Friday 21 February 2014

Winter Camping back at Marjal Costa Blanca

Well a little trundle of just over an hour and we arrived safely back at Marjal. The welcome back was superb-I hadn't been gone that long! It really is the people that make this place. The site is still extremely busy though. We came back for Chris and Pete's black and white evening. I have to say that they were superb even though the music was a little too old for me personally. Everyone was up dancing and it was a lovely atmosphere..wait for it....the food?.....superb! Yes-steak! Everything cooked and presented to perfection and great service! Any doubt about the new manager here have just about gone and he really is sorting things for the better. I am also told that he is more than aware of the dog situation and is doing something! Judging by the swift turn around of the quality of food he will probably do it! I do hope so.
Well a few pics of last night. It was disappointing to see so few people wearing black and white as requested,you don't tell me that they couldn't have tried!

I really don't know what happens with Alistair's hands when he's had a drink or two-the mind boggles! Has anyone told Marjal that Valentines Day has been and gone?! Anyhow it was a superb night.
The Social side of this campsite could be what makes this one different from all the others and makes it survive. I don't think it should allow one group special treatment, eg the train, block bookings of things we are ALL campers! As they have poor internet signal ( like the rest of us!) Some of them are allowed in the restaurant when its closed for their exclusive use! Come on-we are still paying good money! 
Well that was a whinge and it wasn't meant to be! The sun is out and today could be another great day....oooh I can use my washing machine-how lucky am I?! Simple things and all that-have a good one folks! 

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