Wednesday 19 February 2014

Winter Camping in Spain Los Madriles..Rain!

Oh no! Yes it rained! I write this to make my poor friends and family in the UK feel better! Oh no it wasn't ordinary rain it was full of Saharan sand turning my lovely white caravan orange! Everything this morning is orange but if I can't wash clothes I darent for the life of me clean a bloody caravan! I can't even see out of the friggin windows! Oh could I use my iron? You bet I could. There was no army of men telling me it was against the rules-life sucks!
Yep it was overcast for most of the day yesterday so there was only one thing for it go out for a meal. The campsite is situated in a little bay so we drove to the other side approx 3 miles away. We found a lovely Spanish restaurant and had a lovely Menu Del DiA and of course a nice bottle or two of red. We sat watching the fishermen in their boats.
OK so maybe I should go on a photography course. If it isn't fingers its bloody telegraph wires and bottle banks! The view is looking on to the campsite. Now try and imagine how pretty it would be with sunshine and no telegraph wires! It is a lovely quiet area of Spain and not touristy at all. Maybe they only put the bottle bank there as they knew we were coming?!
After my siesta and before the rain I walked to the area behind my caravan. Is this the prettiest petanque court/ground/pitch whatever they call it?!
Now the view from the other way was a little scarey....
Can u see the little WiFi mast and the roof of a caravan? That's mine! Imagine letting Roger, Dave and the Marjal crew throw those bloody boules so close to my caravan?! I don't think so! After a compulsory visit to the bar?! Omg I would never get insurance again! The WiFi booster works a treat though at the moment. It certainly saves carrying a huge satellite dish around and then you can't get BBC 1- this is the way forward! 80 euros well spent if only there was something worth watching! can't have it all and it does use my favourite word " FREE!"
Well the rain has finished and the sun is out. I hope Yorkshire is still in the middle of England! Off to make a good cup of Yorkshire Tea! Lol

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