Wednesday 26 March 2014

Spring camping at Marjal-what a find!

OK so we have tried the Healthcare system out here privately and using out ethic card. Both are considerably better than the NHS and BUPA. I hadn't seen a dentist for more years than I care to admit so I looked on the internet and found a British Dentist at Benijofar. My teeth were giving the fact sway that I like red wine too much, tea, coffee and everything else that stains your teeth. When I rang up they said "there's a free check up" The cynic in me thought " yep I'm only going to get them cleaned and polished but its a scam. They will find everything wrong ( and there's bound to be loads that needs doing) Oh how the cynic in me was proved wrong! I expected to have my teeth cleaned by a hygienist...oh no the dentist does everything! He was fantastic-thats all I can say. He was a guy who had probably retired from full time dentistry and works part time at Benijofar at Medicare. I have not had such a thorough check up in my life or a clean. He found nothing wrong! He was so caring. He explained absolutely everything and what he was doing and why. I even had an x ray. As I was in the chair I thought 'this is at least 200 euros'. Hey ho. Again the cynic was proved wrong. One and a half hours later ..70 euros please! What?! Are you sure?! From now on its Tim at Medicare for me all the way!
I'm not on commission but I can't praise him enough. I would have no hesitation in recommending him to anyone god forbid you are in pain and need a dentist!
I came back feeling all clean and my hollow promises to the dentist didn't last five minutes. Roger is leaving on Thursday and it would have been rude not to have had a farewell drink with him..oh wine?! ( maybe he has shares in Medicare!) I don't even remember cleaning the bloody things before I got into bed! Oh heck it was windy in the night..( no not that sort of wind!) The eyesore of a fence opposite me has all come down. Its hard to imagine but its even more of an eyesore than it was before and its flapping about all over hitting the very unattractive caravan.
Well I am getting through my sewing jobs ready for our " great escape' It will be a gentle meander up Spain to start the Tour. Hard work and hard fun. Best get my skates on and get myself a haircut and rebuild for the start. I wonder how quickly Medicare could do a total body overhaul and facelift?!

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