Wednesday 30 April 2014

Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Tour Day 9

We all arrived safely yesterday at an old favourite site of mine Los Batanes. The weather didn't let us down..dare I say its too hot! We had a lovely welcome drink with tapas and then...oh no more wine and food.
Today we went for an 8k walk. No I haven't lost my way but this really is a walk with a difference

There was only one or two hills to climb but it was worth it
Oh yes the views were stunning but look at our guide Antonio-Im in love!
The next big hill/mountain enabled us to look down on the campsite

Oh yes wild peon is ( if that's how you spell it ) pretty flowers to the likes of me!
As I've said I'm not into walking but I just could be with these views and particularly with Antonio! Its not good for an old girls blood pressure so tomorrow its off to Las Lomax in Granada. Its my turn to go first so I'd better stick to tea tonight...don't worry I'm sure I will make up for it at our planned meal tomorrow! 

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