Friday 7 February 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal-Has this place gone to the dogs?!

Morning world. Another sunny day albeit we have some wind. Nothing to do with baked beans! It appears its not just me that worries about how this place is developing and where we want to be.  On Wednesday a lovely Dutch lady appraoched me and asked me to sign a petition about cars going too fast down the main road between C and A blocks. I have to agree that they do fly down here and sometimes even with caravans on the back! There are no children along here and the best that they could do is knock down an irresponsble dog owner- not the dog!
Well I havent been to happy hour for two weeks now and not many Brits are going. Its such a shame as it used to be such a lovely event and "get together". It really wasnt just for the free drink! What has happened is that too many people are going and you are very lucky ifyou even get a seat. Its been like that for sometime now as the bar and restaurant simply arent big  enough but for the past 2 or three weeks the music has ruined it totally. I am being very kind in calling it music and its a long time since I have been anywhere at least 20 years too early! The music is certain;ly not my taste but he ho its also the volume that its played at and you are now unable to have a conversation with anyone above it. I believe that its Dutch but we have Dutch Days reguarly -its oompah oompah and if you hear a tune that you vaguely recognise its played so slow that I lose the will to live! Maybe its my age? Im too young?!! Yes I like that! I decided that I would have my own happy hour in my caravan only to have it disturbed by my mother who is nearly 80 complaining about the "Unhappy Hour" and the music was too old! It certainly hadnt stopped her drinking though- maybe it was to drown the whole bars sorrows!
I saw yesterday that on Marjal Friends Facebook page someone having a rant over the state of the spa. I really cannot comment as I have not been fortunate enough to get in this year but it would appear that certain spa rules are not being adhered to and the staff are not enforcing showering etc... should the staff have to tell people to take showers? What kind of people are we camping with?! The mind boggles.
Rumours are rife about price hikes and where the camping club are going to be sited next year. If yesterday was a customer satisfaction survey- 3 people came to ask me of other good sites that I knew of as they are not coming back! That is worrying and some of the people have been Marjal customers for years. The trouble is that most of the other better sites will already be booked up for next winter, like Lo Monte that I visited the other day and Bella Vista. Interestingly they are both smaller sites and are full. People are prepared to pay a lot more if the services are there and the site is run correctly. The jury is still very much out with me. I do find myself asking though with the exception of New Years eve "what has the campsite provided for me except a pitch in return for my money?!" Itd all just food for thought and Im looking forward to my holiday to be able to compare to other campsites in the area. After saying all this am I packed up? Am I organised?!! Err no better at least start as we have tickets for Elvis tomorrow which I was looking forward to but if rumours are correct they have sold 170 tickets for a place that only comfortably seats 120!! I ve paid me momey so I guess I just take my chances! Fingers crossed and I hope the rumours are wrong!
Enjoy the sunshine folks!

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