Sunday 2 February 2014

Wniter Camping at Marjal- The Lunatics are at it again!

This place never ceases to amaze me. I do sometimes woder howmuch thought was given to what would happen when this campsite opened ans its clients are certainly putting this place to the test and it doesnt apar to be coping very well.
The latest sign to be put up.....its not about dogs yapping or peeing or dogs going in the toilet blocks or anything that is upsetting a lot of  people but  water being taken from the toilet blocks! Oh yes thats a real priority! Right Marjal will state its because they have had complaints that the showers arent hot. I can get that. A lot of the water is generated by solar but why dont we do something radical....and open another toilet block?! I for one do not take water from the toilet blocks as its far too far so there can only be a few people. The other day they ran out of washing machines..helllooo dont washing machines use water?!
Certainly the toilet block nearest to me is "cBlock" whereby people from A block have to use it. Everyone on C Block which is probably the busiest and then people from F block now as well and when the unfriendly Club cant get a washing machine they use the same Block! Now you dont have to be a rocket scientist to work out thats an awful lot of people and an odd bucket of water here and there is hardly going to make a big difference . Why not open block F s toilets?! Im sure its not buckets of water as most people on my row wash up in their own caravans and dont even use the showers- I hasten to add I do use the one in my own caravan!
This is supposed to be an eco site. Well I have to heat my own water either by gas or electricity- theirs is mainly  solar....who is the most eco friendly? Those stealing a bucket of water!
All this said though as with everything in life you do get people who take advantage. I was sitting at my mates yesterday which is near the toilet block of the Unfriendly Club as she gets a great wi fi signal and in the space of less than five minutes I saw the same man fetch three troggs full of water! What was he doing having a bath in his caravan?! Creating a private swimming pool for themselves now? Oh no they dont need to- they already have one! I remember we used to have access to  one a long time ago!
I think the problem is that they simply cannot cope with the amount of people here and seem totally unprepared.Certain campers have taken over the campsite and its like we have been taken over by muppets! Mob rule or lunatics running the assuylum, Im not sure which!
Wi fi all sorted at my mums and here. I darent tell you what the problem was.......yes Marjal was having to upgrade the system the very day that I was trying to sort it out but there are simply too many people trying to use it plus she has loads of big RVs in front of her  blocking the bloody system all with boosters on! We need a booster for the booster! Apparantly that block is going to be used next year or rather next winter for what it was intended, static asnd long term residents-ahh haa I bet they get F block toilets open!
Oh yes children. I actually love children but some were apparantly riding their bikes IN the toilet blocks! Yes the disabled loo makes a great place to park your pun intended! me we need another sign?! Can you imagine it "Dont park your bike in here!" The world is full of them...have they all come camping or is it only me thats sane?!! lol Have a good day!

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