Tuesday 25 March 2014

Spring Camping at Marjal

Well I have just visited the loo ( too much information) but one of the highlights of making the teck across there is seeing what people are selling. There are one or two bargains to be had and yet at other times I do wonder where people dream up the prices from.
There was a six month old caravan for sale as the owners state that caravanning is not for them. I thought that is really sad. I then read the details of what is for sale included with the caravan and I became quite angry. These newbies had clearly gone into a showroom and chosen a caravan that was brand new and he has sold them every conceivable extra that they really didn't need for a winter down here or anywhere for that matter! For example why oh why would a caravan and car need a total of 3 batteries plus solar power?! The list is endless of extras. That salesman has made a quick buck but how short sighted. They will never come back to caravanning again and how disappointing for potential newbies. My advice to anybody thinking of trying a caravan is buy a second hand one and find out exactly what you DO NEED! Certainly ask around and don't trust every blooming salesman who has probably never been caravanning in his life! His idea of camping in Spain is probably two weeks in a grotty apartment at Magaluf! Very sad. I hope these people find what they are really after and will be happy.
Oh bore of bores. The sun is shining again. Its my last line dancing class today. A bit of gentle exercise and FUN, then its the dreaded dentist. I'm trying to do a bit of a self overhaul before the Tour-trying well TRYING not to look like a total slob!
Oh yes the new awning arrived yesterday. It looks fan. It even came complete with awning skirt and groundsheet! It only weighs 11 KGS and looks perfect for what we need. Most importantly girlies it matches the caravan! How girlie is that?! Probably totally impracticable but it has to be done!
Well I'd better get ready for line dancing-now where did I put my holster?!

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