Tuesday 18 March 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal-What did Katie do next?!

Well my daughter got her name as the Katy books were my favourite when I was a kid. The trouble is that at 24 I still worry what is going to happen next!
Early yesterday morning I took a phone call from her and she was hysterical. Basically she had lost her keys and was locked on the house with my mother! ( terrifying thought!) What she hadn't realised at that point was that someone appeasrs to have put their hand through her letterbox and stolen her car! Her lovely BMW mini with very distinctive private number and paintwork had been stolen! It took some time to convince her and to calm her down enough to report it to the Police. Whilst she was doing that I splattered it all over Facebook! What a useful tool it can be! We had the car circulated far and wide and friends were 'sharing' my message so it reached 100s of people instantly. Amazing and thank you all. Very quickly the car was found by the police amazingly in tact with no apparant damage! They had left the car insecure but put the steering lock on! The car was recovered to a friends garage for fingerprinting etc phew! Crises over.....oh no!
My other daughter who lives near where Katie's car was found abandoned rings me...her car has been broken into and things taken! Coincidence? I think not. Initially theolice refused to fingerprint/soco my other daughters car until a fight was put up..I am not holding my breath!
What a day! Poor old mum had gone to Katie's to get her eye better not to watch a police drama unfold in front of her! So thank goodness today is another day!
Whilst I was trying to take my mind off thongs I finally decided it was time to wash the car and get the Saharan sand off it. I went up to the car wash area. It was empty. Within minutes and believe me I don't take long to clean a car there was a queue of motorhomes and cars waiting. I suddenly realised that the site was intended to have five of these areas and only one is operational! No wonder there was a queue so quickly! Words were echoing of a conversation that I had with a friend regarding the price hike here " what do they actually provide? What does Marjal do for us for all that money?!" Yes fair point. Put the prices up when ALL the facilities are available to ALL! Where is the second swimming pool and other bar that we so desperately need?! Interesting thought. Put the prices up and we MAY provide all the facilities?! Error wrong way round! I do see their anger now. It suits me here for winter but I am looking forward to wandering. I just have to get mother back to Spain first! I think she may be slightly relieved to get back after the dramatic 48 hours spent in Hull! Hmmm wonder why neither of us are in any rush to go back?!

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