Thursday 20 February 2014

Winter Camping On the move again!

It really must be about time that they altered the clocks here as I'm up at silly o clock! Its really feeling like summer already. I did the boring stuff and got the new tyres put on the car and spent the afternoon in the pool
Well they had gone to all that trouble heating up sea water it would have been rude not to! Dave was quite happy on his recliner with a book ( boring!) I shall be sorry to leave this place and once again a bit like the Terminator "I will be back!"I think I will spend more time here next winter if the kennel club continue at Marjal! 
The biggest challenge today apart from getting Dave out of bed is to get the caravan off the mountain side-thank god for motor movers and then its an hours drive up north-well maybe slightly more but on the grand scheme of things its not far! Bugger! I was tempting trouble-the gas has just ran out! Yes we have a spare bottle but that is HIS department and he has failed! 
One of the big things that I don't like about this place is no loo roll or soap and Dave has yet to have a shower at a constant temperature as someone always flushes a loo or washes blooming pots! A friend of mine recently visited another favourite of mine LA Bella Vista near Gibraltar. Ooo how I loved that place. I thought that I had found the perfect campsite as I visited just after it had opened and it was lovely. Apparently now its packed and everyone is on top of each other! Its very expensive and its only about 200 pitches. Good for them they are obviously doing it right but it doesn't sound as if its for me anymore!  
What is the perfect campsite? I'm sure its not all about money as people are obviously prepared to pay if the facilities are there and can be used. As for Marjal its no good saying " there are plans for another pool' its not good enough when the site is full and the facilities clearly arent coping as in summer there was 'standing room only!"I have managed a campsite before in France...if only I was a few years younger! I shall just have to continue looking_no not to buy a campsite but to find the perfect one and then keep my mouth shut and keep it to myself! OK so I may tell one or two friends! It would definitely have a swimming pool like here!
Well I seem to have put the world to rights or had a grumble and I had better think about getting sorted. The one thing that does make Marjal for me is the people ( well most of them!) If a campsite was judged on its campers then Marjal would be top of the list. Its not perfect but I am looking forward to seeing some great mates again later...hmm they can join me when I've found my perfect throw me the sick bucket...see you later guys..your peace is shattered! 

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