Thursday 27 March 2014

Camping at Marjal Costa Blanca-The lull before the storm!

This place is really quietening down and there are lots of empty pitches. Its really quite pleasant now.
I have been in two minds whether to spend high season here or in the Czech republic but Marjals latest offer has made my mind up! We had an horrendous winter with " dogs and cats camp free' as it was abused with people bringing 4 and 5 dogs this summer its kids! No one loves kids more than me but once again-no limit! Can you imagine cousins three times removed? All my classmates We couldn't get near the swimming pool last year.we have no chance this year! There is an animation programme totally geared up for the Spanish. I don't have a problem with that_I'm in Spain but what happens is they entertain the parents until the early hours and they have a drink or two and allow the kids to do whatever they like! The classic last summer was being awoken on more than one occasion by a strange was a kiddies bike stabalisers on the concrete-it was gone 1 am! The toilets become a great playground and the mess caused was unbelievable. I have always said that this is a campsite with two personalities and I for one don't want to see its other side again in summer as it will turn into the campsite from hell. It narrowly avoided it the past two summers but I really do feel for the people who stay all year round. I don't know what they hope to achieve as its not as though kids or dogs spend money and these ideas are actually driving people who do spend money away! I can see the argument now 'why should I now have to pay for my dog when kids go free?!" Why don't we just have one set of rules and one set of prices and everyone pays the same? No special deals for the Spanish. No special deals for Carefree or any other club for that matter. The bottom line regardless of nationality or Club is we are ALL campers! I think a lot of resentment has been caused by special offers and perceived special treatment to certain nationalities and groups. If there's an event on in the restaurant why should Carefree get a free lift leaving the rest of us to walk?! Why should their pets go free when everyone else had to pay?
I'm convinced the Worlds gone mad. France is looking appealing too. I know it will cost me more money but money certainly isn't my god and I'm voting with my feet! What price for what little sanity I may have left?!
Well just for a change its sunny and its market day at LA Marina. Hopefully I can get some fabric that I have wanted for ages for a good friend and then I'm nearly up to date with my sewing jobs. Jobs? Payment is always in wine. I don't think I've bought a bottle since Christmas and I have certainly drank!
Well guys shopping in the sun to be done. Have a good day folks!

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