Saturday 8 March 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal Costa Blanca

Morning world. Why do these keys make so much noise when you press them?! Ooo what a night again! Or rather what a day. Thank goodness its nearly the end of the season as it will give me time to dry out!
Yesterday started well. It was a cold night but by heck it soon got warm. I was sitting in my awning and gutted that I couldn't get to my camera in time. Out of the motorhome almost behind me came a male and female with the obligatory yapper ( well its a pure requisite to camp anywhere near me!) No it was not the dog. It was 9.30 in the morning and the female was dressed as though she had just walked out of a western movie. Full long dress, big hat etc. He was all dressed up, stetson etc-what a pair they looked. Yep I will dress up and have fun but these two actually thought they looked gorgeous?! Hellooo hot day...middle of Spain! Oh I missed his gun out! Each to their own just gutted I missed the pic! My wardrobe is pretty full but is this the new essential camping gear?!
I went to the market and the lady at the Marks and Spencer stall kindly relieved me of another 65 euros. Kind of her really?! In the afternoon we had a lovely barbecue with friends to celebrate their 25 the wedding anniversary.It was there that the next plan was hatched. The guys were not into the Country music bit and there was entertainment on in the restaurant and the bar. Simple solution,ditch the blokes and girlies night out. We knew that we couldn't get a ticket for in the restaurant as the Unfriendly Club had block booked again along with their own transport ( the kids train!) so we would make do with the bar. The DJ well actually I felt sorry for him. When we first got there they had football on the big screen. There was no dance floor so we just sat and talked mainly. About 9.30 someone came along and cleared the table and chairs but it was too late-the magician came on! Yes a magician! There were a handful of kids but they have all those lovely play rooms so us ( who had been spending money) just thought at 10 o clock 'there's nothing for us,let's go home'. Angie saw the predicament and allowed us in the restaurant area to see the final acts which were fab. The place was alive. The dance floor was full. I think most of us staggered home and as I say typing the keypad hurts my head!
The Magician apparently was very good but it was a good way to empty the bar! It must be a very difficult balance though in fairness as the Spanish culture is so different from the other Europeans. I remember on New Years Eve the kids club was still open and full at 11.30 pm! Yes 11.30 pm! We are in Spain and I actually love kids as long as they are well behaved! As the weather has got warmer the Spanish are starting to camp again. This place changes yet again. The other Europeans will mainly disappear and the Spanish come. Somehow the nationalities don't mix well together but we are in their Country!
So today, the festival is still on but then again so are the best markets..decisions,decisions. I feel zocco coming on and then either a walk/bop at the festival or a lie down and die in the where is my gun and stetson?!

My lovely neighbour Chris giving Val some flowers when we discovered it was her 25 the wedding anniversary. Congratulations Val and Jim and thanks for a great afternoon!

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