Saturday 22 March 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal-what rain in Spain?!

Well yesterday was quite a novelty. I can't remember when I last saw rain. It became really black over the mountains and then it started thundering. Oohh a storm. Like idiots we put extra storm poles in the awning and hammered everything in and down...oh dear..
What a waste of bloody time! It rained for all of ten minutes then someone flicked a switch and that was it,over and done with! If only it could be like that in the UK!
We were confined to barracks as I was having a dry night and OMG was TV bad?! I'm amazed you couldn't hear us shouting at the TV. We should be banned from watching it!
In my opinion there is far too much sport on TV and I love sport. Its just a cheap and easy form of entertainment instead of an expensive drama or documentary so we will watch SportsRelief...mistake! I do actually like David Beckham and his sketch with the only Fools and Horses duo was good but instead of going to some of these great lengths to get money off Jo soap who are struggling as it is-why doesn't every footballer donate a weeks wages?! Radical I know but how many thousands does Rooney and Beckham earn a minute?!
Actually thinking about it not just footballers. David Tennant and other celebs could also donate. I was really on my soapbox as the last article on the midlands new was about swimming pools closing in the UK where kids go to learn to swim! Helllooo if our kids can't swim they could drown...we live on a bloody island! And whilst some of the reports were appalling who pays for all the different celebs to report?! I hope some big airline paid for all those flights!
I really got on my soapbox when as a Country we donate millions often to other corrupt countries anyway. The good old public always donate and then the government announces that it will match whatever the public raises. I've already donated at least once! I pay my taxes! It was all just too much ! It maybe started off as a very good idea but now?! Hey that was a real rant and each to their own but I'm not so naive as to think these so called celebs did all this for the right reasons oh and don't get me going on Davina McCall as a presenter. Did she have ants in her pants or did she want to be on the dancing section-that woman couldn't stand still for two minutes,she was so bloody annoying to watch. I could give her some lessons on public speaking as she was definitely lacking or shall I be kind and say that she's not a natural?!
Well that was all that off my chest. Entertaining as it was all so bad and so false. Let's hope the weather is better today and that there is something decent on TV. Its only once a year but then..comic relief, children in need humbug humbug!And most importantly its not a dry day today! The sun is trying to burn through and the world is good. Our ordinary lives at times have been far from perfect but I'm certainly not going to broadcast woh is me! We are lucky. We have made it but not without our own sorrows and hardships. Count each day and live each day as though its your last because one day you will be bloody right! Now who said that?! I know I've just typed it but whose quote was it that I've just mutilated?!
Oh that's reminded me..another one I like is "failing to plan is planning to fail' I don't know who the hell said that either but I had better do some homework for the forthcoming Tour. Yep I have been to nearly all these places before but I do like a little knowledge of each area just in case.I don't want to appear totally stupid as I find that act so easy to do! A bloody good tidy up may also be in order and take all those bloody storm poles down-it looks stupid when the sun is shining and its so hot!
Have a good day folks and live each day!

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