Monday 17 February 2014

Winter Camping at Los Madriles Mazzaron-Im on another planet!

Well the rate things are going I'm beginning to think that I want to be or is it an age thing?
Yesterday morning it was not sunny but there was a bit of a breeze. A great day to do some washing. I got my little twin tub machine out and off I went at a great speed of knots. Suddenly there was an army of men around me ( I thought my luck had changed!) " you can't do that here. You will get thrown off!" Why? What have I done? 'I haven't taken water from the toilet blocks. I've heated my own up using my own gas' Oooo'not allowed. If anyone sees your washing machine you will get thrown off. He might not throw you off first time as you didn't know but by heck if he knows you be got one of those!" I really couldn't believe my ears. I think I would have been in less trouble if I sat here selling heroin! It was so funny. Like a naughty school kid I hurriedly put everything away and destroyed all evidence by putting everything in the back of my car. Heaven only knows what would have happened if I did hand washing or an automatic washing machine! I like this place but I do think that is more than a little OTT. Hang my head in shame but I have clean clothes! That's the first site that has ever happened to me!
OK so today is another day. I check Facebook to find out what everyone's up to and that's it ....confirmed. World gone mad!
Is it April 1st?! I am beginning to dislike the Scots for causing all this stupidity! I had noticed and commented recently that there was suddenly a surge of Yorkshire jokes and propaganda. I love some of the jokes. We have the ability to laugh at ourselves and as far as I'm concerned its always been FUN! I know we have as many people as Scotland and more than Wales. We are richer than both of  them...We may not have oil but who wants oil when we have Aunt Bessies Yorkshire Puddings and even our own chocolate factories and tea! The only thing ,missing is a vineyard but I'm sure that sure as hell we can label something up as I've never seen them picking bloody tea in Yorkshire! The County is just about in the middle of bloody England! Geography made it that way.....hellooooo I'm bloody english! I am really beginning to think I'm the one going crackers! My mother is Scottish and my dad was a Yorkie. I was born in Yorkshire. Do I now have dual nationality?! Get a grip!
Oh dear that was nearly a rant but its just sheer stupidity. I'm not sure what the weathers going to do today. I'm determined at some point to get my kayak out. Oh no I could be living very dangerously......dare I? I may get thrown off this campsite.....I'm going to get my Marks and Spencers Travel Steam Iron out...when you want there to be a bloody rule I bet there isn't! Sh@t happens! Have a good day!

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