Tuesday 11 February 2014

Winter Camping Cap Blanch Altea- Am I in Switzerland?

OK so it was quite a wild day yesterday and through the night with gale force winds. We definitely made the right decision to stay another night. I actually quite like this campsite though we are the only Brits on here and its about 300 yards to the one loo block-so you have to plan if you think you may need the loo! Today its calm and lovely and sunny. Yesterday in the wind we decided to visit a goog camping shop at El Verger. We went along the N332 . I have nothing against motorhomes but I can see why the French call them 'moving road blocks!" No one in their right mind would have tried to move yesterday but two British motorhomes travelling in convoy did! They were travelling at 25 mph! Hellooo if you have to travel at that speed maybe just maybe its not safe to do so! The road is very bendy and quickly there was a queue of agitated drivers behind. Now I do appreciate that they may have had to get somewhere but even the bloody ferries are cancelled!  What is so very urgent that you have to risk your life and those of others?!
On the way back from the campshop we stumbled across an 'Iceland' we had a ready meal of roast beefvfor teaif Barratts or Wimpeys builders heard about their Yorkshire puddings they could use them instead of bricks! Actually with a nice bottle of red it all went down very well.
I have just been checking out the prices of this place...sorry its in french but no english was available

Can you spot the obvious? Its cheaper for a motorhome than a car and caravan?! Why? There is a huge Concorde on here and he is paying less than me in my little car and caravan! His rig is at least 120k! How the bloody hell is a caravan supposed to get here without a car?!  Errrr! I have only ever seen the two different rates in Switzerland butthere again lotsbof things are different in Switzerland! I will not be staying here again as I am making a point we should all be charged the same! After all, Im more enviromentally friendly..did I just say that?!
Anyhow its a lovely day and I had better drag his Lordship out of bed...moving..who knows where?! Have a good day folks!

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