Saturday 1 February 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal...Good news!

OK so I spent all afternoon on Thursday trying to get my mum WiFi in her fifth wheel. She is in line of sight of the mast but it was struggling because of all the RVs in front of her. I have a booster,so I dismantled my system to try it over at hers. I got 100% signal strength! Whey hey! Result one would have thought but could I get it on the net? Oh no. 3 laptops later, 3 tablets altered I gave up to start again yesterday afternoon with a clear head as it could only be something simple. I went across yesterday afternoon and to my horror only had 7% strength! I hadn't touched anything! After about another two hours a neighbour walked in " Marjal have been working on the WiFi mast! ' Grrrrrrrr! So today is day three of trying to get my mum WiFi and changing all those settings again! Its a good job that I'm retired as how many hours have I wasted?! Marjal really haven't mastered the art of communication!
Talking of that Valentines Day is advertised 'My dad and me' but despite a friend asking a Spanish person what the hell it is-no one has any bloody idea! Maybe I could do a show at half the price " my mum and me!"
Now surprise surprise they really have something very right. Last night I ate in the Rennie's needed! What a fantastic meal I had. Menu del DiA was amazing. The service was great too. My only criticism is that we went up at 7 o clock and the restaurant didn't open until 8! I know that's when the Spanish eat but hellloooo who are you catering for? There's hardly any Spanish on the bloody site! The shame of it was that there were only between 20_30 people in the restaurant and the site is so busy. I guess its hard when somewhere has a bad reputation to get customers back again but it really was good.
This weekend is Orhuiellas medieval market. If you haven't been before it is a definite must do. Its really like stepping back in time. The attention to detail-they even put straw down on the cobbled streets with flocks of geese and things running through and men on horseback. Some amazing food and great stalls. Night time is definitely the best time to visit to get the full atmosphere.
Well folks I'm off to start fixing blooming computers again...if I could garuntee the food would be as good as last night I might even be tempted back into the restaurant tonight!

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