Wednesday 12 February 2014

Winter Camping in Spain Florentilles

Is it really winter?! I did feel a little guilty yesterday when we took a lovely walk along the sea front and marina in 23 degreed sunshine
I have to be honest and say that I've never been a fan of Torrevieja but yesterday it did look lovely and even the Spanish were on the beach. I came back and read the news and comments on Facebook as to how bad things are in the UK and find it hard to believe we are sharing the same world! 2 hours on an aircraft and look how different!  Apparently its going to stay well in too the twenties for the next is tough!
The only thing that happened yesterday was that I lost my reading glasses ( age thing!) so I could have typed anything on here or added any pic!  Today's task is to retrace my footsteps and if all else fails there's bound to be a Chinese shop! I will probably come out looking like Same Edna and I won't care because I can't see!
I think we are moving on tomorrow to one of my favourite sites if we can get in Los Madrilles at Island Plans near Mazarron. That site has always been in my top 3 but its very popular so I will make a phone call later but you can't reserve! Grrr! 
Busy days Task one find glasses. To all my friends and family in the UK please stay dry and safe and to everyone else enjoy the sunshine!

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