Sunday 2 March 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal..Get me away from the mad world!

I haven't blogged for a while but there is a reason. Having lost one pair of expensive glasses in a Chinese shop in Torrievieja I made do with my other pair. I have been jogging recently so I went into Elche to buy some jog bottoms. I went out running. I hadn't got more than 100 yards when the things were around my knees. It wasn't until I got in some good light that I realised I had bought a size 18 instead of a size 10! Hmm not much difference! At least if anyone saw me I could fib and tell them how much weight I had lost through jogging!
OK so the draw string thing was then pulled megga tight and off I went. In my bad mood over buying the wrong bottoms I then sat on the bloody glasses! I am typing this looking like Same Edna with some bright green 12 euro glasses on but at least I can see but then again having seen Facebook this morning I don't believe my eyes!
Maybe I should have paid more for my glasses?! I just don't get it! Just because we do well in the Olympics we should now be independent?! Yes we have a national anthem but not many people even know all the words..these things would really impress and help us survive?! Bloody stupid if you ask me. Now I always thought it was " Yorkshire born. Yorkshire bred. Strong in arm and good in bed' but I've come to the conclusion its ' Yorkshire born. Yorkshire Bred. Strong in arm and bloody thick in head'( says she who had the problems with her eyesight and glasses!)
Rant over
Now it looks as though its going to be another sunny day even though rain is forecast but its blooming windy..grrrr! Things are quitening down here a lot and people are taking their yappers with them but some kind person has left behind a howling cat! Yep I joke not. Several nights it has been under our caravan but I darent do anything about it,like report it to Marjal because the Spanish generally treat animals differently and I would hate to be responsible for signing its death warrant! Now I could sign the death warrant for the thing next door. Responsible dog owners ( and I know there are some!) please be careful. To my knowledge the evil little yapper next to us has injured at least two other dogs.and that's just what I know of! It can get over the silly fence and the owners are either busy in their caravan or simply don't care?! Not nice. I am petrified when kids go by with those cart things that it also growls at and kids with balls ( don't be dirty!). Why keep the thing?! 
Oh no I wasnt going to rant about dogs anymore! So its March! Nice weather around the corner. Well the other night I thought that I had set the central heating wrong. It was 20 degrees in the caravan! No I hadn't. The night time low was 15 degrees! The extra 5 degrees in the van maybe came from Dave snoring! Now don't get me ranting about Dave-you haven't got all day! 
Well I hope this wind drops but my first job of the day..Specsavers here I come! Have a good day folks!

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