Thursday 20 March 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal- Happy Hour? Happy Day!

What a strange but lovely day yesterday. I went to Specsavers Guardamar with a broken pair of glasses well they didn't like it when I sat on them. The lovely optician changed both lenses and made my glasses like new all for 40 euros! Same day service as well. Excellent.
I went round the market and bought more blooming clothes Anne returned back here. I saw that the Caravan Clubs Coastal Tour had started to arrive so I thought I would introduce myself, leaving Dave to make me a coffee as I would only be two minutes. What bad people I met! Wine?! Err well out would have been rude not to! Lovely people so I reminded them that happy hour was on in the bar later.
Cycling back Roger was sitting outside with Alex and they also made me drink wine! More bad people! Anyhow there was a little bout that was relatively sensible and collectively we have come up with some really mad but fun ideas for next winter because if we wait for the animation team to sort anything out we will all be 6 feet under! One I really like the sound of is a Treasure Hunt on bikes. Well you can run,walk or ride just no powered bikes. Sounds like fun but that reminds me someone has started playing their own games.Bikes have been going missing. One has or was probably just used for a 'joyride' and turned up again but poor old satellite Dave s has no it been returned so if you see a gents Halfords bike lying around that's where it belongs.
Oh I digressed ( that's not like me!) So whilst at Rogers Jan and Keith aka Mr and Mrs Kiko from the other Marjal came to visit. Great to catch up on the news and gossip and then...oh no its happy hour time! More wine?! We were joined by the Caravan Clubs Tour Hosts Marion and Terry. I'm pleased to say that they didn't let the side down! Marjal put on dancers who were fantastic and kept the bar full all night. This new Director certainly has the right idea. They were Latin style/flamenco and brilliant. Once again my photos certainly do not do it justice!
He was throwing the lady around amazingly well! I think Dave would like to do that at times! But would he catch me?! It really was as great night. The only trouble when I drink white wine is that I start to bounce off the walls at silly o clock so I've been up since 5.30 with no one to bounce with! At least you get a brilliant WiFi signal as anyone remotely normal is still asleep!
So I am here writing this rubbish but before I did I had a look on my blog statistics as you can see how many people read them and what Country they are from. Its amazing. Obviously I get a lot of 'hits' from the UK and Spain but Thailand, Botswana, Malaysia and some Countries I have barely heard of. I don't know who you are but welcome and thank you! The internet really does make the world a smaller place!
So today I must be alcohol free. I missed my jogging ( scarey I have been running nearly 2k a day!) but it seems to be giving me so much more energy that I can't blooming sit still! Dave's loving it as he gets peace and quiet most afternoons as I'm out on my bike! Too hot and boring to sit in the sun! 
Well folks normal people are getting up now as my WiFi signal is getting slower. Its too early to know what the weather is going to do yet but I would guess it will be sunny as its very mild. Whatever you're doing with your day it won't be as long as mine but do have a good one! 

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