahh well with all the money that I'm making on New Years Eve I will be able to afford a brand new state of the art computer and laptop! Lol
I find it so therapeutic blasting off on a blog but its quite sociable too. Neighbours and friends e mail me or come and say " are you OK? There's no blog today!" On the dashboard you can see who has visited your pages and where they are in the world. I love this bit. Obviously there are lots from the UK,Spain and USA but there are even 11 people from Serbia! I don't know who you are but please keep following! I understand other english speaking countries but even people from Thailand, and far flung countries of the world-how lovely! So my little rants fill a minute or two of someone I don't even knows day- welcome brother or sister! I love IT ( particularly when its working!) Now I don't know whether to stress myself again with my printer or as I have so much profit go to the Apple shop and buy...well just buy the entire shop! Have a good day!

Thursday 26 December 2013

Winter camping at Marjal..divorce is imminent!

Paul O Grady eat your heart out! Yesterday was the fancy dress petanque competition. I'm not into petanque but I am into fancy dress or rather making costumes. Imagination can go wild. The sun was shining but the wind was horrendous. Their e was a bit of disappointment to start off with as nine people didn't turn up. I don't understand these tournament things but I did feel sorry for the organisers,Alex and Roger but that's people for you. Only two or three made any effort with fancy dress humbug humbug. Some just managed to put a Christmas Santa hat on big deal! Anyhow the competition seemed to be OK though I would have no idea!
We went to the evening do for the presentations. Roger insisted that I telephoned my mother and got us to join us. I did as I was told ( for a change-its Christmas!) and none of us could believe it. Not only was she the oldest player there but she had won the best female player there! Yes my mother! There were quite a few serious players there and as far as I'm aware she just chucks the odd ball now and again-shes even got dodgy eyesight! How the hell did she do that?! Well done mother!
Dave didn't let me down as usual. I have another wooden spoon for the collection as a booby prize but at least that came with a bottle of wine so all was not lost!
I really wasn't overkean on the entertainment last night and wed partied too much so we had an earliesh night. Open all Hours. Great excitement but what a disappointment! Arkwright is dead and it just didn't seem to cut it with Glenville running the shop. Let's hope the next one is better.I guess Ronnie Barker is a hard act for anyone to follow. 
Anyhow some photos of yesterdays crazy day

Is this really my mother?!
Think he could use this costume for Halloween!

I really do wonder if I'm related or even know some of these people. When Dave dressed as a Christmas fairy bent down he had a false bottom on ( or at least I hope it was false!) Wearing a black g string! Great fun though. Today MUST be quieter! Happy Christmas everyone!

Wednesday 25 December 2013

Camping Marjal What a cracker of a Christmas!

Yesterday...ohh what a great day. It started off well sky ping/phoning family in the UK and then it was get ready for Robertos. Relief number one-the lovely coach arrived and things just got better and better-it even took us to the right restaurant! Lol. There was a nice mixture of French and Dutch with us Brits and there were ground and old alike. We got to Robertos at 12.45 approx and we didn't leave until 5.30 ( yes that is pm!) We had the most lovely seven course meal. The service was excellent. Good entertainment that had us all up dancing. The place was full but not too much so as we managed to find a small dance floor.
We partied hard and then finished livening up the bar at Marjal. About 8pm we called it a day and went to bed! Maybe that's whyvIm typing this at 4.30 am as I can't sleep any longer and the noise of the wind is keeping me awake-every cloud has a silver lining though-you can get on the WiFi! Lol
I've just hit the panic button again in my head..I should go back to sleep as its the fancy dress/petanque competition today. Personally I can't stand the game but I do try and support them. I have bullied David into wearing...?! Wait and see! Roger from next door but one isn't much better! Don't worry there will be plenty of pics! Is that really supporting them?!
The rumour brigade continues. New YearsvEve party has definitely NOT been cancelled. There IS entertainment. The bar does NOT shut at 11.30! What? Where did all this rubbish come from?! Yesterday was just a dress rehearsal of how to party!
Well done Roberto and staff and thank you. The wind is finally dropping. I will upload some pics and then back to the land of nod. Have a great time everyone!

Winter Camping at Marjal Costa Blanca--Happy Christmas! Rain?!

Look big fellow up there you ve got the weather all wrong. Its snow for the UK and sun for us not blooming rain! I know I  know its warm rain but surely..?! I feel sorry for all those people who had relied on a barbecued christmas dinner- someones going to get wet! At least we are in a nice warm restaurant hopefully=thats hoping that the bus arrives and we get everyone on it! lol
Yesterday was another busy day. I put the finishing touched to Daves fancy dress costume for tomorrow and the Roger asked me if I still had my Dalmation outfit from the other year. I did. Could he use it? No problems there. I had forgotten that Roger is slightly broader than David so yesterday afternoon was spent sewing black spots on a top and trousers. Black spots- I think I was seeing the damned things in my sleep! I have since learnt that it is a competition so that will not be fun if that outfit wins again! Lol  I really enjoy making fancy dress costumes. Its such good fun and my imagination goes wild! Ahh haa Rger you thought that this was a cycle lock- wrong its your tail and on it went! I  just hope hat whoever is judging has a good sense of humour- they wll need it thats all Im saying!
I was led atray again by David and Anne Marie. I was going to have a quiet night and was looking forward to my favourite programme "Last tango in Halifax" but I was dragged to the bar. Feeling a little tired and hungary I went for "one of two" well that turned out to be 3 or 4 and oh no....crashed into bed at around 7.30! Needless to say I was wide awake at 0430! Eventaully I must have nodde back off again though and so I feel refreshed if not a little nervous about today. Everything is going through my head "I hope the bus arrives and is on time!" I hope and on it goes. We have never had a christmas dinner out before and Roberto has never done one in his own restaurant. You an imagine if anything goes wrong I have 70 unhappy campers! Please keep your fingers and everything else crossed for me! Bus leaves at the carpark at 12.30.
Well although visiting the pub last night was not one of my best ideas Marjal never ceases to amaze me at their lack of business sense. The bar had no entertainment or anything on and was half full  with more people coming in so what  did they do? Close it at 7pm! I know Christmas eve is important to them and their families but hello you are in the tourism trade! Theres 800 plus caravans on here! Most when back to their caravans and sat drinking their cheap plonk obviously all except me! bah humbug
Well I ought to start panicking some more all thats left to say is I wish you all a very very happy christmas!

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Winter Camping at Marjal-How sad are we?!

Actually Ive put how sad are we-it should be am I?! I am  totally addicted to this blooming internet. Creature of habit or what? I get up in the morning well thats a pretty good way to start the day ...a cup of tea..check facebook..check e mails ..check the ily Mail on line and then blog! If Im late at blogging I get visitors asking if Im ok. Really sweet but I may just have overslept..it goes to show that you are as sad as me!!lol So here I am blogging and I havent even writen all my christmas cards yet- so if you havent received one from me dont hold your breath but I wish you a happy Chrstmas!  I guess Ive just about hit the panic button.
Christmas is so different out here. Theres no consumerism if thats how you spell it. The only adverts you really see  are when you watch British TV and everything is "Delivered in time for Christmas" What is it really necessary to buy a new suite? A table and chairs ,a new kitchen, toys etc etc? Does the world end at Christmas?! You would think so! Its so much more low key but yet still important and it still happens. Nativity scenes in market squares, in fact nativity scenes everywhere. Maybe thats how it should be. Remembering what its all supposed to be about. Yes there are parties and boy oh boy they do know how to celebrate but somehow its all more dignified -well until us Brits turn up!
I spent all yesterday afternoon making Daves fancy dress costume. Its amazing how much I enjoyed myself with a bit of crepe paper, some elastic and a needle and cotton. I dont think Dave was amazed at all when he came in and saw what I had made him! If any of you remember him going to a fancy dress as a dalmation dog-that was NOTHING! I just hope that this costume is not grounds for divorce. One thing is for sure it kept me amused all afteroon and I hope we have a few laughs when he displays it to the world on Boxing Day when he is taking part in the petanque competition. Personally I think Petanque, Boules or whatever you call it is like watching paint dry so at least he will liven it up tomorrow or get sectioned Im not sure which! There will certainly be plenty of pics.
I mean Christmas cards...thats what I should be doing...what a waste of time and bloody money! Its not the money..its a waste of bloody time! Next year its definately a humbug humbug to those too. E cards-the way to go if we must! At least you have thought of the person but you dont have to go round and deliver the darned things as well-that involves getting my bike out..more time humbug humbug..maybe get off this computer and I will have plenty of time! Maybe I do admire the Spanish christmas-they dont send stupid cards. Adios amigos and HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!

Monday 23 December 2013

Winter Camping at Marjal. Here today..gone tomorrow!

Wow I can't believe it. Poor old Rosemary was found dead on Saturday morning. She was cremated yesterday morning! They don't mess around do they I guess its mainly because of the high temperatures out here. For health and hygiene reasons but what speed! Somehow I think its almost easier for the people left behind unlike in our Country where you are waiting a week or whatever. Its like having to go through it all again. I miss her already. Some days when she was 'with it' she would just smile and wave at me. She was such a sweet little old lady. I cannot begin to imagine what Kurt must be going through. I only hope that the good people round here don't forget him and we will all try to keep an eye on him.
Well I suppose I ought to try and get more cheey-did you know its nearly Christmas?! Plans are coming together well for Christmas day and New Yeasts Eve. Its always such a good idea at the time when you decide to organise these things but there have been times when I have thought 'why the bloody hell do I bother?!" But to be honest I like to party as I haven't totally lost the will to live yet and a great party is with my friends so ..here we go! All sold out!
Yesterday I had a slob by day. I would rather admit to too much wine than it having anything to do with my age but I was knackered. I thought I had better go and see my mum though. There she was sitting out sunbathing. 'Ahh lovely. That's what its all about'. We tried to have a conversation and couldn't. Yap yap yap! It was like being in a dog kennel! ( no comments please!) The motorhome with five dogs in ...evvery time someone walks past-they were off. In fact it was quite funny after we had said pardon' to each other half a dozen times we yelled out unplanned and in unison 'shut up!'. The owner came out....we are getting somewhere.....oh no he threw the dogs a bloody ball! Talk about rewarding them for bad behaviour?! I'm not renowned for being a dog lover but I could never be cruel to one but I actually think that not only is it unfair to fellow campers but it must be cruel to the dogs. Five living in a motorhome and all having to live in the temporary compound made for them. I know dogs always cause arguments/problems on campsites but the very nature of the places..there are going to be people about so don't bloody yap when you see someone! Lol
Rant over!
Anyhow its a lovely day again. Ive had my hair done..final touches to christmas day organising. Oh Im sorry I have to add this-as those of you that know me well will know its sovtrue

Sunday 22 December 2013

Winter Camping at Marjal. Im sure this place is bad for your health!

What a night last night. We all decided to go to Cafe Uno and have a christmas meal and see Cherry K singing. Well Im not sure that Im even going to admit to being with some of them....

Heaven only knows what some of them were drinking?! Anyhow it was a great night again but by god my liver needs a rest today!
Ahh haa Christmas day sand New Years Eve updates. The bus will be at the campsite gates 12.30 christmas day to take us to Robertos whey hey!
I went to seeEnrique yesterday regarding finalising of New Years Eve. As I stood in reception a girl approached me who works in a bar in Catral asking if they could join us?! Obviously theres not a lot going on in Catral either so it should be a bumper night. Obviously the campsite is more than happy as its more business for them and we probably patronise them at times anyway! Enrique is such a lovely man and I actually think that he will get the restaurant/bar running consistently how it should be. I do hope so as this place can really be fun  if not bad on the liver!
As we learnt horribly yesterday morning life is not a dress rehearsal but it really got me thinking "what  is life all about?! No dont worry Im not going all serious *Id put philasophic( if I knew how to spell it. Id also use brackets if I knew where to find them! There I was blogging putting pics up of us having fun and there was Kurt suddenly all alone and his lovely wife GONE. We are so lucky but why do we camp?Most of us have lovely homes back in the UK and chose to live like a gypsy in a caravan.. It became very apparant. One by one fellow campers went across to offer their condolences and hug him to show their support and offer help. Not only that but members of Marjals staff including the Director went too visited. There is a real sense of community and humanity to fellow man something that I think is old fashioned and unique in camping. Maybe its like things used to be once upon a time in the UK but you really feel a sense of belonging. When someone is ill they all rally round, someone has a problem we all try to help. Yes the sunshine is nice but its something about the camping spirit. Thats my theory anyway and long may the spirit continue and I dont always mean alcoholic spirit! Have a great day- San Isidro market here we come....oh no.....bargains yesterday I bought 5 pairs of LEATHER shoes for 50 euros I cant come back with anymore! Lol

Friday 20 December 2013

Winter Camping at Marjal- WANTED!

What a night last night! I had forgotten that it was a 60 s do at the restaurant. It didn't matter as we were dressed that way anyway! Lol Wait for it...the food...GREAT! The entertainment provided by Chris and Pete was superb. Really fun. I managed to pick some strange guy up though!

In fact looking at these pics now-do I know any of them?! Lol

Omg Here is me blogging away and having fun and Lynne has just been across to tell me that during the night the lovely Italian lady opposite died. Rosemary. I have known her and her husband a while and they were such lovely people even though any meaningful conversation was difficult as they only spoke German and Spanish. She had dementia and her husband lovingly cared for her. In fact he did everything for her. He is such a lovely man. It just goes to show you must live each day as though its your last-one day you will be right. I'm so sorry for Kurt. Rosemary. A lovely lady RIP

Winter Camping at Marjal-Today is another day!

Oh my goodness Im sorry I deleted my blog yesterday but to be honest I did it for a quiet life. I am really really grateful to those people that contacted me and supported me. Some true friends. I write this blog very tongue in cheek and its certainly not intended to be serious Its a light hearted examination of the mainly fantastic interesting people that we meet and what people do. I do not intend to offend anyone but if you are its simple- please do not read! Its like a book or a newspaper-your choice whether to read it or look at it!
I have been accused of being a fraudster or making money out of a New Years Event at the Tropical Pool. The people or person who made that accusation have not had the gaul to face me so in case there is any doubt here is a breakdown of the figures. This has also been posted around the campsite to avoid any doubt
 New Year’s Eve- An explanation
A brief explanation of the costs and activity this New Year’s Eve at the Tropical Poolside
The original concept was for 100 people to attend an event in a Marquee at the poolside. The figure of attendees, rapidly increased and we anticipate an attendance of 160 to 180 people.
This has resulted in us committing to a larger Marquee, and using some equipment that has to be hired, as opposed to being available on the Campsite
Marquee 10 m X 30m
Includes the erection, lighting and heating                                         1700 Euros
Tables                                                                                                    100 Euros
Marjal’s Round Tables were not an option due to the numbers and size of the Venue
Decorations                                                                                           100 Euros 
Table decorations, balloons, prizes etc                                                                
Entertainment                                                                                       300 Euros
You may be aware of the entertainment in the restaurant
Entertainment cost 1000 Euros. Dinner and Dance in the Restaurant
Cost’s 72 Euros
Security                                                                                                   100 Euros
This is for the entrance to the poolside and in addition, to any security provided, normally, on the Campsite.
Stage Lights                                                                                             400 Euros
This is for the hire and set up of stage lights and dance lights, we are currently looking at an alternative, and hope to reduce this cost
                                                                                           Total Costs    2,700 Euros

Current Sale of tickets
                                            157 tickets sold or requested                           2355 Euros

                                             180 tickets sold equates to                              2700 Euros
The Campsite have agreed to meet the differential on any shortfall in the sale of tickets.
In addition if we achieve 180 ticket sales, the Campsite will provide a Poinsettia as a table decoration for each table and lady present
Other Costs
New Year’s Eve is a busy night with staff costs extremely high
The Bar
Sited next to the pool, will have to be fully equipped with additional glasses and equipment
I understand it normally provides a ‘Plastic Only’ Drinks services. Plus of course extra staff for the evening
The Bar between 7.30 pm and approx. 9 pm will be split into two functions ‘Normal bar with all services’ and a ‘Wine and Beer Bar by the bottle only’ This is to speed up service.
There will be no coffee or waiter service to tables
Marquee Set Up
There is a cost in the setup, including the supply of various points of electrical powers. Plus of course the clearing down and cleaning of the venue
To be celebrated in Spanish style, you will be able to purchase grapes (a tradition, eating one grape at a time when midnight chimes) plus a glass of sparkling wine with all Nationalities gathering on the Plaza for the countdown, which will then be followed by Fireworks. They anticipate the area will have 400 to 500 people in attendance

Please appreciate this is new ground for the Campsite. This is a big night for the Spanish, the site will be noisy and busy. All the Staff will be working to their capacity.
All the funds collected by Jean, will be paid to the Campsite
This is an ‘Everyone Pays’ event including us


Jean and Roger

 Its a sad day when you are doing something for the love of it and start being accused! I do take great exception to that but I guess its all in lifes rich tapestry!
Anyhow lets hope that this is all over and done with and we can all move on. Im here to chill not to fall out with people! I had that all my working life! 
Good news about my favourite little British shop in Catral. She did not get fined by the Guardia Civil. Apparantly they were very nice and understanding.She was telling me that she has yet to have a spanish person visit her shop and she has had to put in hours of extra work! Tough on a small new business. Apparantly Iceland also felt the Guardia Civils Roth. Shes an upbeat sort of person and I wll continue to shop with her.
Tonight Chris and Pete are singing in the restaurant so I will go and support them. Its the first time that I have been in the restaurant all year as Ive heard such bad reports..one thing is for sure I will let you know and in any case the music will be good.
Tomorrow night..oh eating out again...life is so tough Cherry K is singing at Cafe Uno. Well it would be rude not to support them too! Whoo hoo-thats two nights no cooking! Onwards and Upwards!

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Winter Camping at Marjal- WiFi sorted! Come Dine with me in an awning!

Ohh what a night last night! Trying to type this with a dodgey head! Thanks Chris and Eddie for a wonderful meal. Great company and great wine...too great! Lol
As most people know I travel around a lot and I love the internet. Marjals is so hit and miss that I paid to have skynetlink put in. What a waste of money that turned out to be. 50 euros deposit and then six months rental up front. I think it was about 20 euros a month. I lost count after they had been out to it eight times! I took it back in the end. My sIM card in my tablet is great at 10 euros a month...but what about when I leave Spain? It would eat up all my allowance if I wanted to watch TV and a lot of sites do free WiFi..I have finally found the answer! An Alfa Outdoor long range booster. I was very sceptical when I parted with my 89 euros but I tell you it works! I can pick up every WiFi mast on the site! My neighbours have skynetlink and my signal using Marjals system is stronger than theirs! Its a nifty little lightweight box that sits outside and plugs in via USB to a laptop. You then use your laptop as a router and everything else works wirelessly! Love it! I don't know if I should tell everyone about it as if we all get boosters will I need a booster booster?!
Chris has just been round and brought some of our beakers back Eddies head is poorly, Dave hasn't surfaced yet.....us females definitely are the stronger sex!

Monday 16 December 2013

Winter Camping at Marjal Costa Blanca-technology don't you love it?!

Don't ask me why but this morning I decided to view some files on Drop box. I always seem to take too many photos so I decided to let this modern satelit thing look after them. My tablet defaulted to one particular photo that really made me smile..
STOP! No shit sherlock! I had just put the car and caravan on a boat! Are the Germans really that stupid that they need a sign?! The river Danube was a bit of a clue! 
Anyhow I think I've mastered this drop box thing so watch out I'm digging in the archives of this satellite!
Today its line dancing to Christmas carols. This is going to be a worse performance than normal-so beware line dancers if you are next to me. If I hear a song that I like I start singing and...well you can either have the words to the song ( not always in tune) or the feet in the right direction. You have absolutely no chance of me achieving both!
I can't wait until the end of the season as Mr and Mrs plumingob are buying all sorts of furniture for their awning. Great. I love it when people do that. Why? Because they can't take it home with them as their unit is so small so there will be a stampede to the bins! Lol They've been very quiet which has been rather disappointing. I would love to have heard them assembling furniture! 
Yesterday the sun didn't get out but it was mild overnight and its out today. This afternoon I am having my lunch cooked by my lovely neighbour. Remember the one who brought a leg of lamb in her hand luggage?! She's crazy nice!
Well I suppose I had better get dressed and prepare myself for totally humiliation and carnage at line dancing
Unbelievable! Roger ( 007.5 type!) Has just told me that the animation team have cancelled all senior activities from 26th Dec-6 the Jan! There is only 800 units on here of senior Europeans! Will they cancel everything for the Unfriendly Club?! I think not! Will they cater for the Spanish that come here for a weekend and don't spend money?! Heaven help the line dance teacher when she tells us to stomp! Lol

Winter camping at Marjal Costa Blanca-who is running this asylum?!

Things never cease to amaze me camping but I'm really grateful to friends for sharing the madness with me!
Yesterday a Belgium friend of mine who camps near the not so friendly club was washing his pots in the sink..yes no big deal.....he was approached by someone from the Club telling him that it was only for the use of english and the unfriendly club! Bring back Mandella! Only English?! Exclusive use of the facilities?! Hang your head in shame unfriendly club! I am soop tempted to go over there and just wash for Britain! Unfortunately my Belgium friend was so shocked the best he could do was give a mouthful of Flemish back! If anyone from D block is reading this please do all your washing up there and fort back! Lol Linda where are you when I need my spy?!
OK so that pretty bad but I actually find this one quite funny at the stupidity. Yep its winter here. People use gas. Most people here are retired and getting on. Lots have fifth wheels and motorhomes set up for the winter. Marjal have come up with a great idea that gas will only be delivered on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons by Repsol themselves. Hmmm what happens if you run out on Friday? You have to collect it Fine for caravanners but are they supposed to move their motorhomes/dismantling awnings etc to get a bottle of gas?! Are they supposed to carry it back? ( bearing in mind its one of the biggest campsites in Europe) Do they have shares in the Health Service?! How many of these old folks are going to have a heart attack?! Apparently Marjal don't have enough staff for this service anymore. This amazes me as they have enough staff to drive that blooming stupid noddy train! Oh I forgot that is also for the exclusive use of the unfriendly club! I tell you what although it doesn't affect me I wonder if it will be too much trouble to take my money from me? Hmmmm I thought not!
I just feel sorry and infuriated at the things that are essential ( like gas!) are where they are cutting back! Maybe the Director was a former UK politician?! Lol Mr Cameron watch your back!

Sunday 15 December 2013

Winter Camping at Marjal Costa Blanca A near miss¡

Whilst I love seeing these things that reguraly fly over the campsite it didn't half worry me yesterday. All I could think of was the insurance claim! 'Yeah right. Hit by a tornado and now a hot air balloon-pull the other one!" Fortunately they did manage to gain height again and away they went. Phew! We could see the people in the basket. I waved and then spoke to them!
Yesterday we got new neighbours behind and they re blooming english. Plumb in gob type so we will soon bring them down to earth too! Dave went out to say hello and I heard Mrplumbingob say 'it seems propostrous to have to use nails instead of pegs' Propostrous? What does that word mean?! It was written all over Dave's face! To give the full story they arrived in a brand new German motorhome and parked directly facing the side of our caravan. Normally motor homers put those screen things across the windscreen-not these. I can tell you that they have the same cupboards as our caravan and if I hadn't closed my blinds I could probably have told you what they ate for tea!
They then decided to put one of those little and extremely Kampa lightweight awnings up. I got bored when they took over an hour! They laid all the poles out ( probably about 3 of them) with military precision and then held a meeting to discuss who pushed and who shoved the awning through the rail....oh for gods sake just get on with it!
Well that was their arrival. Dave is going to be non too impressed at at 8 o clock this morning they were bounding around outside and mrplumbingob giving orders. I couldn't quite catch what for but probably something equally important as how to wash up! I wonder if he was formally a sergeant major at Sandhurst? Come to think about it..he does have one of those silly moustaches! They are here until March-Oh I've had an awful thought...I hope there's not too much bedroom activity! I can here the orders already! No No....its not a good picture...think of something else!
Now talking of bargains and I haven't commented on the unfriendly club for a while. One of the things that I missed terribly from my tornado incident was my little twin tub washing machine. I was going to pay £100 plus for a new one and get it shipped out here ready for my Tours with the Club again. Honestly they are invaluable.One of them had broken ranks and spoken to an ordinary camper! ( well not quite the ordinary camper does have a fifth wheel!) Anyhow they had a brand new machine and used it twice and didn't have enough room for it. I went across and it was still in its box! 45 euros! I couldn't even see a water mark on it! There were only two of them in a van and car about the same size as ours. Why?! We like to put our bikes inside the car! This doesn't make sense. Bike rack?! Hire a bike?! Well thank you very much clean washing takes priority with me!
The sun is out and its Sunday San Isidro market for all the things that I didn't know I needed but there's bargains to be had..off to market I must go!