Thursday 3 April 2014

Camping at Marjal-how do I get any sleep?!

Well I think I'm really turning into a zombie. Every cloud has a silver lining and if you get up at 5 am you get a good WiFi signal!Two nights ago I didn't sleep as I was worried about my mum worrying ( I know its woman's logic!) The night before last we had rain. Quite an unusual event and it was one shower after another on the caravan roof. We are planning to move on Monday so we spent yesterday morning cleaning and putting away the big Isabella awning. We have a new lightweight awning so we put that up. Its really only light so I checked the forecast and no wind or strong wind was forecasted...wrong! Strong gales!
I gave up at around 5am and just got up. The caravan was rocking for all the wrong reasons. Its lovely though neighbours who saw me putting the little awning up coming round to ask if we are OK at this time in the morning! Heaven only knows how but so far so good! Its more than I can say for the monstrasity of the fence opposite me. The wind has certainly done us all a favour there!  Its probably the most ugly American trailer that I have ever seen surrounded by a bamboo fence. I sound a snob but it just looked so...tacky and that's when it was standing upright!  The trouble is I don't think the people who own it aren't back until may time when I doubt that there will be much left! Every cloud and all that.
Ooh daylight is coming and the wind maybe subsiding. Phew. What a test for the little awning! This was certainly not in my great master plan! So today..err take it easy and do the thing is for certain if I can keep it on the line it will dry! Every cloud really does have a silver lining!
It might look a bit batt
ered but it held!

More than we can say for fencing! Hope you have all least its cleared the Saharan dust away!

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