Sunday 16 March 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal..peace at last.

Yes not just the fact that my daughter and granddaughter went home last night but the campsite is definitely getting quieter. The Spanish are now returning paricuarly at weekends. Although they have dogs they only have one or two at the most and I haven't heard a yapper for a while ( except the thing next door!)
We went to Chris and Pages end of season bash which as usual was superb and yes then food was good. Steve made me laugh. He sent me a picture which I think Marjal should use to get the Unfriendly Club here next winter..
Now that should get them flocking in! I
don't know why Marjal wasted so much money! In fairness I must point out it was not all the Club but by heck they were strong contributors! Thanks Steve for that!
The other thing that I have noticed they have 'laws' appantly about not mixing with other campers oh yes ( head mans words not mine!) but they allow just about any unit with them. The Spanish Caravan Club allows caravans only. The motorhome clubs allow only motorhomes, even the Caravan Club only allow caravans and motor caravans up to 7.5 m or occasionally 8 metres they allow Anyone! What does it matter? Again like the 'pets go free rule some people take things to excess
I haven't singalled out this rig for any particular reason but do you really need a bus and a trailer to go camping?! There were several rigs like this and bigger all probably because of the cheap negotiated prices and the fact thast this must be one of the few sites that could accommodate it. Why should they pay less than me or the same price as a small motorhome or caravan?! The best bit is except for a miracle it will cost him around 500 for fuel just to get to a Spanish port so he really needs cheap pitches! There are several rigs on here that are bigger than that one ( just this was a poor unfortunate guy who was passing as I got my camera out!) Why do two retired people need so much?! What the hell do they carry?! And don't get me going on how little road tax they pay compared to a car and caravan! ( yes its cheaper!) Corr that was a rant. I bet you wish that he had driven the other way round the campsite?!
Well what else did we do? Bar meals at Marjal definitely hit and miss. The restaurant has been constantly good but its not always open! We know that Marjal owns a construction company and I think that the other night they serves us bricks disguised as chips! I feared for my dentistry and the burgers weren't much better either. Menu del Dia would probably have been a better option but if I'm eating a 3 course meal I would rather sit in a restaurant than with a wide screen TV in a bar!  The problem camping with a 4 year old is the Spanish eat so much later and few places are open and Granny certainly doesn't cook! Too much swimming and playing to be done! Besides ..have you tried Grannys cooking?! Please let it be known that I did make yes MAKE a chocolate cake with my grandaughter-it was hell on earth squeezing the contents out of the packet! Well a 4 year old didn't know did she?! I even let her put a spoon in a bowl and mix so she thinks that we made it! What a chart. Desperate measures and all that!
Since they left I have discovered that there is actually ground and flooring in the awning. I also have a lovely 6"4 bed! Yes Her ladyship claimed that. When I got up this morning I went to grab my handbag..where is it? I had forgotten I had been relieved of that as well ( my daughter took a shine to it!) So I have my bed and a floor back ..its just a trifle worrying what else have I lost?! I think I should have done a full suitcase check! Granny is definitely slipping up. I'm mildly flattered that I can still be trendy! I guess its off to the market today and barter again. He initially wanted 60 something euro for that handbag. Typically northern I walked away. I finished up buying at 20 euros for a leather bag-lets just hope I can do it again! All I can say is thank goodness there aren't workhouses anymore and I have an understanding bank manager!
Oh the sun is out-typical now they are back in the UK. I guess its time for the washing to commence.. I will just about get on top of it all again and organised and they will want to be out again...What a lucky Granny-I wouldn't have it any other way!
PS please not the shoes from Zara-how cute are they?! 

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