Monday 28 April 2014

Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Tour-wow just love this place!

Well I liked Monte Holiday in any event but it just keeps getting better and if ever anyone wants to escape from the intense heat or is looking for a night halt this is definitely the place.
We met with Antonio the manager yesterday and he is fluent in english. He was keen to tell us more about the site and show us round. What I didn't realise is that everything is eco powered by wood chip. He cut his energy bill from 65 000 euros to 17000 per year and that includes heating the poool! They have won two recent awards from Alan Rogers. The boiler even feeds itself ( why can't we have hubbies like that?!) Well I'm not a green person but even I was impressed. Its like a central heating for the entire campsite.
OK so that's as technical as I get. He then wanted to show us his new 54 deluxe pitches that will be open in six weeks time. 120 sq metres as standard with water,drainage etc but omg the views!
Now I'd already been blown away by this place but then I was shown a prototype of....

Omg I so need to stay here. Waking up to this view
It has its own balcony and is thatched so it is sound proofed and insulated. It sleeps 4 and has its own bathroom and basic cooking facilities! Amazing! They have more planned.
From seeing all this we were almost late for our get together!

And then it was one hell of a dash as we were eating out ( again!)
This meal in the restaurant was not in the itinary but we got together and came up with a Special menu just for us. It was a tapas meal to try a bit of everything and oh drinks! 
The next tour that we are hosting is in France. The Champagne Tour. I think it should be with Alcohol Anonymous! On the move again today..Los Batanes here we come!

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