Friday 28 February 2014

a winter Camping at Marjal Costa Blanca

Peace is shattered. Back here again. The difference in a few days is amazing. A lot of the Unfriendly Club have gone and so have many of those blooming dogs! I wonder if we can now get back in the facilities and maybe even get our free newspapers?! That was another thing that got me about them. Free newspapers are delivered every week for the campers. We would go up and help ourselves but when they came one person took the whole blooming lot! The 'friendly club?" I ask you?! I'm staying unfriendly! So let's hope Marjal is beginning to return to what we all know and love. I am not staying around next year if we have a repeat! Wandering is the answer!
Talking of wandering my mum who has a fifth wheel on here was getting a bit stir crazy too. She even considered buying a motorhome! I mean she's 80 for heavens sake. She couldn't cope with a little caravan so I gave her a "talking to!" ( daughters prerogative!) and explained that she could have lots of nights all over the place in nice hotels for the cost of her motorhome. Mother being mother literally went for it and took me literally and instantly. She is now having a ball in a four star hotel in Benidorm where the food is fantastic and all inclusive. She was out last night at Benidorm Palace! ( I was a bit worried in case she had accidently booked Sticky Vicky!) The cost of her three days away ...99 euros! That's including food! OK so I'm not on commission and the hotels name sounded a but rope " flash!" But it really is flash! I hope she does many more as its too easy here just to stay and get in a rut. Spain is a fantastic country-theres just so much to see and all the different areas are...amazing. So much more than sunshine and the Cost as, though they are nice.
Well its sunny again today. I have a few little sewing jobs to do this afternoon and then..?! No the entertainment tonight at the bar is Dutch Dave. Happy Hour last time I went was Dutch with the oompah depressive racket and then we get Dutch Days and dances! Once or twice its nice but......?! I have one or two nice bottles of red tucked away and I think after my jog ( yes me jog!) Tonight I may have my own happy hour. Whatever you do have fun!

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Winter Camping in Spain-Camping Javea

Morning world. Another sunny day here..OK what a bore. Well just for a change I went for another free english breakfast at Scallops. What I hadn't realised is that you buy one evening meal and get two english breakfasts free! Well it would have been rude not to! I solved the tea problem and took my own tea bag!

In the afternoon we sat outside on the campsite and this moaning Brit made me laugh. He had bought a new Lunar Caravan in December similar to ours. He asked us what we thought to ours " great. Its six months old and its been to 14 countries. No complaints!"  The guy then started..the oven gets hot! 'No shit sherlock!" The mirror on his is in the wrong place " surely it was in that place when you bought it?!"  " the mounting outside around the fridge vent is loose but I did remove that stuff around it! ( maybe,just maybe that's why it was there!) Within five minutes I was losing the will to live. Its a good job that he didn't show me the knife drawer! There was clearly nothing wrong with the caravan maybe he just bought the wrong one for him!  I don't think I would ever be a caravan dealer!
In the afternoon we went for a walk towards the lovely little port
Behind the prom I found the most modern of churches. At first I thought " what an eyesore!" But once inside the Courtyard area there was a hive of activity with a toddlers group or something. In the end I actually like the mixture of new and old!

Oh no pic in the wrong place but the WiFi signal is so slow that again I'm losing the will to live! Never mind! David Bailey or whoever your job is safe! Although the beaches look pebbly at the other end they are lovely sand. I was having a great time until I bumped into three tramps
How the hell are they filling their faces again?!

Well its time to pack up and head down the good old AP7 Marjal-your peace is shattered Dave's coming back!

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Winter Camping-Camping Javea

Well as promised I went back to Scallops for my free english breakfast. It was fantastic sitting in the sunshine
Its very clever where they make their money..2 euros for a cup of tea and it certainly wasn't Yorkshire. Tea! I ask you how can anyone have a full english without a cup of tea?! I'm still not grumbling though as it was all amazing.
I do love this campsite but I couldn't help but notice that there are green bins everywhere but look...
So if they are not for rubbish what the hell are they for?! Dogs have to be walked off site so they are not for dog poo either!
So after stuffing my face it became overcast. There's only one thing for a girl to! I was boring and bought loads of food intending to cook but then the restaurant at the campsite was open...a three course meal,including wine for 8.50?! I'm not bloody cooking! Another great meal. I will have to be rolled back down the Coast tomorrow to Marjal!
Oh yes it will take me less than thirty minutes to pack up. A so called friend of mine Roger took a pic the first time that I went on my holidays after my winter stay
I'm not sure what Dave has on his head but I have a distinct feeling the Roger could have staged it?!
Well the sun is shining again ( what a bore!) There seems so much to do here. A walk along the beach front? A stroll around the little port or...another Scallops breakfast?!   Adios!

Sunday 23 February 2014

Winter Camping in Spain Camping Javea

We arrived safely at Camping Javea yesterday and managed to get a pitch. I have always liked this campsite. It has two toilet blocks one older than the other but both incredibly clean and yes with loo paper and hot hot water and soap but I fully understand why there are no places free.. theyve all been refurbished and are absolutely lovely! The pitches are of varying sizes and of course we have the smallest for quite a big caravan and we are straight opposite the toilet block! Now that is a double edhged would be suprised how many nutters wash pots at 11 o clock at night and how much noise they can make but then again I have the best wifi signal on the site all for 1 euro a day! I was able to watch British TV as though it really was TV. It was a good job really as after going out Dave had decided to try and drink some Lancastrains under the table and there was no chance of having any sort of coherent conversation with him.They were a great gang. We had been to Scallops. If you say Javea to anyone the next word that they will say is " Scallops!" Its really superb and no one knows how they do it. Last night we went up market and had the 4 course meal for 11 euros and that inculdes a whole bottle of wine each but then they give you a voucher to come back and have a free english breakfast! The food is amazing too not just cheap! Even on a sunday night at a new location the place was full. It used to have a prime location at the edge of a cove over looking the sea but the rent went up so they moved inland apparantly but their customer base seems to have stayed loyal and followed them. That says a lot about the place. The weather continues to be beautiful even if the weather forecasters say theres a 20 percent chance of rain...again its one of those places that yet again claim to have its own micro climate....I havent been to a place in Spain that doesnt claim to have their own micro climate! Any how here are some pics of Camping Javea -I think I should be on comission!

The site is situated in the middle of orange groves with the little town dotted on the hillside. Yes the campsite has its won lovely little restaurant and bar but its closed one night a week...sunday! How typical! I can vouch that the pool is to die for. I have been here in high season and virtually had it all to myself. I swam over a mile. The thing with it is that it is an extremely deep pool and therefore doesnt really warm up! At the shallow end its about 5 foot deep! Who really cares though when there is a beautiful beach about 1.5 miles away as well. Its great to get out and about though istead of being static for too long. Its too easy to settle into a routine. Oh talking of that I just love this pic that Roger sent me but I cannot uplaod it to my laptop for love nor money so I will jsut have to revert to my tablet later after I have had my breakfast that includes my favourite word...FREE! I will be rolling back down to Marjal at this rate! Its a great little place and again just over an hour oh maybe an hour and a half from Marjal but I can certainly understand why this place is full. Yes it allows dogs but under control! HEAVEN!! How difficult is it?!!! Off tp get dressed and breakfast calling adios amigos! 

Saturday 22 February 2014

Winter Camping on my holidays again!

The great thing about living like this is you can have as many holidays as you like. I quite envy a snail but not at the speed he travels!!We came back to Marjal for a social event and to check up on my mum but our friends have finally managed to reserve us a pitch at camping Javea-so why not?! Yep its great freedom. Why not? We only have the little sun canopy up and in less than half an hour we will be on our way!
I have always enjoyed my winter stays here but this year has been the worst. I was going stir crazy with the amount of dogs. Yap yap and poo everywhere. Its nice to go to other places and realise that its not me. There really are more dogs than campers!
The social side here is great but other campsites have different attributes. Madriles was the views and the pools-Javea its camping in orange groves with a lovely bar and restaurant and of course a lovely little seaside town, that is not too touristy. So here I am blogging when I should be facing my biggest challenge of the day-getting Dave out of bed! Pulling a caravan is nothing...hold on I have a better idea...hitch up and leave him there?! I will update with pics not of Dave in bed but of Javea! Have a good day!
PS talking of social events-end of season competition and do 6 the march. Cheap drinks. Paella 6 euros I have tickets 6 euros-back on Wednesday! Lol

Friday 21 February 2014

Winter Camping back at Marjal Costa Blanca

Well a little trundle of just over an hour and we arrived safely back at Marjal. The welcome back was superb-I hadn't been gone that long! It really is the people that make this place. The site is still extremely busy though. We came back for Chris and Pete's black and white evening. I have to say that they were superb even though the music was a little too old for me personally. Everyone was up dancing and it was a lovely atmosphere..wait for it....the food?.....superb! Yes-steak! Everything cooked and presented to perfection and great service! Any doubt about the new manager here have just about gone and he really is sorting things for the better. I am also told that he is more than aware of the dog situation and is doing something! Judging by the swift turn around of the quality of food he will probably do it! I do hope so.
Well a few pics of last night. It was disappointing to see so few people wearing black and white as requested,you don't tell me that they couldn't have tried!

I really don't know what happens with Alistair's hands when he's had a drink or two-the mind boggles! Has anyone told Marjal that Valentines Day has been and gone?! Anyhow it was a superb night.
The Social side of this campsite could be what makes this one different from all the others and makes it survive. I don't think it should allow one group special treatment, eg the train, block bookings of things we are ALL campers! As they have poor internet signal ( like the rest of us!) Some of them are allowed in the restaurant when its closed for their exclusive use! Come on-we are still paying good money! 
Well that was a whinge and it wasn't meant to be! The sun is out and today could be another great day....oooh I can use my washing machine-how lucky am I?! Simple things and all that-have a good one folks! 

Thursday 20 February 2014

Winter Camping On the move again!

It really must be about time that they altered the clocks here as I'm up at silly o clock! Its really feeling like summer already. I did the boring stuff and got the new tyres put on the car and spent the afternoon in the pool
Well they had gone to all that trouble heating up sea water it would have been rude not to! Dave was quite happy on his recliner with a book ( boring!) I shall be sorry to leave this place and once again a bit like the Terminator "I will be back!"I think I will spend more time here next winter if the kennel club continue at Marjal! 
The biggest challenge today apart from getting Dave out of bed is to get the caravan off the mountain side-thank god for motor movers and then its an hours drive up north-well maybe slightly more but on the grand scheme of things its not far! Bugger! I was tempting trouble-the gas has just ran out! Yes we have a spare bottle but that is HIS department and he has failed! 
One of the big things that I don't like about this place is no loo roll or soap and Dave has yet to have a shower at a constant temperature as someone always flushes a loo or washes blooming pots! A friend of mine recently visited another favourite of mine LA Bella Vista near Gibraltar. Ooo how I loved that place. I thought that I had found the perfect campsite as I visited just after it had opened and it was lovely. Apparently now its packed and everyone is on top of each other! Its very expensive and its only about 200 pitches. Good for them they are obviously doing it right but it doesn't sound as if its for me anymore!  
What is the perfect campsite? I'm sure its not all about money as people are obviously prepared to pay if the facilities are there and can be used. As for Marjal its no good saying " there are plans for another pool' its not good enough when the site is full and the facilities clearly arent coping as in summer there was 'standing room only!"I have managed a campsite before in France...if only I was a few years younger! I shall just have to continue looking_no not to buy a campsite but to find the perfect one and then keep my mouth shut and keep it to myself! OK so I may tell one or two friends! It would definitely have a swimming pool like here!
Well I seem to have put the world to rights or had a grumble and I had better think about getting sorted. The one thing that does make Marjal for me is the people ( well most of them!) If a campsite was judged on its campers then Marjal would be top of the list. Its not perfect but I am looking forward to seeing some great mates again later...hmm they can join me when I've found my perfect throw me the sick bucket...see you later guys..your peace is shattered! 

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Winter Camping Los Madriles- the best swimming pool?!

Wow Wow Wow! As many of you know I'm not renowned for being an exercise freak but by heck I'm turning into a fish! Having indulged too much recently in wine and food I decided to try the pools here. I went in the indoor one first ahhhh blisss. It wasn't cold but it was weird as it was sea water heated! I was so buoyant! Swimming 20 lengths took no effort at all and made me look like a really good swimmer! I then became adventurous and tried the outdoor pool......heaven! It was even warmer. There are jucuzzi jets and plenty of space for swimming. The sun was shining,the views at one side were of the sea and the lovely bay and the other side a view of the mountains. I can't wait to go back in. I did wonder why so many people on the campsite wandered around in dressing gowns all day-now I know why and I'm joining the fashion, well that's after I have done the grotty job of having new tyres fitted to the car this morning. I can't grumble the last tyres only did 30,000 miles. They are not illegal by any stretch of the imagination but as I do put my car and caravan through its paces quite regularly I would rather be on the safe side. After all they are the only things between me and the road!
Well having done all that exercise, followed by my walk up the mountain to my caravan there was only one thing to do...strike up the barbecue and have some wine whilst I take in the view and recover! Well life is all about moderation isn't it?!
Tonight there is live entertainment here at the bar. I know I'm out tomorrow night at Marjal and it would be rude not to go and I don't want to show favouritism so I will just have to go to them both! Oh I did miss the quiz here last night. It was a quiz on bloody Lester Piggott! All I can tell you is that he was a jockey that did time for tax evasion-didnt he? I'm not even sure about that! Specialist subjects all sound a bit daft to me and I'm certainly not going to sit here and start studying! What?! Well if I was I could certainl-y think of a better subject! Sewing?! Acting? ( the fool that is!) Come on...get real!
Well it looks as though its going to be another hell of a day with the sun starting to shine over the bay......better saddle up and trott along with the day! Have a good one folks!

Winter Camping in Spain Los Madriles..Rain!

Oh no! Yes it rained! I write this to make my poor friends and family in the UK feel better! Oh no it wasn't ordinary rain it was full of Saharan sand turning my lovely white caravan orange! Everything this morning is orange but if I can't wash clothes I darent for the life of me clean a bloody caravan! I can't even see out of the friggin windows! Oh could I use my iron? You bet I could. There was no army of men telling me it was against the rules-life sucks!
Yep it was overcast for most of the day yesterday so there was only one thing for it go out for a meal. The campsite is situated in a little bay so we drove to the other side approx 3 miles away. We found a lovely Spanish restaurant and had a lovely Menu Del DiA and of course a nice bottle or two of red. We sat watching the fishermen in their boats.
OK so maybe I should go on a photography course. If it isn't fingers its bloody telegraph wires and bottle banks! The view is looking on to the campsite. Now try and imagine how pretty it would be with sunshine and no telegraph wires! It is a lovely quiet area of Spain and not touristy at all. Maybe they only put the bottle bank there as they knew we were coming?!
After my siesta and before the rain I walked to the area behind my caravan. Is this the prettiest petanque court/ground/pitch whatever they call it?!
Now the view from the other way was a little scarey....
Can u see the little WiFi mast and the roof of a caravan? That's mine! Imagine letting Roger, Dave and the Marjal crew throw those bloody boules so close to my caravan?! I don't think so! After a compulsory visit to the bar?! Omg I would never get insurance again! The WiFi booster works a treat though at the moment. It certainly saves carrying a huge satellite dish around and then you can't get BBC 1- this is the way forward! 80 euros well spent if only there was something worth watching! can't have it all and it does use my favourite word " FREE!"
Well the rain has finished and the sun is out. I hope Yorkshire is still in the middle of England! Off to make a good cup of Yorkshire Tea! Lol

Monday 17 February 2014

Winter Camping at Los Madriles Mazzaron-Im on another planet!

Well the rate things are going I'm beginning to think that I want to be or is it an age thing?
Yesterday morning it was not sunny but there was a bit of a breeze. A great day to do some washing. I got my little twin tub machine out and off I went at a great speed of knots. Suddenly there was an army of men around me ( I thought my luck had changed!) " you can't do that here. You will get thrown off!" Why? What have I done? 'I haven't taken water from the toilet blocks. I've heated my own up using my own gas' Oooo'not allowed. If anyone sees your washing machine you will get thrown off. He might not throw you off first time as you didn't know but by heck if he knows you be got one of those!" I really couldn't believe my ears. I think I would have been in less trouble if I sat here selling heroin! It was so funny. Like a naughty school kid I hurriedly put everything away and destroyed all evidence by putting everything in the back of my car. Heaven only knows what would have happened if I did hand washing or an automatic washing machine! I like this place but I do think that is more than a little OTT. Hang my head in shame but I have clean clothes! That's the first site that has ever happened to me!
OK so today is another day. I check Facebook to find out what everyone's up to and that's it ....confirmed. World gone mad!
Is it April 1st?! I am beginning to dislike the Scots for causing all this stupidity! I had noticed and commented recently that there was suddenly a surge of Yorkshire jokes and propaganda. I love some of the jokes. We have the ability to laugh at ourselves and as far as I'm concerned its always been FUN! I know we have as many people as Scotland and more than Wales. We are richer than both of  them...We may not have oil but who wants oil when we have Aunt Bessies Yorkshire Puddings and even our own chocolate factories and tea! The only thing ,missing is a vineyard but I'm sure that sure as hell we can label something up as I've never seen them picking bloody tea in Yorkshire! The County is just about in the middle of bloody England! Geography made it that way.....hellooooo I'm bloody english! I am really beginning to think I'm the one going crackers! My mother is Scottish and my dad was a Yorkie. I was born in Yorkshire. Do I now have dual nationality?! Get a grip!
Oh dear that was nearly a rant but its just sheer stupidity. I'm not sure what the weathers going to do today. I'm determined at some point to get my kayak out. Oh no I could be living very dangerously......dare I? I may get thrown off this campsite.....I'm going to get my Marks and Spencers Travel Steam Iron out...when you want there to be a bloody rule I bet there isn't! Sh@t happens! Have a good day!

Sunday 16 February 2014

Winter Camping Los Madriles nor Mazzaron

Its really interesting returning to a site after four years as the changes can be quite dramatic and some change only slightly. The staggering thing about this place is the campers themselves. Once upon a time english was very much the second language and you saw the occasional French but now its the other way on. Its not just on the campsite but in the towns as well where the Spanish market traders yesterday were selling their goods in French! I also noticed this at Marjal and other campsites that suddenly there seems to be an influx of French. Why? I actually like the French very much. I thought that it could be that they no longer go to the French speaking African Countries because of the troubles there but curiosity got the better of me as I spoke to a French lady " France has had it. Gone to the dogs!" All her complaints were just what we think of the UK! I still find it hard to believe and just hope that it was her opinion as I love France so much....oh yes she even said " too many immigrants' as well! I have to admit that I was in France last year and I did find things very expensive, maybe its just that they get more for the euro here and at this time of the year its certainly warmer.
Well that was my little ponder for today. Early yesterday morning I went to take some pictures of the lovely outdoor heated pool. Its heated with sea water and changed daily " yeah right' thought I but it actually is! My photo timing was rubbish but it does show a pic of the pool being filled!
As I walked back to the caravan I smiled at how I now had to climb up a mountainside to get back to my caravan..
The last car on the campsite! I don't think even I can see it and I know I left it there!
As all good girls go I did my duty on Sunday mornings. No..not that and not to church either but to the market. It was beautiful. All the stalls were just about giving away winter clothes and spring/summer clothes are coming in. The colours of the plants were lovely
I know my photography is bad...they weren't selling fingers! I was trying to capture everything with 2kg of banana in one hand and handbag know how these things are! Oh the produce was interesting
I think I will just buy a banana tree and put that in my handbag too! Oh another stall selling fingers! I think my sons photography skills didn't come from me-but there again he doesn't have a handbag!
The booster that I bought for the WiFi works a treat when touring and I really recommend it, but there again I should keep quiet as if everyone buys one I will have to get a booster for the booster! I paid 10 euros for seven days at the campsite. I had half strength I put my booster on and whey hey....Full strength and able to watch 'Call the Midwife' with a bottle of wine! ( sad old tart I know!) Life is good! 
I'm sitting outside in my dressing gown typing this rubbish. There is a slight breeze but the sea looks calm..kayaking?! Hmm may just have to be done..another hectic day at the office! Au revoir! OK no I'm in Spain....adios! 

Friday 14 February 2014

Winter Camping in Spain-Is this the best campsite?

I really don't know the answer to that question but this definitely has to be in my top few. I visited this campsite Los Madriles four years ago and loved it. I haven't been back since as you can't book a pitch unless you are staying a minimum of two months.
Yesterday we arrived at 12 prompt and there were just two spaces,which was good as we had friends travelling with us. Well I couldn't believe our luck-we must have the best pitch on the site! Yes it was a bugger to get the caravan on because the road is so steep but wow talk about worth the effort!

I couldn't help but spend all afternoon watching the sea dance in the sunlight and not being able to believe our luck. Not even any neighbours! Were they trying to tell us something or was there only us that would even try to pitch a caravan half way up a mountain side?! My pic doesn't show it but that road really is quite steep!
Well this sites location is Serb and its certainly spotless. I remember from last time a lot of people complained that there are too many rules that they enforce rigorously-but hey it works! Some I agree maybe a bit OTT. Here are some, no dogs, no units over 8 metres in length, not allowed to take water from the toilet blocks, do not feed the camp cats but....not allowed to do washing on a Sunday! Actually although its a bit old fashioned its quite quaint! I am typing this listening to the birds in the trees again..heaven! Oh did I say it was about 26 degrees here yesterday 14 the Feb! Happy Valentines Day!
Now one really fantastic thing about this site is its swimming pools. There is an indoor one and an outdoor one. Both are emptied daily and reheated with sea water! I didn't go in yesterday but I put my hand in and believe me it was warm! Plenty of people were in swimming but it was not packed by any stretch of the imagination.
As you can guess there are some things that I really like here but some..?! All payments for anything is strictly cash only and then you can only pay on certain days between certain hours! Loos are great but no loo roll or soap! I didn't laugh much yesterday when Dave went down the hill to return two minutes later as he'd forgotten the toilet roll!
So today I have to have the caravan to pieces to find my swimming suit. Is it kayaking or swimming? If I can't find the thing its a quick trip to the Chinese that's for sure! What would we do without them?! No not Chinese food-the Chinese shops that sell absolutely everything you will never need..but there again today they may have something I do need! 
Anyhow to friends and family in the UK stay warm and dry and for the rest of us....enjoy the sun!

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Winter Camping in Spain Florentilles

Is it really winter?! I did feel a little guilty yesterday when we took a lovely walk along the sea front and marina in 23 degreed sunshine
I have to be honest and say that I've never been a fan of Torrevieja but yesterday it did look lovely and even the Spanish were on the beach. I came back and read the news and comments on Facebook as to how bad things are in the UK and find it hard to believe we are sharing the same world! 2 hours on an aircraft and look how different!  Apparently its going to stay well in too the twenties for the next is tough!
The only thing that happened yesterday was that I lost my reading glasses ( age thing!) so I could have typed anything on here or added any pic!  Today's task is to retrace my footsteps and if all else fails there's bound to be a Chinese shop! I will probably come out looking like Same Edna and I won't care because I can't see!
I think we are moving on tomorrow to one of my favourite sites if we can get in Los Madrilles at Island Plans near Mazarron. That site has always been in my top 3 but its very popular so I will make a phone call later but you can't reserve! Grrr! 
Busy days Task one find glasses. To all my friends and family in the UK please stay dry and safe and to everyone else enjoy the sunshine!

Winter Camping in Spain-Where am I now?!

OK so my wanderings were somewhat cut short due to the fact that many campsites were full but then my wanderings were lengthened due to the gales! To be on the safe side we took a slow wander back down the Coast and ended up at Florentilles! I know its only about ten miles from Marjal but I'm in a different world! No it wasn't the sound of the sea that woke me today but lovely hearing the birds in the trees and the sun shining.
We eventually managed to meet up with our friends Alistair and Sheila and of course it was compulsory to drink some red wine! On site there is a lovely little cafe run by a lovely Spanish lady. She obviously knows who her market is. Beef stew and chips -5 euros! OK not quite on the same level as the Italian the other night but a great quick meal. The little bar/cafe was full and there was a great atmosphere.There are lots of little toilet blocks scattered everywhere but hot water for showers is at the end of each row. They are all spotlessly clean. The pitches are of a very generous size with water and drainage. Nearly all have a view of the Salinas ( salt lakes) The only criticism is that I think the pitches have just had more gravel placed on then and our jockey wheel sank straight in! It could be fun getting the caravan out! You cannot disagree that this is a very pretty site...but where to next?! A second form of transport is definitely needed here but Los Montesinos and Los Balconies are literally about two miles away.

Yes fellow Brits do you remember that big yellow thing in the sky?! What a lovely start to the day! 
There are lots of very tasteful static caravans on here and if you stay 29 days or more the price comes down to 9 euros plus electric and water..not a bad deal and caravans and motorhomes pay the same price! Dogs are allowed but only in certain areas and are 2.50 a night-maybe that's why I have yet to see or hear one! Bliss! I love listening to the birds. It is really "a great to be alive day!" Well most days are but you know what I mean. A spring in my step etc! I might have to sit in the sunshine and have my coffee whilst I contemplate the meaning of life! Lol
Have a good day!

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Winter Camping Cap Blanch Altea- Am I in Switzerland?

OK so it was quite a wild day yesterday and through the night with gale force winds. We definitely made the right decision to stay another night. I actually quite like this campsite though we are the only Brits on here and its about 300 yards to the one loo block-so you have to plan if you think you may need the loo! Today its calm and lovely and sunny. Yesterday in the wind we decided to visit a goog camping shop at El Verger. We went along the N332 . I have nothing against motorhomes but I can see why the French call them 'moving road blocks!" No one in their right mind would have tried to move yesterday but two British motorhomes travelling in convoy did! They were travelling at 25 mph! Hellooo if you have to travel at that speed maybe just maybe its not safe to do so! The road is very bendy and quickly there was a queue of agitated drivers behind. Now I do appreciate that they may have had to get somewhere but even the bloody ferries are cancelled!  What is so very urgent that you have to risk your life and those of others?!
On the way back from the campshop we stumbled across an 'Iceland' we had a ready meal of roast beefvfor teaif Barratts or Wimpeys builders heard about their Yorkshire puddings they could use them instead of bricks! Actually with a nice bottle of red it all went down very well.
I have just been checking out the prices of this place...sorry its in french but no english was available

Can you spot the obvious? Its cheaper for a motorhome than a car and caravan?! Why? There is a huge Concorde on here and he is paying less than me in my little car and caravan! His rig is at least 120k! How the bloody hell is a caravan supposed to get here without a car?!  Errrr! I have only ever seen the two different rates in Switzerland butthere again lotsbof things are different in Switzerland! I will not be staying here again as I am making a point we should all be charged the same! After all, Im more enviromentally friendly..did I just say that?!
Anyhow its a lovely day and I had better drag his Lordship out of bed...moving..who knows where?! Have a good day folks!

Monday 10 February 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal, err not Javea!

  • Well some things are just not meant to be! We packed up from Marjal' to go on a 'little holiday'. I have been to Camping Javea a million times ( give or take one or two!). I have never booked and always managed to get on. The site is 'OK' but it has a lovely little bar and restaurant and a huge " Iceland' at the end of the street. Its only about an hour and twenty minutes away. I was looking forw are to seeing the sea but.....campsite full! Even the other terrible site in the area was full! What's going on?!
We phoned several campsites to get the same story. Eventually we found Cap Blanche at Altea who 'think we have two vacant pitches'. They would not save me a pitch so it was foot down until we got here. I have to say that the location of this place is superb

Directly outside the campsite is lovely promenade that has lots of bars and restaurants. As its Dave's birthday today I treated him to a meal in an Italian. It was superb. The bill came and it was 23 euros-that included a bottle of wine. I got 50 euros out but it was 23 euros for both of us! 
The campsite though is sadly lacking. The one toilet block is dated but clean. Its so far away that we paced it-its almost 300 paces-I hope we don't need to go in a hurry! I guess because we are 'overnight ERS we have been given one of the worst pitches ( next to a tower block of flats) but it was lovely waking up this morning to the sound of the sea.

I was really pleased when our French neighbours pulled on as we are the only foreigners here-every other unit is Dutch. I thought I was in Holland! 
As I type this some really strong winds have got up and the caravan is rocking for all the wrong reasons-will we move on today? Bad towing conditions....Who knows? The joy and the fun of touring...I love it!

Friday 7 February 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal-Has this place gone to the dogs?!

Morning world. Another sunny day albeit we have some wind. Nothing to do with baked beans! It appears its not just me that worries about how this place is developing and where we want to be.  On Wednesday a lovely Dutch lady appraoched me and asked me to sign a petition about cars going too fast down the main road between C and A blocks. I have to agree that they do fly down here and sometimes even with caravans on the back! There are no children along here and the best that they could do is knock down an irresponsble dog owner- not the dog!
Well I havent been to happy hour for two weeks now and not many Brits are going. Its such a shame as it used to be such a lovely event and "get together". It really wasnt just for the free drink! What has happened is that too many people are going and you are very lucky ifyou even get a seat. Its been like that for sometime now as the bar and restaurant simply arent big  enough but for the past 2 or three weeks the music has ruined it totally. I am being very kind in calling it music and its a long time since I have been anywhere at least 20 years too early! The music is certain;ly not my taste but he ho its also the volume that its played at and you are now unable to have a conversation with anyone above it. I believe that its Dutch but we have Dutch Days reguarly -its oompah oompah and if you hear a tune that you vaguely recognise its played so slow that I lose the will to live! Maybe its my age? Im too young?!! Yes I like that! I decided that I would have my own happy hour in my caravan only to have it disturbed by my mother who is nearly 80 complaining about the "Unhappy Hour" and the music was too old! It certainly hadnt stopped her drinking though- maybe it was to drown the whole bars sorrows!
I saw yesterday that on Marjal Friends Facebook page someone having a rant over the state of the spa. I really cannot comment as I have not been fortunate enough to get in this year but it would appear that certain spa rules are not being adhered to and the staff are not enforcing showering etc... should the staff have to tell people to take showers? What kind of people are we camping with?! The mind boggles.
Rumours are rife about price hikes and where the camping club are going to be sited next year. If yesterday was a customer satisfaction survey- 3 people came to ask me of other good sites that I knew of as they are not coming back! That is worrying and some of the people have been Marjal customers for years. The trouble is that most of the other better sites will already be booked up for next winter, like Lo Monte that I visited the other day and Bella Vista. Interestingly they are both smaller sites and are full. People are prepared to pay a lot more if the services are there and the site is run correctly. The jury is still very much out with me. I do find myself asking though with the exception of New Years eve "what has the campsite provided for me except a pitch in return for my money?!" Itd all just food for thought and Im looking forward to my holiday to be able to compare to other campsites in the area. After saying all this am I packed up? Am I organised?!! Err no better at least start as we have tickets for Elvis tomorrow which I was looking forward to but if rumours are correct they have sold 170 tickets for a place that only comfortably seats 120!! I ve paid me momey so I guess I just take my chances! Fingers crossed and I hope the rumours are wrong!
Enjoy the sunshine folks!

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal-a short drive down the coast and a beautiful campsite- but ouch pricey!

Yesterday we decided to go out for a drive down the Coast to Pilar de la Horadada which is just the other side of Playa Flamenco and Torrievieja. I fell in love with the coastline of Pilar Hoadada and its lovely little harbour. The only shame is that there is a lot of development going on and I fear it may spoil it but on the upside its probably a good sign for the Spanish economy as for too long there has been half completed buildings everywhere and areas like ghost towns.

I loved this courtyard or plaza and can imagine it on a hot sunny day when there are more people about. We then decided to visit a campsitethat opened within months of Marjal Costa Blanca-Camping Lo Monte. We visited it when it first opened and wow what a treat! We liked iot then but now it is fantastic. It is quite clearly well run and organised. Originally it was priced the same as here but now..well it can afford to as there was not a pitch spare and its almost fully booked for next year already. I can see why. The only problem is ,is that its very expensive and there are a lot of those huge Concordes there and Germans but they are probably one of the few nationalities that could afford to stay there. The large units like the Concordes are all sited around the perimiter of the site and placed together-phew what a great idea- everyone gets the sun. The inside had lots of nice pitches without fencing etc and lovely hedging marking out pitches. They had obvioulsy used conifer trees for quick growth and its worked very well as long as they remember to cut them soon! There are large grassed areas and in the distance the sea can be seen. It is within easy walking distance of the shops, the harbour pictured above and the little courtyard. I guess i would be a fair old walk but easy on a bicycle. The other lovely thing about it is that there is a small collection of restaurants that you could stagger back from! I did recogise one or two units on there from their registration numbers and they were previously regulars of Marjal Guardamar. I walked passed one of the indoor pools and there were only two people in it! It looked lovely. They had plenty of activities on site from line dancing to karaoke ,keep fit, aqua aerobics and various artistes appearing there. Hmmm definately a lovely site but I could not afford to stay long as in high season it goes up to 35 euros a night and they are apparantly getting it! They do not take ACSI and the average pitch is 18 euros a night! Eeeks! For long stays more than 90 days it is still 11 euros a day which I guess isnt too bad as you can at least get in and use all the facilities if you want to.
On the way back we stopped at Playa Flamenca and found an Italian restaurant. Wow! One of the best pizzas that I have ever had! I was really disappointed in Italy but they put the herbs etc and it was yummmm all for 7.50 euros! Its a bit nearer than Rome! If that place was in walking distance of the campsite the deal would have been clenched but its not!  So I am back here looking forward to my holiday next week! Holiday? Well moving the caravan about 80 miles up the coast for a week-change of scenery and all that.
The forecast today was for rain but I think it came in the middle of the night so heaven only knows what today will bring. All I know is that its time for me to get dressed and maybe do that swera word that begins with "I" as the crumpled clothes look doesnt look good any longer! Have a good day folks!

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal-Mob does rule!

Morning folks. A lovely sunny day on the Campsite even though the forecast was not good- what do they know? They are nearly as good here as our Met Office back in the UK`! Mind you they have been getting it right in the UK I think even I could be a weather forecaster "Today iy will be cold with rain!" Helllooooo its an English winter thats why we are all here!" Dont get me going on the climate change thing , cutting down tress and  building more houses etc etc! Im not a rocket scientist but I think I could be listening to some of the so called experts! Common sense? Do they posess any?!
Well that was a rant to start off with and Im supposed to be positive as its a lovely day. Im line dancing at 11 and then an afternoon out as Im begining to go stir crazy. I cant wait for my little holiday next week. Yes I have had enough at the moment and have decided its time for a holiday..where am I going? All of 40 miles or so to Javea! Its so easy here to get into a rut. I have a touring caravan and what am I doing? Touring? No! Ive been stationary too long and some of the things going on around here are not making it nice anymore. Maybe I will come back with a fresh set of eyes and view this place differently but for the moment! As I type this its not a fresh set of eyes that I need but ears! The problem is that where I am pitched I am surrounded by dogs but not only that everyone else who lives on the campsite with dogs has to walk past mine to get to the dog exercise area and as they do so it sets every bloody dog off! Its a shame because there are some really responsible dog owners on here but whatever you do in life there is always some that simply are inconsiderate and always go too far. Yesterday a couple who I only know by sight came by. They are not english, in fact I dont know what nationality they are but they had a dog with them that was well bahaved and they said that they read the blog but that they had finally had enough of dogs. Apparantly they had been in the restaurant and their meal was ruined by a dog yapping in the restaurant! Err just as I had said they were finally getting things right in there! lol
Now the mob rule thing. Theres a lovely couple who have been on the this site since just about it first opening. They are Belgian-is that how you spell it?! They are from Belguim-you know that small Country that makes chocalotes and beer! Well to cut a very long story short they have a pitch miles from anyone or so they thought as the wife a lovely lady has a medical condition. Anyhow they made a very reasonable polite request of their neighbour as their conduct was literally making his wife ill. The neighbour was from the Unfriendly Club. The Belguim lady was told to "F Off"  and then the unfriendly member went to strike her husband! Now that is really Friendly behaviour! What happened? Security was called and Im lead to believe that the campsite manager was informed......Result? The lovely Belguim couple have to leave! Well they havent but because of health conditions they have had to temporarily move right over to the other side of the campsite! I know its all about money but Marjal have a very tight line to walk between allowing the Unfriendly mob to take over and upset their regulars for a few months that they are here.
Yesterday saw me being very busy I had my car serviced in Elche. Even that at an authorised dealer is cheaper than in the UK but the one thing that is more expensive..or maybe Im out of touch is the cost of tyres. Yes I need some shortly and a alot of them are manufactured in Spain so why are they more expensive? If anyone has any contacts I would be interested to know. I cant complain though the mileage that I do. I have done 30, 000 miles on the same tyres- shame that they didnt come with a five year unlimited mileage too- theres just no pleasing some folks! Ahh yes I also taxed the car....oh no that could be another rant coming hundred and seventy five pounds to drive my car on UK roads for two weeks max and I thought Switzerland was expensive! Lol
Heres a bit of useless-useful information for you. I could never understand why in particular the Belguim and the Dutch people all seem to prefer  vans over cars for pulling caravans and just thought it an odd preference but apparantly there is a reason...they take the other seats out and pay less road tax! There you see what a mindful or useless, useful information I am! It does seem to fly a bit in the face of this green thing but dont get me going on european legislation  and the bloody directives that come from that place!
Starting on weekend of 14 th Feb ----oooh how romantic and the weekend after there is caravan exhibition at the Ferial near Alicante airport for anyone interested. I have been before and it was mainly Spanish and French caravan manufacturers dispalaying their vans with Cruz caravans having an accessory stand. If its raining its worth a day out thats all I will say but you can get money off tickets at reception! Another little gem of useful- useless information!
Right its about time I got dressed and got on with the day. Line dancing here I come- steel toe caps at the ready! Enjoy the sunshine floks!

Sunday 2 February 2014

Wniter Camping at Marjal- The Lunatics are at it again!

This place never ceases to amaze me. I do sometimes woder howmuch thought was given to what would happen when this campsite opened ans its clients are certainly putting this place to the test and it doesnt apar to be coping very well.
The latest sign to be put up.....its not about dogs yapping or peeing or dogs going in the toilet blocks or anything that is upsetting a lot of  people but  water being taken from the toilet blocks! Oh yes thats a real priority! Right Marjal will state its because they have had complaints that the showers arent hot. I can get that. A lot of the water is generated by solar but why dont we do something radical....and open another toilet block?! I for one do not take water from the toilet blocks as its far too far so there can only be a few people. The other day they ran out of washing machines..helllooo dont washing machines use water?!
Certainly the toilet block nearest to me is "cBlock" whereby people from A block have to use it. Everyone on C Block which is probably the busiest and then people from F block now as well and when the unfriendly Club cant get a washing machine they use the same Block! Now you dont have to be a rocket scientist to work out thats an awful lot of people and an odd bucket of water here and there is hardly going to make a big difference . Why not open block F s toilets?! Im sure its not buckets of water as most people on my row wash up in their own caravans and dont even use the showers- I hasten to add I do use the one in my own caravan!
This is supposed to be an eco site. Well I have to heat my own water either by gas or electricity- theirs is mainly  solar....who is the most eco friendly? Those stealing a bucket of water!
All this said though as with everything in life you do get people who take advantage. I was sitting at my mates yesterday which is near the toilet block of the Unfriendly Club as she gets a great wi fi signal and in the space of less than five minutes I saw the same man fetch three troggs full of water! What was he doing having a bath in his caravan?! Creating a private swimming pool for themselves now? Oh no they dont need to- they already have one! I remember we used to have access to  one a long time ago!
I think the problem is that they simply cannot cope with the amount of people here and seem totally unprepared.Certain campers have taken over the campsite and its like we have been taken over by muppets! Mob rule or lunatics running the assuylum, Im not sure which!
Wi fi all sorted at my mums and here. I darent tell you what the problem was.......yes Marjal was having to upgrade the system the very day that I was trying to sort it out but there are simply too many people trying to use it plus she has loads of big RVs in front of her  blocking the bloody system all with boosters on! We need a booster for the booster! Apparantly that block is going to be used next year or rather next winter for what it was intended, static asnd long term residents-ahh haa I bet they get F block toilets open!
Oh yes children. I actually love children but some were apparantly riding their bikes IN the toilet blocks! Yes the disabled loo makes a great place to park your pun intended! me we need another sign?! Can you imagine it "Dont park your bike in here!" The world is full of them...have they all come camping or is it only me thats sane?!! lol Have a good day!

Saturday 1 February 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal...Good news!

OK so I spent all afternoon on Thursday trying to get my mum WiFi in her fifth wheel. She is in line of sight of the mast but it was struggling because of all the RVs in front of her. I have a booster,so I dismantled my system to try it over at hers. I got 100% signal strength! Whey hey! Result one would have thought but could I get it on the net? Oh no. 3 laptops later, 3 tablets altered I gave up to start again yesterday afternoon with a clear head as it could only be something simple. I went across yesterday afternoon and to my horror only had 7% strength! I hadn't touched anything! After about another two hours a neighbour walked in " Marjal have been working on the WiFi mast! ' Grrrrrrrr! So today is day three of trying to get my mum WiFi and changing all those settings again! Its a good job that I'm retired as how many hours have I wasted?! Marjal really haven't mastered the art of communication!
Talking of that Valentines Day is advertised 'My dad and me' but despite a friend asking a Spanish person what the hell it is-no one has any bloody idea! Maybe I could do a show at half the price " my mum and me!"
Now surprise surprise they really have something very right. Last night I ate in the Rennie's needed! What a fantastic meal I had. Menu del DiA was amazing. The service was great too. My only criticism is that we went up at 7 o clock and the restaurant didn't open until 8! I know that's when the Spanish eat but hellloooo who are you catering for? There's hardly any Spanish on the bloody site! The shame of it was that there were only between 20_30 people in the restaurant and the site is so busy. I guess its hard when somewhere has a bad reputation to get customers back again but it really was good.
This weekend is Orhuiellas medieval market. If you haven't been before it is a definite must do. Its really like stepping back in time. The attention to detail-they even put straw down on the cobbled streets with flocks of geese and things running through and men on horseback. Some amazing food and great stalls. Night time is definitely the best time to visit to get the full atmosphere.
Well folks I'm off to start fixing blooming computers again...if I could garuntee the food would be as good as last night I might even be tempted back into the restaurant tonight!