Sunday 23 March 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal-well its spring actually!

You can tell its spring not only by the weather but by the fact that there are spaces on the campsite and things are changing. This place is like a campsite with two personalities. A lot of Europeans have left including the Unfriendly Club and so has the number of dogs! The Spanish are starting to arrive but mainly at weekends. Unfortunately though the stealing has started again. In the summer if things weren't nailed down they went. To my knowledge four bikes went missing last weekend and only one has been found. Such a shame when over winter you could leave just about anything anywhere and it was still there.So please lock everything up again! I am hoping that next winter it will return to the Marjal we all knew and loved. If anyone can sort it Enrique will.
Yesterday a large delivery lorry came and stopped outside mine 'ha ha I thought' this is my bargain awning arriving
It was cheap so I knew it was too good to be true! What I envisaged to be a bout of a joke for my blog turned out to be hilarious but for all the wrong reasons.
The guy next door to me who has the vicious little yapper is totally arrogant. I haven't fallen out with him but he has had more telling offs from Marjal than a few. For some reason he drives an ugly great big van thing and parks it anywhere but on his pitch and he has a double pitch! The lorry had stopped because he had parked his van in the road! The lorry driver asked him to move and he gave driver a mouthful. I don't know what was said but it was aggressive in any language!
Now how unreasonable was the lorry driver?! Its not as though the man next door was unloadening anything. I just don't understand his problem! 
Oh lat night I couldn't believe it..TV..we had to suffer the highlights of sports relief! Highlights?! Basically the same rubbish was repeated again! The only good bit was the Only Fools and Horses. Surely they can't show it again tonight-it was bad enough the first time! Come on BBC invest in some decent dramas. I would pay to watch them or even donate money! Now there's a controversial thought. I don't pay a TV licence but I wouldn't mind paying if I could legally get iPlayer abroad! Oh there is a caveat to that. No sport and 'relief days!" !
Yesterday afternoon we met our Co Hosts for the big Riviera Touch Tour with the Caravan Club ( we had previously met the others who promptly gave me a glass of wine and led me astray but yesterday we met Ann and Steve. Trying to create a good impression in the middle of the afternoon I offered them tea and coffee and cakes. 'We can't stop. We have to go to a g and t party!" Well we won't be having any difficulty with them co hosting with us! We were going out and as we drove past it was lovely to see the gathering in the sunshine-roll on our Tour! Hmm there is a huge difference in the two British Clubs!
Well today being Sunday is market day. I have to go to two. One to buy fabric and the other to replace my handbag stolen by my daughter. The sun is is tough!

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