Thursday 3 April 2014

Can,ping at Marjal Costa Blanca Watch your accounts!

I haven't blogged for a few days and this comes as a warning to you all to hang on to all your receipts here.
As many of you know my mum has a fifth wheeler on here. It doesn't move. The thing stays put. Mum comes from an era when everyone in her little world is honest and everything is paid on time.
She we ant on April 1st to pay her monthly bill that was due that very day to be told that she had to clear her three months in arrears! She was mortified. She was adament that she had paid. She doesn't have internet banking and all her bank statements were in the UK. I duly went and saw the Office manageress who printed out from the computer that my mother hadn't paid for four months! Since September. The panic really set in. That was over 1000 euros. I explained that it would be necessary for me to phone england and would involve a lot of time and money. It was very evident that their wonderful account system couldn't possibly be wrong and it was up to us to prove that she had paid. So somehow and somewhere mum had managed to lose four receipts? The fifth wheeler was taken to pieces-no joy.
She admitted that they had both been awake since 3.15 am with worry. John was ready to pack his things and leave. This wasn't helped by the fact that they have once again closed their toilet block and their prices have gone up.What are they playing at?!
I was just about to phone mums bank and hallelujah she found ONE receipt! The ironic thing was she had paid for the full year last year in one go! She had paid Sept, Oct, nov and December!  We then interrogated Johns diary and since January they had paid monthly. I duly went up to the Office. I was really cross. Not as much as an explanation or an apology. I showed the receipt that I had got and was then informed it was down to us again to prove that shed paid monthly since January...I think not!  We are not wasting anymore of our time. Its clear your computer is wrong! How many people of her age could just haveaid it again? How many of our bills are wrong?! I think its an appauling way to treat a cutomer never mind a person of her age.
Yes the Unfriendly Club have just about all gone and the day after they left the toilet block over there was closed again! Why? We really are second rate campers. Mum probably now has to walk approximately half a mile to our over used toilet block! What if she wants to use a washing machine? Yes she has a shower and toilet in her fifth wheel but so do all the caravans and motorhomes that came! Shouldn't they now get a reduction as they don't have all the facilities?! Grr Its probably a good job that I'm leaving on Monday. I hope that they sort this mess out but in the meantime WATCH your bills!
Well yesterday I washed the caravan and awning in preparation.I knew that rain was forecast but its usually nothing and the Saharan dust nearly always comes in the winter..wrong! I had the cleanest rig and I woke up this morning to find its orange! Grrrr! I wiped everything down again this morning and wash leathered everything dry only for my obnoxious inconsiderate neighbour to wet it all again as he has decided to wash his things down!How I love that man ( not!)
Oh I tried a super Italian restaurant the other night. Rialto at Benijofar well it could be Benimar ( just where it changes) Its called Rialto. Menu del Niches 10.50 inc drink-excellent! I will be back! Italian done correctly is by far my favourite food.
Well there is a little breeze now let's hope it dries things out and I can get this awning down..I'm really excited about moving but loops I have to pay my bill first....I wonder how many months I owe?! Have a good one!

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