Tuesday 4 February 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal-Mob does rule!

Morning folks. A lovely sunny day on the Campsite even though the forecast was not good- what do they know? They are nearly as good here as our Met Office back in the UK`! Mind you they have been getting it right in the UK I think even I could be a weather forecaster "Today iy will be cold with rain!" Helllooooo its an English winter thats why we are all here!" Dont get me going on the climate change thing , cutting down tress and  building more houses etc etc! Im not a rocket scientist but I think I could be listening to some of the so called experts! Common sense? Do they posess any?!
Well that was a rant to start off with and Im supposed to be positive as its a lovely day. Im line dancing at 11 and then an afternoon out as Im begining to go stir crazy. I cant wait for my little holiday next week. Yes I have had enough at the moment and have decided its time for a holiday..where am I going? All of 40 miles or so to Javea! Its so easy here to get into a rut. I have a touring caravan and what am I doing? Touring? No! Ive been stationary too long and some of the things going on around here are not making it nice anymore. Maybe I will come back with a fresh set of eyes and view this place differently but for the moment ....no! As I type this its not a fresh set of eyes that I need but ears! The problem is that where I am pitched I am surrounded by dogs but not only that everyone else who lives on the campsite with dogs has to walk past mine to get to the dog exercise area and as they do so it sets every bloody dog off! Its a shame because there are some really responsible dog owners on here but whatever you do in life there is always some that simply are inconsiderate and always go too far. Yesterday a couple who I only know by sight came by. They are not english, in fact I dont know what nationality they are but they had a dog with them that was well bahaved and they said that they read the blog but that they had finally had enough of dogs. Apparantly they had been in the restaurant and their meal was ruined by a dog yapping in the restaurant! Err just as I had said they were finally getting things right in there! lol
Now the mob rule thing. Theres a lovely couple who have been on the this site since just about it first opening. They are Belgian-is that how you spell it?! They are from Belguim-you know that small Country that makes chocalotes and beer! Well to cut a very long story short they have a pitch miles from anyone or so they thought as the wife a lovely lady has a medical condition. Anyhow they made a very reasonable polite request of their neighbour as their conduct was literally making his wife ill. The neighbour was from the Unfriendly Club. The Belguim lady was told to "F Off"  and then the unfriendly member went to strike her husband! Now that is really Friendly behaviour! What happened? Security was called and Im lead to believe that the campsite manager was informed......Result? The lovely Belguim couple have to leave! Well they havent but because of health conditions they have had to temporarily move right over to the other side of the campsite! I know its all about money but Marjal have a very tight line to walk between allowing the Unfriendly mob to take over and upset their regulars for a few months that they are here.
Yesterday saw me being very busy I had my car serviced in Elche. Even that at an authorised dealer is cheaper than in the UK but the one thing that is more expensive..or maybe Im out of touch is the cost of tyres. Yes I need some shortly and a alot of them are manufactured in Spain so why are they more expensive? If anyone has any contacts I would be interested to know. I cant complain though the mileage that I do. I have done 30, 000 miles on the same tyres- shame that they didnt come with a five year unlimited mileage too- theres just no pleasing some folks! Ahh yes I also taxed the car....oh no that could be another rant coming on....one hundred and seventy five pounds to drive my car on UK roads for two weeks max and I thought Switzerland was expensive! Lol
Heres a bit of useless-useful information for you. I could never understand why in particular the Belguim and the Dutch people all seem to prefer  vans over cars for pulling caravans and just thought it an odd preference but apparantly there is a reason...they take the other seats out and pay less road tax! There you see what a mindful or useless, useful information I am! It does seem to fly a bit in the face of this green thing but dont get me going on european legislation  and the bloody directives that come from that place!
Starting on weekend of 14 th Feb ----oooh how romantic and the weekend after there is caravan exhibition at the Ferial near Alicante airport for anyone interested. I have been before and it was mainly Spanish and French caravan manufacturers dispalaying their vans with Cruz caravans having an accessory stand. If its raining its worth a day out thats all I will say but you can get money off tickets at reception! Another little gem of useful- useless information!
Right its about time I got dressed and got on with the day. Line dancing here I come- steel toe caps at the ready! Enjoy the sunshine floks!

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