Monday 10 March 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal-Im surrounded by them!

OK so this weekend was the line dancing festival. I don't have a problem with that-I actually like line dancing but only for fun. Very close to us was an empty pitch and along came some campers complete with obligatory happy dog. I couldn't get a pic the first morning that they were here but I did describe the unbelievable sight of them dressed up.
Yesterday morning I performed better I am pleased to report'

Isn't it going too far to have an outfit that matches your dog?! It gets even worse. I am reliably informed that in the afternoon she came back and changed into a long red dress with hoop under it! Now that must have been fun packing the motorhome! My hubby should never complain about my clothes again! 
Can you see the size of their pack up?! Admittedly there were chairs there but were they really going out west?! O dear o dear. This was done in all seriousness with military precision. I would love to have known what was in her bloody sandwiches?!
Today my amusement is over as they have gone. Its fascinating watching people. I really learn a lot and realise that maybe I have the wrong essential camping equipment!
Its been a lovely sunny day here again but the blooming breeze has got up now and just decided to spoil it slightly-hey ho its only march.
I have my granddaughter and daughter coming out tomorrow and this sad old tart is solo excited. I spent a fortune in Carrefour this morning. I hope the restaurant is good again as I certainly don't intend cooking the little time that I have with them.
Well I had better go and sort a friends awning out and do something with the where is my bonnet?!

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