Sunday 16 February 2014

Winter Camping Los Madriles nor Mazzaron

Its really interesting returning to a site after four years as the changes can be quite dramatic and some change only slightly. The staggering thing about this place is the campers themselves. Once upon a time english was very much the second language and you saw the occasional French but now its the other way on. Its not just on the campsite but in the towns as well where the Spanish market traders yesterday were selling their goods in French! I also noticed this at Marjal and other campsites that suddenly there seems to be an influx of French. Why? I actually like the French very much. I thought that it could be that they no longer go to the French speaking African Countries because of the troubles there but curiosity got the better of me as I spoke to a French lady " France has had it. Gone to the dogs!" All her complaints were just what we think of the UK! I still find it hard to believe and just hope that it was her opinion as I love France so much....oh yes she even said " too many immigrants' as well! I have to admit that I was in France last year and I did find things very expensive, maybe its just that they get more for the euro here and at this time of the year its certainly warmer.
Well that was my little ponder for today. Early yesterday morning I went to take some pictures of the lovely outdoor heated pool. Its heated with sea water and changed daily " yeah right' thought I but it actually is! My photo timing was rubbish but it does show a pic of the pool being filled!
As I walked back to the caravan I smiled at how I now had to climb up a mountainside to get back to my caravan..
The last car on the campsite! I don't think even I can see it and I know I left it there!
As all good girls go I did my duty on Sunday mornings. No..not that and not to church either but to the market. It was beautiful. All the stalls were just about giving away winter clothes and spring/summer clothes are coming in. The colours of the plants were lovely
I know my photography is bad...they weren't selling fingers! I was trying to capture everything with 2kg of banana in one hand and handbag know how these things are! Oh the produce was interesting
I think I will just buy a banana tree and put that in my handbag too! Oh another stall selling fingers! I think my sons photography skills didn't come from me-but there again he doesn't have a handbag!
The booster that I bought for the WiFi works a treat when touring and I really recommend it, but there again I should keep quiet as if everyone buys one I will have to get a booster for the booster! I paid 10 euros for seven days at the campsite. I had half strength I put my booster on and whey hey....Full strength and able to watch 'Call the Midwife' with a bottle of wine! ( sad old tart I know!) Life is good! 
I'm sitting outside in my dressing gown typing this rubbish. There is a slight breeze but the sea looks calm..kayaking?! Hmm may just have to be done..another hectic day at the office! Au revoir! OK no I'm in Spain....adios! 

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