Friday 28 February 2014

a winter Camping at Marjal Costa Blanca

Peace is shattered. Back here again. The difference in a few days is amazing. A lot of the Unfriendly Club have gone and so have many of those blooming dogs! I wonder if we can now get back in the facilities and maybe even get our free newspapers?! That was another thing that got me about them. Free newspapers are delivered every week for the campers. We would go up and help ourselves but when they came one person took the whole blooming lot! The 'friendly club?" I ask you?! I'm staying unfriendly! So let's hope Marjal is beginning to return to what we all know and love. I am not staying around next year if we have a repeat! Wandering is the answer!
Talking of wandering my mum who has a fifth wheel on here was getting a bit stir crazy too. She even considered buying a motorhome! I mean she's 80 for heavens sake. She couldn't cope with a little caravan so I gave her a "talking to!" ( daughters prerogative!) and explained that she could have lots of nights all over the place in nice hotels for the cost of her motorhome. Mother being mother literally went for it and took me literally and instantly. She is now having a ball in a four star hotel in Benidorm where the food is fantastic and all inclusive. She was out last night at Benidorm Palace! ( I was a bit worried in case she had accidently booked Sticky Vicky!) The cost of her three days away ...99 euros! That's including food! OK so I'm not on commission and the hotels name sounded a but rope " flash!" But it really is flash! I hope she does many more as its too easy here just to stay and get in a rut. Spain is a fantastic country-theres just so much to see and all the different areas are...amazing. So much more than sunshine and the Cost as, though they are nice.
Well its sunny again today. I have a few little sewing jobs to do this afternoon and then..?! No the entertainment tonight at the bar is Dutch Dave. Happy Hour last time I went was Dutch with the oompah depressive racket and then we get Dutch Days and dances! Once or twice its nice but......?! I have one or two nice bottles of red tucked away and I think after my jog ( yes me jog!) Tonight I may have my own happy hour. Whatever you do have fun!

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