Sunday 27 April 2014

Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Tour-phew a day off!

Yes a day off? Its been such a hard tour so far going to all these places and eating and drinking so much! This site really has pulled out all the stops to welcome us. The weather has not been so kind though which has been ideal for wandering around places. Today is a washing day etc and its glorious sunshine-just perfect and lunch is booked in the superb on site restaurant. Well if anyone thinks that I'm cooking after the way we have been pampered they can think again!
Yesterday our coach arrived at 0830 to take us to Segovia. After checking all the rain was going to be a good day...never believe the internet! The campsite provided us all with our 'goody bag' again but hey presto they even had spare waterproof pack a macs!
Segovia has a very impressive aqueduct which we saw from the bus!
Then it was off to the Royal Castle. It is so pretty on a nice day. It is said that this is where Walt Disney got his inspiration from for the Disney Castles. There is certainly a resemblance
Some of the views from within this fairytale castle were also amazing
And then..oh no..more lovely food to try in a superb restaurant! The first course was typical bean stew but look at the size of the blooming beans! This was followed by suckling pig a dessert and of course complimentary wine!
As you can see it was really hard work! Even the blue water bottles were lovely!
Oh another lovely touch provided by the campsite on both days were individual damp cloths to clean our hands before eating! Yes they had thought of everything!
From there it was to another Royal Palace where it was a tapestry museum but the gardens were amazing-well I imagine that they would be if the sun was shining!
The views all around were stunning even in the rain!
We arrived back at the campsite at 7.30 pm all totally cream crackered. They had put really good entertainment on in the bat but I'm sorry to say that I let the side down and party pooped! Yes me! I must be I'll?! Tomorrow is a day off...all it means is chance to have a muck out before off we go again! I can't believe a week of this Tour has gone already-just bring on the sunshine please!

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