Tuesday 11 March 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal-A great cold remedy!

I'm surprised you didn't hear me shouting 'I don't believe it!" All winter everyone around me has had repeated stinking colds and I have managed to survive until yesterday. No I can't have a cold my daughter and granddaughter are coming out today I can't be ill-not now! I felt terrible. I immediately dosed myself up on Beecham's flu capsules and head over steaming water with Olbus Oil....oh no still feeling crap......I heard a long time ago that an old Chinese remedy is to inhale the smells from an onion! The cold germs are supposed to be absorbed by the onion.Poor old Dave. I cut an onion in two and placed it on the shelf above my bed and hey presto! I woke  this morning with a little sniffle but able to breathe throughout the night and this morning! I tell you its a bloody miracle. I felt so poorly last night I thought I was in for the full blown flu! I couldn't face my jog,the shower or any of my normal evening routine..maybe its jogging that's bad for you?!
So here I am a very happy little bunny and very excited. This is going to be the longest morning ever. My eccentric neighbours have gone ( says the woman who sleeps with an onion!) Another yapper less. The site is slowly returning to the oasis of calm that we love and the sun is shining.
The Unfriendly Club are slowly leaving. I think if they come here again next year with their dogs I shall be wandering more. I don't look out of my window at home and look at dogs pooing and listening to them yap so why should I come here and pay for the privelage?! Maybe we can have the quiz night back. Its all so one sided. The quiz was set up by a friend of mine and I helped her even though its not my thing. The Unfriendly Club have just taken it over and worse still they have set up their own and don't invited anyone else! Of course they also have the exclusive use of the bloody kids train making the rest of us feel like second rate citizens or second rate campers. Grrrr We need to form our own club?! Nooooooo! I could think of some very suitable names for it!
Well I'm off now for another snort of my onion! I tell you onions all the way for me from now on! Have a good day folks!

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