Sunday 30 March 2014

Camping at Marjal Costa Blanca-what a dump!

No not here! I had heard from several people that the site at Rincon due Luna near Guardamar was all legal now and had been bought by a footballer. I was told that it had a bar, a fantastic restaurant and a lovely swimming pool. This sounded just perfect with only 140 pitches. Oooh I will have to have a look...

I tried desperately to use my imaginative head but somehow it just wasn't happening! There are about ten statics on there and not one single tourer. I looked at the one and only toilet block that I have to say was clean but of historic interest. The social room was a large wooden shed! I think that I can safely take this one off my list! Apparently thousands of euros have been spent on it so it makes me wonder how bad it was before?! At least I'm out of my misery. The swimming pool in summer was going to be my big attraction..I think not.!
On my way back we decided to stop at the Cash and Carry in Delores. It now has a shop that is open to members of the public. Well what a find! Its nearly all Asda produce. If they haven't got what you want in the shop ask and they will have it in the back! Scampi on my doorstep! Its clear that they provide all the local British shops, bars and restaurants in the area and its a hell of a lot cheaper than Iceland or the British shops. It has normal British opening hours. I certainly won't be going to greedy Iceland anymore. (Its near the building that has Spiderman climbing up the wall ) How I love that Spiderman!
Well the clocks went forward here this morning but someone forgot to tell the sun! Its overslept. At least those bloody winds have stopped. Sunday..what shall I do? Its a busy here I come..Happy Mothers Day everyone! Enjoy!

Saturday 29 March 2014

Camping at Marjal Costa Blanca-some people?!

Some people make me so cross they are so irresponsible! We have been awake most of the night with the gusty very strong winds. Our caravan has been rocking and its firmly anchored down with every conceivable invention going. Fences have come down a.and no doubt there will be structural damage around. There is no way under heaven or earth would I consider towing in this ( even before my accident!);so why oh why have I just witnessed three caravans that have been here all winter start to tow?! Do they have a death wish?! Worse still one had bikes strapped to the back of the caravan to make it even more unstable! All 3 were on Dutch plates. Fortunately it will not affect my insurance when the thing blows over! It really gives all caravanners a bad name. Only last week did someone leave here and lost their caravan at Barcelona due to the high winds. If they have been here all winter why do they have to go today? What difference would another day or a few more hours make not only for their own safety but for other road users?! Grrrr Stupid people! Do the Dutch study science and common sense at school?!
I am really ready to leave here now but I will wait until later in the week when hopefully the weather has improved, and yes I'm allowing plenty of time to get to my given destination in case of bad weather or better still I find somewhere that I really like and can spend longer there.
The campsite is really deserted now. There are tons of spaces. Many people say that they are not coming back next year but we will see. I have heard people say that before but come October they are back. It certainly is one of the better campsites until the summer! I was trying not to be biased and paranoid about the thought of loads of Spanish kids coming but last night we couldn't hear the telly as one bloke thought it was a good idea to give the kids a ride on his motorbike round and round the campsite! Revving and revving it up. There are only a handful of Spanish kids here at the moment ..what will summer be like?! We are voting with our feet and are definitely not coming here! We will be back in winter only as they have altered the rules as of September with regards to dogs. It still won't stop me looking at other campsites though as there are so many good ones around. This winter it has been the social scene and friends that have kept me here. The prices have gone up and they are now on a par with many others. I can't say that I'm surprised. They couldn't keep those ridiculously cheap prices forever but they have to compete when there is such a big market. I hope and think that Marjal will rise to the challenge.
Once again there is no sun...what to do? I even tidied out the caravan cupboards yesterday ....I am so ready to move. The gypsy blood is kicking week a wandering here I come!

Thursday 27 March 2014

Camping at Marjal Costa Blanca-The lull before the storm!

This place is really quietening down and there are lots of empty pitches. Its really quite pleasant now.
I have been in two minds whether to spend high season here or in the Czech republic but Marjals latest offer has made my mind up! We had an horrendous winter with " dogs and cats camp free' as it was abused with people bringing 4 and 5 dogs this summer its kids! No one loves kids more than me but once again-no limit! Can you imagine cousins three times removed? All my classmates We couldn't get near the swimming pool last year.we have no chance this year! There is an animation programme totally geared up for the Spanish. I don't have a problem with that_I'm in Spain but what happens is they entertain the parents until the early hours and they have a drink or two and allow the kids to do whatever they like! The classic last summer was being awoken on more than one occasion by a strange was a kiddies bike stabalisers on the concrete-it was gone 1 am! The toilets become a great playground and the mess caused was unbelievable. I have always said that this is a campsite with two personalities and I for one don't want to see its other side again in summer as it will turn into the campsite from hell. It narrowly avoided it the past two summers but I really do feel for the people who stay all year round. I don't know what they hope to achieve as its not as though kids or dogs spend money and these ideas are actually driving people who do spend money away! I can see the argument now 'why should I now have to pay for my dog when kids go free?!" Why don't we just have one set of rules and one set of prices and everyone pays the same? No special deals for the Spanish. No special deals for Carefree or any other club for that matter. The bottom line regardless of nationality or Club is we are ALL campers! I think a lot of resentment has been caused by special offers and perceived special treatment to certain nationalities and groups. If there's an event on in the restaurant why should Carefree get a free lift leaving the rest of us to walk?! Why should their pets go free when everyone else had to pay?
I'm convinced the Worlds gone mad. France is looking appealing too. I know it will cost me more money but money certainly isn't my god and I'm voting with my feet! What price for what little sanity I may have left?!
Well just for a change its sunny and its market day at LA Marina. Hopefully I can get some fabric that I have wanted for ages for a good friend and then I'm nearly up to date with my sewing jobs. Jobs? Payment is always in wine. I don't think I've bought a bottle since Christmas and I have certainly drank!
Well guys shopping in the sun to be done. Have a good day folks!

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Spring camping at Marjal-what a find!

OK so we have tried the Healthcare system out here privately and using out ethic card. Both are considerably better than the NHS and BUPA. I hadn't seen a dentist for more years than I care to admit so I looked on the internet and found a British Dentist at Benijofar. My teeth were giving the fact sway that I like red wine too much, tea, coffee and everything else that stains your teeth. When I rang up they said "there's a free check up" The cynic in me thought " yep I'm only going to get them cleaned and polished but its a scam. They will find everything wrong ( and there's bound to be loads that needs doing) Oh how the cynic in me was proved wrong! I expected to have my teeth cleaned by a hygienist...oh no the dentist does everything! He was fantastic-thats all I can say. He was a guy who had probably retired from full time dentistry and works part time at Benijofar at Medicare. I have not had such a thorough check up in my life or a clean. He found nothing wrong! He was so caring. He explained absolutely everything and what he was doing and why. I even had an x ray. As I was in the chair I thought 'this is at least 200 euros'. Hey ho. Again the cynic was proved wrong. One and a half hours later ..70 euros please! What?! Are you sure?! From now on its Tim at Medicare for me all the way!
I'm not on commission but I can't praise him enough. I would have no hesitation in recommending him to anyone god forbid you are in pain and need a dentist!
I came back feeling all clean and my hollow promises to the dentist didn't last five minutes. Roger is leaving on Thursday and it would have been rude not to have had a farewell drink with him..oh wine?! ( maybe he has shares in Medicare!) I don't even remember cleaning the bloody things before I got into bed! Oh heck it was windy in the night..( no not that sort of wind!) The eyesore of a fence opposite me has all come down. Its hard to imagine but its even more of an eyesore than it was before and its flapping about all over hitting the very unattractive caravan.
Well I am getting through my sewing jobs ready for our " great escape' It will be a gentle meander up Spain to start the Tour. Hard work and hard fun. Best get my skates on and get myself a haircut and rebuild for the start. I wonder how quickly Medicare could do a total body overhaul and facelift?!

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Spring Camping at Marjal

Well I have just visited the loo ( too much information) but one of the highlights of making the teck across there is seeing what people are selling. There are one or two bargains to be had and yet at other times I do wonder where people dream up the prices from.
There was a six month old caravan for sale as the owners state that caravanning is not for them. I thought that is really sad. I then read the details of what is for sale included with the caravan and I became quite angry. These newbies had clearly gone into a showroom and chosen a caravan that was brand new and he has sold them every conceivable extra that they really didn't need for a winter down here or anywhere for that matter! For example why oh why would a caravan and car need a total of 3 batteries plus solar power?! The list is endless of extras. That salesman has made a quick buck but how short sighted. They will never come back to caravanning again and how disappointing for potential newbies. My advice to anybody thinking of trying a caravan is buy a second hand one and find out exactly what you DO NEED! Certainly ask around and don't trust every blooming salesman who has probably never been caravanning in his life! His idea of camping in Spain is probably two weeks in a grotty apartment at Magaluf! Very sad. I hope these people find what they are really after and will be happy.
Oh bore of bores. The sun is shining again. Its my last line dancing class today. A bit of gentle exercise and FUN, then its the dreaded dentist. I'm trying to do a bit of a self overhaul before the Tour-trying well TRYING not to look like a total slob!
Oh yes the new awning arrived yesterday. It looks fan. It even came complete with awning skirt and groundsheet! It only weighs 11 KGS and looks perfect for what we need. Most importantly girlies it matches the caravan! How girlie is that?! Probably totally impracticable but it has to be done!
Well I'd better get ready for line dancing-now where did I put my holster?!

Monday 24 March 2014

Spring Camping at Marjal

It was lovely to write that and it actually feels like spring now. I have to leave in two weeks or so but all the people that have been here and left are missing the best time! I'm not missing some of the things ( now what could they be?!) but the campsite is lovely and quiet during the week. My lovely next door neighbour passed me a lovely story yesterday and I only partly witnessed it ( bloody typical as I would have died laughing!) I saw a young man who appeared Spanish walking past my caravan. He caught my eye far too young!) As he had a baby in a papoose and was walking a dog. I thought 'how lovely. Giving his wife a lie in bed'. Apparently he stopped and talked to another dog walker whose dog obviously couldn't wait any longer and peed up his leg! And they say us women talk! Apparently he wasn't impressed! I would love to have seen it!
There's not a lot going on socially as everyone is leaving. I will have to make Happy Hour. I am still supposed to be getting organised. Hopefully today or tomorrow the new awning will arrive.
The sale of Julies Fendt caravan fell through so if anyone knows anyone who is after a very solid caravan please let me or my mum know as we will have the keys. It is a lovely van inside with fixed single beds. It has an awning but in fairness it needs binning and a new one-no big deal and it will last for years. That's another of my jobs today, putting it on fb for them. It is very clean. I have known this van from new and can say its never had any animals in it! Not that a
L dog owners are dirty.. But there is always an animal smell..did I get myself out of that hole OK ?!
Well I have a few sewing jobs to do and at least if I can get on top of those I can start to pack and get organised. Less than a month and we will be on Tour. Excited or what?! Let's hope we have a good group. All I can say is that there certainly won't be any dogs and as long as they all have a sense of humour we will be on tour bring it on!

Sunday 23 March 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal-well its spring actually!

You can tell its spring not only by the weather but by the fact that there are spaces on the campsite and things are changing. This place is like a campsite with two personalities. A lot of Europeans have left including the Unfriendly Club and so has the number of dogs! The Spanish are starting to arrive but mainly at weekends. Unfortunately though the stealing has started again. In the summer if things weren't nailed down they went. To my knowledge four bikes went missing last weekend and only one has been found. Such a shame when over winter you could leave just about anything anywhere and it was still there.So please lock everything up again! I am hoping that next winter it will return to the Marjal we all knew and loved. If anyone can sort it Enrique will.
Yesterday a large delivery lorry came and stopped outside mine 'ha ha I thought' this is my bargain awning arriving
It was cheap so I knew it was too good to be true! What I envisaged to be a bout of a joke for my blog turned out to be hilarious but for all the wrong reasons.
The guy next door to me who has the vicious little yapper is totally arrogant. I haven't fallen out with him but he has had more telling offs from Marjal than a few. For some reason he drives an ugly great big van thing and parks it anywhere but on his pitch and he has a double pitch! The lorry had stopped because he had parked his van in the road! The lorry driver asked him to move and he gave driver a mouthful. I don't know what was said but it was aggressive in any language!
Now how unreasonable was the lorry driver?! Its not as though the man next door was unloadening anything. I just don't understand his problem! 
Oh lat night I couldn't believe it..TV..we had to suffer the highlights of sports relief! Highlights?! Basically the same rubbish was repeated again! The only good bit was the Only Fools and Horses. Surely they can't show it again tonight-it was bad enough the first time! Come on BBC invest in some decent dramas. I would pay to watch them or even donate money! Now there's a controversial thought. I don't pay a TV licence but I wouldn't mind paying if I could legally get iPlayer abroad! Oh there is a caveat to that. No sport and 'relief days!" !
Yesterday afternoon we met our Co Hosts for the big Riviera Touch Tour with the Caravan Club ( we had previously met the others who promptly gave me a glass of wine and led me astray but yesterday we met Ann and Steve. Trying to create a good impression in the middle of the afternoon I offered them tea and coffee and cakes. 'We can't stop. We have to go to a g and t party!" Well we won't be having any difficulty with them co hosting with us! We were going out and as we drove past it was lovely to see the gathering in the sunshine-roll on our Tour! Hmm there is a huge difference in the two British Clubs!
Well today being Sunday is market day. I have to go to two. One to buy fabric and the other to replace my handbag stolen by my daughter. The sun is is tough!

Saturday 22 March 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal-what rain in Spain?!

Well yesterday was quite a novelty. I can't remember when I last saw rain. It became really black over the mountains and then it started thundering. Oohh a storm. Like idiots we put extra storm poles in the awning and hammered everything in and down...oh dear..
What a waste of bloody time! It rained for all of ten minutes then someone flicked a switch and that was it,over and done with! If only it could be like that in the UK!
We were confined to barracks as I was having a dry night and OMG was TV bad?! I'm amazed you couldn't hear us shouting at the TV. We should be banned from watching it!
In my opinion there is far too much sport on TV and I love sport. Its just a cheap and easy form of entertainment instead of an expensive drama or documentary so we will watch SportsRelief...mistake! I do actually like David Beckham and his sketch with the only Fools and Horses duo was good but instead of going to some of these great lengths to get money off Jo soap who are struggling as it is-why doesn't every footballer donate a weeks wages?! Radical I know but how many thousands does Rooney and Beckham earn a minute?!
Actually thinking about it not just footballers. David Tennant and other celebs could also donate. I was really on my soapbox as the last article on the midlands new was about swimming pools closing in the UK where kids go to learn to swim! Helllooo if our kids can't swim they could drown...we live on a bloody island! And whilst some of the reports were appalling who pays for all the different celebs to report?! I hope some big airline paid for all those flights!
I really got on my soapbox when as a Country we donate millions often to other corrupt countries anyway. The good old public always donate and then the government announces that it will match whatever the public raises. I've already donated at least once! I pay my taxes! It was all just too much ! It maybe started off as a very good idea but now?! Hey that was a real rant and each to their own but I'm not so naive as to think these so called celebs did all this for the right reasons oh and don't get me going on Davina McCall as a presenter. Did she have ants in her pants or did she want to be on the dancing section-that woman couldn't stand still for two minutes,she was so bloody annoying to watch. I could give her some lessons on public speaking as she was definitely lacking or shall I be kind and say that she's not a natural?!
Well that was all that off my chest. Entertaining as it was all so bad and so false. Let's hope the weather is better today and that there is something decent on TV. Its only once a year but then..comic relief, children in need humbug humbug!And most importantly its not a dry day today! The sun is trying to burn through and the world is good. Our ordinary lives at times have been far from perfect but I'm certainly not going to broadcast woh is me! We are lucky. We have made it but not without our own sorrows and hardships. Count each day and live each day as though its your last because one day you will be bloody right! Now who said that?! I know I've just typed it but whose quote was it that I've just mutilated?!
Oh that's reminded me..another one I like is "failing to plan is planning to fail' I don't know who the hell said that either but I had better do some homework for the forthcoming Tour. Yep I have been to nearly all these places before but I do like a little knowledge of each area just in case.I don't want to appear totally stupid as I find that act so easy to do! A bloody good tidy up may also be in order and take all those bloody storm poles down-it looks stupid when the sun is shining and its so hot!
Have a good day folks and live each day!

Thursday 20 March 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal- Happy Hour? Happy Day!

What a strange but lovely day yesterday. I went to Specsavers Guardamar with a broken pair of glasses well they didn't like it when I sat on them. The lovely optician changed both lenses and made my glasses like new all for 40 euros! Same day service as well. Excellent.
I went round the market and bought more blooming clothes Anne returned back here. I saw that the Caravan Clubs Coastal Tour had started to arrive so I thought I would introduce myself, leaving Dave to make me a coffee as I would only be two minutes. What bad people I met! Wine?! Err well out would have been rude not to! Lovely people so I reminded them that happy hour was on in the bar later.
Cycling back Roger was sitting outside with Alex and they also made me drink wine! More bad people! Anyhow there was a little bout that was relatively sensible and collectively we have come up with some really mad but fun ideas for next winter because if we wait for the animation team to sort anything out we will all be 6 feet under! One I really like the sound of is a Treasure Hunt on bikes. Well you can run,walk or ride just no powered bikes. Sounds like fun but that reminds me someone has started playing their own games.Bikes have been going missing. One has or was probably just used for a 'joyride' and turned up again but poor old satellite Dave s has no it been returned so if you see a gents Halfords bike lying around that's where it belongs.
Oh I digressed ( that's not like me!) So whilst at Rogers Jan and Keith aka Mr and Mrs Kiko from the other Marjal came to visit. Great to catch up on the news and gossip and then...oh no its happy hour time! More wine?! We were joined by the Caravan Clubs Tour Hosts Marion and Terry. I'm pleased to say that they didn't let the side down! Marjal put on dancers who were fantastic and kept the bar full all night. This new Director certainly has the right idea. They were Latin style/flamenco and brilliant. Once again my photos certainly do not do it justice!
He was throwing the lady around amazingly well! I think Dave would like to do that at times! But would he catch me?! It really was as great night. The only trouble when I drink white wine is that I start to bounce off the walls at silly o clock so I've been up since 5.30 with no one to bounce with! At least you get a brilliant WiFi signal as anyone remotely normal is still asleep!
So I am here writing this rubbish but before I did I had a look on my blog statistics as you can see how many people read them and what Country they are from. Its amazing. Obviously I get a lot of 'hits' from the UK and Spain but Thailand, Botswana, Malaysia and some Countries I have barely heard of. I don't know who you are but welcome and thank you! The internet really does make the world a smaller place!
So today I must be alcohol free. I missed my jogging ( scarey I have been running nearly 2k a day!) but it seems to be giving me so much more energy that I can't blooming sit still! Dave's loving it as he gets peace and quiet most afternoons as I'm out on my bike! Too hot and boring to sit in the sun! 
Well folks normal people are getting up now as my WiFi signal is getting slower. Its too early to know what the weather is going to do yet but I would guess it will be sunny as its very mild. Whatever you're doing with your day it won't be as long as mine but do have a good one! 

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal. another day in the sun!

The weather has been amazing here for march. 25/26 degrees each day and its a a lot warmer through the night as well ( no don't be silly I've been married too long for that nonsense!) but its great and you can tell that its almost time to put the clocks forward-roll on the end of the month!The only thing is that its nearly time for me to pack up and start the Tour. Hard work but great fun. The Highlights of Spain Tour. Yippee!
I have started to be organised which is really worrying. Yesterday I gate crashed Rogers meeting with Enrique the site Director. Apart from the dog issue I know lots of people were pretty upset about not being able to have Christmas Dinner here like we have had every year because of the Unfriendly Club. I told him so ( with my normal tact and diplomacy?!) Result! I do like Enrique. He does listen! In fairness he wasn't sure what would be happening at Christmas but assured us one way or another we could have our Christmas dinner here next year. If the restaurant is full-how about getting the New Years eve marquee early ensuring that there are plenty of heaters?! Now that sounds like fun!  He is definitely talking of another New Years eve bash so its all good news even if it does involve a little work for me!
I also decided that I needed a new lightweight awning for touring. Have you seen the prices even for second hand ones out here?! 300 euros and it WS cream crackered-I don't think so. I remembered Andy saying ages ago that he had a trade account cut a long story short a brand new one is on its way for 250 delivered! Ooh yes and I will be Mrs pretentious its black and grey and matches the caravan! I will put pics up when it comes but for awnings Andy is your man!
So today.. I have to repair a trailer tent for a friend. Don't ask me how a Conway has ripped. It can only be thge sun. That canvas is amazing stuff.
The Caravan Clubs Coastal Spain Tour arrives here today for 6 days. I think other campers will notice the difference between the two clubs-you won't even know that they are here! No dogs,no kids trains and hopefully just nice ordinary people! I must remember to go and invite them to Happy Hour tonight though! ( well assuming that they are the normal friendly lot!)
So the sun is up and I had better crack on. With what?! Oh yes I must go to the market at LA Marina for some fabric and somehow I have broken another pair of glasses! Specsavers Guardamar here I come-if I can see to get myself there! Have a good day folks!

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal-What did Katie do next?!

Well my daughter got her name as the Katy books were my favourite when I was a kid. The trouble is that at 24 I still worry what is going to happen next!
Early yesterday morning I took a phone call from her and she was hysterical. Basically she had lost her keys and was locked on the house with my mother! ( terrifying thought!) What she hadn't realised at that point was that someone appeasrs to have put their hand through her letterbox and stolen her car! Her lovely BMW mini with very distinctive private number and paintwork had been stolen! It took some time to convince her and to calm her down enough to report it to the Police. Whilst she was doing that I splattered it all over Facebook! What a useful tool it can be! We had the car circulated far and wide and friends were 'sharing' my message so it reached 100s of people instantly. Amazing and thank you all. Very quickly the car was found by the police amazingly in tact with no apparant damage! They had left the car insecure but put the steering lock on! The car was recovered to a friends garage for fingerprinting etc phew! Crises over.....oh no!
My other daughter who lives near where Katie's car was found abandoned rings me...her car has been broken into and things taken! Coincidence? I think not. Initially theolice refused to fingerprint/soco my other daughters car until a fight was put up..I am not holding my breath!
What a day! Poor old mum had gone to Katie's to get her eye better not to watch a police drama unfold in front of her! So thank goodness today is another day!
Whilst I was trying to take my mind off thongs I finally decided it was time to wash the car and get the Saharan sand off it. I went up to the car wash area. It was empty. Within minutes and believe me I don't take long to clean a car there was a queue of motorhomes and cars waiting. I suddenly realised that the site was intended to have five of these areas and only one is operational! No wonder there was a queue so quickly! Words were echoing of a conversation that I had with a friend regarding the price hike here " what do they actually provide? What does Marjal do for us for all that money?!" Yes fair point. Put the prices up when ALL the facilities are available to ALL! Where is the second swimming pool and other bar that we so desperately need?! Interesting thought. Put the prices up and we MAY provide all the facilities?! Error wrong way round! I do see their anger now. It suits me here for winter but I am looking forward to wandering. I just have to get mother back to Spain first! I think she may be slightly relieved to get back after the dramatic 48 hours spent in Hull! Hmmm wonder why neither of us are in any rush to go back?!

Monday 17 March 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal-I can see what all the fuss was about!

What a day yesterday! My family flew back to the UK on Saturday with my family to try and get her troublesome eye sorted out after four months. We had visited three opticians in Spain and a Specialist at an expensive private hospital here and also a visit back to the UK where Hull Royal Infirmary confirmed everything that the Spanish said " lacerations to the cornea,' My mum was in tears with the continuing pain so yet again went back to the UK . She was asked to read the good old eyesight board and she managed two lines. The Specialist then had a dig around in her eye and pulled out a piece of fabric and put it on a piece of paper that even my mum could see with her bare eye! She went back to the board and read the entire thing without her glasses! The specialist even commented on what good eyesight she had! Naturally I am truly delighted but why hadn't anyone else seen it and it makes me cross that she has had to suffer for four months, not to mention all the money involved! Maybe its not just the NHS that don't always get it right? I am giving them all the benefit of the doubt that it was just impossible to see but its pretty scarey stuff isn't it?!
The day continued to be good. The weather got up to 25 degrees and sunny! I had a trip to my favourite market at San Isidro and a new stall had sprung up. A man selling L Ordeal make up for 1 and 2 euros! I'm sure its the real stuff but I wouldn't like to say where it came from! Naturally and with a face like mine I bought a lot ( still hoping for miracles!)
The sun was almost too hot to sit in so I went for a bike ride around the site. Well that was a bit of a joke really to call it a bike ride. It took me two hours but I did talk to lots of nice people and had a cup of tea! Oh yes the bus that I pictured leaving apparently the reason that they left was because their dog didn't like it here?! Well if that's true I've heard it all now! Many people are concerned about their great price hike. Everyone seems to be on different deals. As I was caravan number four on here I did get as heavily discounted rate but in fairness not even a toilet block was open and we wild camped on a pitch! We then had to put up with diggers,tractors and the like for a long time. It was like living on a building site but we had faith that things would get better and they did. We really couldn't expect those rates forever. Its not fair to compare to UK prices but its still very competitively priced in Spain. Go to France, where there is seasonal sunshine and see those prices! I guess that Marjal are a business and they now have enough customers to put the prices up. There are several things here that I don't like but I think its still excellent value for money.  That is unless there is another price rise around the corner that I don't know about! I just wish that we had the opportunity to use the facilities that we are paying for and not allow the Unfriendly Club to take over!
We had a lovely surprise yesterday. I had a new addition to my family

I gave a lady on here some material and look how she repaid me! How lovely. Her name is Mini Molly! Not the lady that made it-the name of the doll!
I also foolishly entered the Great British Sewing Bee Competition but don't hold your breath folks the application form was a nightmare!
Omg its going to be another scorthcher and I am left babysitting happerns-have a good day!

Sunday 16 March 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal..peace at last.

Yes not just the fact that my daughter and granddaughter went home last night but the campsite is definitely getting quieter. The Spanish are now returning paricuarly at weekends. Although they have dogs they only have one or two at the most and I haven't heard a yapper for a while ( except the thing next door!)
We went to Chris and Pages end of season bash which as usual was superb and yes then food was good. Steve made me laugh. He sent me a picture which I think Marjal should use to get the Unfriendly Club here next winter..
Now that should get them flocking in! I
don't know why Marjal wasted so much money! In fairness I must point out it was not all the Club but by heck they were strong contributors! Thanks Steve for that!
The other thing that I have noticed they have 'laws' appantly about not mixing with other campers oh yes ( head mans words not mine!) but they allow just about any unit with them. The Spanish Caravan Club allows caravans only. The motorhome clubs allow only motorhomes, even the Caravan Club only allow caravans and motor caravans up to 7.5 m or occasionally 8 metres they allow Anyone! What does it matter? Again like the 'pets go free rule some people take things to excess
I haven't singalled out this rig for any particular reason but do you really need a bus and a trailer to go camping?! There were several rigs like this and bigger all probably because of the cheap negotiated prices and the fact thast this must be one of the few sites that could accommodate it. Why should they pay less than me or the same price as a small motorhome or caravan?! The best bit is except for a miracle it will cost him around 500 for fuel just to get to a Spanish port so he really needs cheap pitches! There are several rigs on here that are bigger than that one ( just this was a poor unfortunate guy who was passing as I got my camera out!) Why do two retired people need so much?! What the hell do they carry?! And don't get me going on how little road tax they pay compared to a car and caravan! ( yes its cheaper!) Corr that was a rant. I bet you wish that he had driven the other way round the campsite?!
Well what else did we do? Bar meals at Marjal definitely hit and miss. The restaurant has been constantly good but its not always open! We know that Marjal owns a construction company and I think that the other night they serves us bricks disguised as chips! I feared for my dentistry and the burgers weren't much better either. Menu del Dia would probably have been a better option but if I'm eating a 3 course meal I would rather sit in a restaurant than with a wide screen TV in a bar!  The problem camping with a 4 year old is the Spanish eat so much later and few places are open and Granny certainly doesn't cook! Too much swimming and playing to be done! Besides ..have you tried Grannys cooking?! Please let it be known that I did make yes MAKE a chocolate cake with my grandaughter-it was hell on earth squeezing the contents out of the packet! Well a 4 year old didn't know did she?! I even let her put a spoon in a bowl and mix so she thinks that we made it! What a chart. Desperate measures and all that!
Since they left I have discovered that there is actually ground and flooring in the awning. I also have a lovely 6"4 bed! Yes Her ladyship claimed that. When I got up this morning I went to grab my handbag..where is it? I had forgotten I had been relieved of that as well ( my daughter took a shine to it!) So I have my bed and a floor back ..its just a trifle worrying what else have I lost?! I think I should have done a full suitcase check! Granny is definitely slipping up. I'm mildly flattered that I can still be trendy! I guess its off to the market today and barter again. He initially wanted 60 something euro for that handbag. Typically northern I walked away. I finished up buying at 20 euros for a leather bag-lets just hope I can do it again! All I can say is thank goodness there aren't workhouses anymore and I have an understanding bank manager!
Oh the sun is out-typical now they are back in the UK. I guess its time for the washing to commence.. I will just about get on top of it all again and organised and they will want to be out again...What a lucky Granny-I wouldn't have it any other way!
PS please not the shoes from Zara-how cute are they?! 

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal. I hate Ryanair!

How can it be allowed to happen that one Company has all the flight slots and can deliver the worst customer service in the world?! I booked my daughter and granddaughters flights for them for their break. Initially I looked at the only other airline from Leeds/Bradford Jet2 but they only had two flights a week. I don't mind paying the extra as I have had previous horrendous experiences with Ryanair but I had no choice £400 return so I casnt even say that it was cheap!
Initially there was problems parking the car but that was mainly due to Katie. The flight was delayed by an hour. She only travels very light and had bought Molly colouring books etc for the plane. Too many people had cabin luggage and despite her protests her bag complete with a 3 year olds entertainment was destined for the hold. Once on board they were sat in the middle of several stag parties going to Benidorm and as the flight progressed the drunkier and roudier they became. The language was terrible ( and Katie is certainly not a prude!)got worse and worse. She asked them to 'tone it down a little' to no avail and instead of the flight attendant intervening.they joined in! Apparently another journey from hell. The only good thing and most important is that they are here safely. What people don't realise is that to get that flight they had to leave home at 5 am for the pleasure to arrive here at 2.30 pm! A 3 year old in tow-now that's blooming hard work with no colouring books etc..shame on you yet again Ryanair and as soon as the new service from Humberside opens in May you know where all my custom will be going! Reading the new service operators details from jet extra they certainly seem to be listening to what we want-good luck to them and roll on the start date!
Well that's off my chest. Ryanair I hate you! By the time they got here they were exhausted and stressed out. A little TLC and spoiling was called for!
Well if granny can't let you eat sweeties in bed who can?! Oh yes we were evicted from our bed!
The weather yesterday wasn't great so there's only one thing for three girls to do...
That was just the stasrt-she couldn't carry all the bags in the end. 'Start them young' is Katie's motto! A mucky job and all that. Oh but laugh and she will kill me when she's older..but that's a grannies privelage. She wanted a 'little mermaid' shower cap which of course I bought her. She loves the novelty of a shower in the caravan and the novelty of the shower cap. I turned the shower on. She stood there momentarily under it and then ran out as the sound of the water on the shower cap could be heard. "Its raining!"
The face never cracked as all Katie and I could do was laugh. Worth every penny just for the entertainment!
Kids..who can't love them?! Please Mr sunshine come out today-Im skint!

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal-A great cold remedy!

I'm surprised you didn't hear me shouting 'I don't believe it!" All winter everyone around me has had repeated stinking colds and I have managed to survive until yesterday. No I can't have a cold my daughter and granddaughter are coming out today I can't be ill-not now! I felt terrible. I immediately dosed myself up on Beecham's flu capsules and head over steaming water with Olbus Oil....oh no still feeling crap......I heard a long time ago that an old Chinese remedy is to inhale the smells from an onion! The cold germs are supposed to be absorbed by the onion.Poor old Dave. I cut an onion in two and placed it on the shelf above my bed and hey presto! I woke  this morning with a little sniffle but able to breathe throughout the night and this morning! I tell you its a bloody miracle. I felt so poorly last night I thought I was in for the full blown flu! I couldn't face my jog,the shower or any of my normal evening routine..maybe its jogging that's bad for you?!
So here I am a very happy little bunny and very excited. This is going to be the longest morning ever. My eccentric neighbours have gone ( says the woman who sleeps with an onion!) Another yapper less. The site is slowly returning to the oasis of calm that we love and the sun is shining.
The Unfriendly Club are slowly leaving. I think if they come here again next year with their dogs I shall be wandering more. I don't look out of my window at home and look at dogs pooing and listening to them yap so why should I come here and pay for the privelage?! Maybe we can have the quiz night back. Its all so one sided. The quiz was set up by a friend of mine and I helped her even though its not my thing. The Unfriendly Club have just taken it over and worse still they have set up their own and don't invited anyone else! Of course they also have the exclusive use of the bloody kids train making the rest of us feel like second rate citizens or second rate campers. Grrrr We need to form our own club?! Nooooooo! I could think of some very suitable names for it!
Well I'm off now for another snort of my onion! I tell you onions all the way for me from now on! Have a good day folks!

Monday 10 March 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal-Im surrounded by them!

OK so this weekend was the line dancing festival. I don't have a problem with that-I actually like line dancing but only for fun. Very close to us was an empty pitch and along came some campers complete with obligatory happy dog. I couldn't get a pic the first morning that they were here but I did describe the unbelievable sight of them dressed up.
Yesterday morning I performed better I am pleased to report'

Isn't it going too far to have an outfit that matches your dog?! It gets even worse. I am reliably informed that in the afternoon she came back and changed into a long red dress with hoop under it! Now that must have been fun packing the motorhome! My hubby should never complain about my clothes again! 
Can you see the size of their pack up?! Admittedly there were chairs there but were they really going out west?! O dear o dear. This was done in all seriousness with military precision. I would love to have known what was in her bloody sandwiches?!
Today my amusement is over as they have gone. Its fascinating watching people. I really learn a lot and realise that maybe I have the wrong essential camping equipment!
Its been a lovely sunny day here again but the blooming breeze has got up now and just decided to spoil it slightly-hey ho its only march.
I have my granddaughter and daughter coming out tomorrow and this sad old tart is solo excited. I spent a fortune in Carrefour this morning. I hope the restaurant is good again as I certainly don't intend cooking the little time that I have with them.
Well I had better go and sort a friends awning out and do something with the where is my bonnet?!

Saturday 8 March 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal Costa Blanca

Morning world. Why do these keys make so much noise when you press them?! Ooo what a night again! Or rather what a day. Thank goodness its nearly the end of the season as it will give me time to dry out!
Yesterday started well. It was a cold night but by heck it soon got warm. I was sitting in my awning and gutted that I couldn't get to my camera in time. Out of the motorhome almost behind me came a male and female with the obligatory yapper ( well its a pure requisite to camp anywhere near me!) No it was not the dog. It was 9.30 in the morning and the female was dressed as though she had just walked out of a western movie. Full long dress, big hat etc. He was all dressed up, stetson etc-what a pair they looked. Yep I will dress up and have fun but these two actually thought they looked gorgeous?! Hellooo hot day...middle of Spain! Oh I missed his gun out! Each to their own just gutted I missed the pic! My wardrobe is pretty full but is this the new essential camping gear?!
I went to the market and the lady at the Marks and Spencer stall kindly relieved me of another 65 euros. Kind of her really?! In the afternoon we had a lovely barbecue with friends to celebrate their 25 the wedding anniversary.It was there that the next plan was hatched. The guys were not into the Country music bit and there was entertainment on in the restaurant and the bar. Simple solution,ditch the blokes and girlies night out. We knew that we couldn't get a ticket for in the restaurant as the Unfriendly Club had block booked again along with their own transport ( the kids train!) so we would make do with the bar. The DJ well actually I felt sorry for him. When we first got there they had football on the big screen. There was no dance floor so we just sat and talked mainly. About 9.30 someone came along and cleared the table and chairs but it was too late-the magician came on! Yes a magician! There were a handful of kids but they have all those lovely play rooms so us ( who had been spending money) just thought at 10 o clock 'there's nothing for us,let's go home'. Angie saw the predicament and allowed us in the restaurant area to see the final acts which were fab. The place was alive. The dance floor was full. I think most of us staggered home and as I say typing the keypad hurts my head!
The Magician apparently was very good but it was a good way to empty the bar! It must be a very difficult balance though in fairness as the Spanish culture is so different from the other Europeans. I remember on New Years Eve the kids club was still open and full at 11.30 pm! Yes 11.30 pm! We are in Spain and I actually love kids as long as they are well behaved! As the weather has got warmer the Spanish are starting to camp again. This place changes yet again. The other Europeans will mainly disappear and the Spanish come. Somehow the nationalities don't mix well together but we are in their Country!
So today, the festival is still on but then again so are the best markets..decisions,decisions. I feel zocco coming on and then either a walk/bop at the festival or a lie down and die in the where is my gun and stetson?!

My lovely neighbour Chris giving Val some flowers when we discovered it was her 25 the wedding anniversary. Congratulations Val and Jim and thanks for a great afternoon!

Winter Camping Marjal Costa Blanca

Well I was a good girl last night and I didn't have any alcohol. I went running and early to bed. The trouble with all this healthy stuff is that I'm wide awake at silly o clock and full of bloody beans! The trouble is if Dave was left to his own devices I wouldn't see him until lunchtime. Its very tempting to grab the car keys and go to the market early. Oh yes. I have found my favourite M and S shop and she is temporarily doing the markets until she relocates. The big problem is that she seems to stock all the clothes that I like. The last time I saw her ( Thursday) I managed to spend over 100 euros and the caravan is only 20 odd feet long!
This weekend is also the Country Festival. I believe its tickets only in the restaurant tonight but there's also entertainment on in the bar..well it would be rude not to! There's also music etc on throughout each day. This afternoon I am at a friends barbecue..oh hell its fitting it all in!
I was so bloody good yesterday I even put a new panel in my kitchen tent. I bought it second hand about five years ago but it was the biggest yuck job going and after five years of Saharan sand it was thikthy and I finished up the same colour!
Its countdown for me now until Tuesday when my daughter and granddaughter get out here and then a few more days before I slowly head northwards to start the Highlights oof Spain Tour for the Caravan Club. I did this one last year and its a really great. There is so much to Spain. The tour doesn't just show the lovely cities but also a green side to Spain that makes the lake district look flat and boring!
If any of you are thinking of going back to old Blighty via Portugal there is another super Tour going on. I know the people who are hosting it and they are great fun. I have stashed on all the sites and they are beautiful. At Bella Vista its possible to do trips out to Gibraltar and Morocco. Although it initially looks expensive you have to deduct the expensive Spanish ferry crossings if you are already over here! It maybe of interest if some of you are heading back and it would certainly be a Tour I would recommend and I'm not on cvomission from the Caravan Club ( though I ought to be!)

There is so much to see and do in this area but now its time to dash market here I come!

Friday 7 March 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal Costa Blanca end of Season

Well I will have to change my headings as this season is nearly over. So much so that a paella night was organised and the winners of the competitions were to be presented with trophies etc. The weather was definitely in our favour but then Things got worse........firstly not enough tables and chairs outside. OK no big deal we will sit inside..yes it is a big deal said the bar manager-you can only eat outside! They knew how many tickets they had sold and yet there was only seating for half the people! Fortunately it didn't bother me at all as I don't like paella but apparently it was yuk! There wasn't even enough cutlery to eat with! I made the wiser choice of a pizza in the bar and that was fine. It got cooler and people came inside ...not enough seating! Thank goodness we already had a table. I could only describe the singer in one word...dire! Far too loud with equipment that didn't work and worse still it was all ummpah music in dutch! Now I have nothing at all against the dutch but we already have dutch days rammed down our throats every month, dutch evenings, dutch food...heloooooo We are not all dutch and the majority of people here don't understand it! This is not Holland! Its not england either but most people speak bloody english! The worst bit is the beat is all the same. You can't do any dance to it! What a noise. Queues at the bar...well you couldn't even see the bloody thing but worse was to come.....The Marjal Choir?! Yes they are probably very talented but by this time we were all well untruly umpahed/Dutched out and maybe not the right venue. We were all seriously considering giving up on the cheap drinks and the presentations but Roger came to the rescue with his tongue in cheek British choir. We dressed to represent the area of the UK that we were from and the music fitted the theme. Here is our bandmaster
So you can imagine what the choir was like?!

Thanks David for allowing me to copy these pics of Facebook! Didn't we do our County proud?! I'm really convinced that the person in the shower cap dressed as Yorkshire pudding is not my mother and that there must have been a mix up at birth!
You see there were some winners and a serious side but the silliness did take over and certainly made the disastrous night bareable! Today the Country festival starts. This lasts the whole weekend...hmmm wonder if they will line dance in Dutch?! 

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Winter Camping at Mddarjal-Blown Away!

Well what a night last night. My caravan was certainly rocking! ( don't be silly we are married!) I think that was one of the wildest nights that I have known here. The wind was truly scarey. The gusts were just so powerful that I think half the campsite was up and if they weren't I want some of the wine that they were on!
I gingerly opened the caravan door this morning and somehow the entire lot is still standing! Phew. A friend of mine then kindly dropped me a free newspaper round-the first that I've seen since the "unfriendly club' arrived and guess what the headline was 'Red Alert for high winds!" No shit sherlock a bit late now! So that's what it was! Gusts expected of 100 km pH. I now consider myself something of an expert on winds and I can confirm that they reached 100 kmph if not more!
It seems to have quietened down a bit now and its lovely and sunny. Last line dancing class at 11.30 this morning as its the Country festival this weekend here. Now that's an education. I actually quite enjoy it but as with everything in life some people just go way too far. Fully grown men having shoot out competitions like in the movies. Only problem is they have toy guns! Some go to great extremes to dress up. I certainly won't be getting that carried away..but each to their own.
The other scarey thing happening tonight is a choir rehearsal! Have you heard me sing?! No its not serious. There already is a Marjal choir ( keep me away from the knife drawer type!) and knowing Roger who is organising it.this will be totally the opposite. A bit tongue in cheek and certainly fun-or I'm off!
Well I guess its time to get dressed and on with the where did I put my cowboy boots?!

Sunday 2 March 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal..Get me away from the mad world!

I haven't blogged for a while but there is a reason. Having lost one pair of expensive glasses in a Chinese shop in Torrievieja I made do with my other pair. I have been jogging recently so I went into Elche to buy some jog bottoms. I went out running. I hadn't got more than 100 yards when the things were around my knees. It wasn't until I got in some good light that I realised I had bought a size 18 instead of a size 10! Hmm not much difference! At least if anyone saw me I could fib and tell them how much weight I had lost through jogging!
OK so the draw string thing was then pulled megga tight and off I went. In my bad mood over buying the wrong bottoms I then sat on the bloody glasses! I am typing this looking like Same Edna with some bright green 12 euro glasses on but at least I can see but then again having seen Facebook this morning I don't believe my eyes!
Maybe I should have paid more for my glasses?! I just don't get it! Just because we do well in the Olympics we should now be independent?! Yes we have a national anthem but not many people even know all the words..these things would really impress and help us survive?! Bloody stupid if you ask me. Now I always thought it was " Yorkshire born. Yorkshire bred. Strong in arm and good in bed' but I've come to the conclusion its ' Yorkshire born. Yorkshire Bred. Strong in arm and bloody thick in head'( says she who had the problems with her eyesight and glasses!)
Rant over
Now it looks as though its going to be another sunny day even though rain is forecast but its blooming windy..grrrr! Things are quitening down here a lot and people are taking their yappers with them but some kind person has left behind a howling cat! Yep I joke not. Several nights it has been under our caravan but I darent do anything about it,like report it to Marjal because the Spanish generally treat animals differently and I would hate to be responsible for signing its death warrant! Now I could sign the death warrant for the thing next door. Responsible dog owners ( and I know there are some!) please be careful. To my knowledge the evil little yapper next to us has injured at least two other dogs.and that's just what I know of! It can get over the silly fence and the owners are either busy in their caravan or simply don't care?! Not nice. I am petrified when kids go by with those cart things that it also growls at and kids with balls ( don't be dirty!). Why keep the thing?! 
Oh no I wasnt going to rant about dogs anymore! So its March! Nice weather around the corner. Well the other night I thought that I had set the central heating wrong. It was 20 degrees in the caravan! No I hadn't. The night time low was 15 degrees! The extra 5 degrees in the van maybe came from Dave snoring! Now don't get me ranting about Dave-you haven't got all day! 
Well I hope this wind drops but my first job of the day..Specsavers here I come! Have a good day folks!