Tuesday 4 March 2014

Winter Camping at Mddarjal-Blown Away!

Well what a night last night. My caravan was certainly rocking! ( don't be silly we are married!) I think that was one of the wildest nights that I have known here. The wind was truly scarey. The gusts were just so powerful that I think half the campsite was up and if they weren't I want some of the wine that they were on!
I gingerly opened the caravan door this morning and somehow the entire lot is still standing! Phew. A friend of mine then kindly dropped me a free newspaper round-the first that I've seen since the "unfriendly club' arrived and guess what the headline was 'Red Alert for high winds!" No shit sherlock a bit late now! So that's what it was! Gusts expected of 100 km pH. I now consider myself something of an expert on winds and I can confirm that they reached 100 kmph if not more!
It seems to have quietened down a bit now and its lovely and sunny. Last line dancing class at 11.30 this morning as its the Country festival this weekend here. Now that's an education. I actually quite enjoy it but as with everything in life some people just go way too far. Fully grown men having shoot out competitions like in the movies. Only problem is they have toy guns! Some go to great extremes to dress up. I certainly won't be getting that carried away..but each to their own.
The other scarey thing happening tonight is a choir rehearsal! Have you heard me sing?! No its not serious. There already is a Marjal choir ( keep me away from the knife drawer type!) and knowing Roger who is organising it.this will be totally the opposite. A bit tongue in cheek and certainly fun-or I'm off!
Well I guess its time to get dressed and on with the day..now where did I put my cowboy boots?!

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