Thursday 17 April 2014

Camping Holiday Monte What a Day!

Loving it here but spoilt only by a bloody dog! I don't believe it! A huge perfect campsite and what arrives next to me?! Yap! Yap! It was at it all night and woke us up at 7 am! I don't know how I do it?! Its an amazing skill! Yesterday was a super day though. We decided to go and explore and find a supermarket. Well we found a supermarket of sorts but the little village that we found was even better!
 Note the stork!

We were well untruly off the Tourist map and the people were so friendly and unaccustome:-) d to Brits. Working in the so called supermarket was a mother and her daughter. The mother proudly told me that her daughter spoke english....well sort of! Mother had just finished making some meat dish herself from pork and the daughter was equally proud so we bought some. Heaven only knows what it was! It was that orangey colour and I believe had saffron in. I spent 15 euros in total but I really didn't know what I had and I certainly didn't have the fresh milk that I wanted! It was great fun though and a lovely find.
Still on the milk trail we were feeling smug with our discovery so let's go to the village in the opposite!
OK so there isn't a pic of the village as I was solo blown away! It was obviously an area visited by the Spanish but I managed to find a very tight parking spot. As I was trying to get the car in a space a guy started helping me by giving directions. We then thanked him and he said in very good english " where in Yorkshire do you come from? I used to live there!". He went on to tell me that he worked in Madrid and loved this area and it was only a 40 minute drive for him. It reminded him of Yorkshire!" So I met the local butter or clearly a candidate for Specsavers! As much as I do love areas of Yorkshire ..helooo it was sunny at 23 degrees! Hmm it takes all sorts to make a world! 
Guess what? We never found any bloody fressh milk! The locals were so friendly. I think it was a little like Portugal and many countries the further north you get away from traditional tourist destinations the friendlier the people became. We were something of a novelty ( hmm that and similar has been said before!)
Well we came back to the campsite and the smell of whatever meat it was was driving us mad. I had a brainwave of sorts...let's make paella with it. Our very own english paella. Please don't ask what the hell we threw in it!
Amazingly enough whatever it was it tasted fine! We then watched the local entertainment. A young Spanish family arrived with a caravan ( the one complete with happy dog!) Well it took them over 50 minutes to put it on a pitch! I am trying to take a picture on the sly because after all that time you have never seen such a cock eyed caravan in your life. They must be falling out of bed! Ahh has maybe that's why the dogs can't stand up?!
OK so after all this excitement it was time for EastEnders! ( very sad!) but even in this remote area and with limited with fi we got it! A celebratory rum and coke was called for! Who needs to carry a bloody big satellite dish?! Oh so yesterday! More to the point they take up far too much valuable wine space!
Well it looks as though its going to be a lovely day again here. Incidentally this place may be of use to some of my friends travelling up to the Spanish ports as a stop over-its open 365 days of the year and has various accommodation to rent.
Well off to clear up after my Yorkshire pealla. Have a good day folks..let's see if I can find some milk!

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